Analyze and Take Action on Feedback in Airtable - Airtable Guides

Analyze and take action on product feedback

Once you have all of your feedback collected and sorted, it’s time to draw insights from this data and begin triaging to different teams. 

Let’s explore a few ways you can visualize trends across feedback and get top priorities in front of the right audience.

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In this step, we’ll explore this team-level template. Dive deeper into the product operations workflow here

Highlight customer trends with apps

App dashboards can be utilized to highlight trends across customer feedback. We often see Airtable users drawing customer insights using common reporting apps like:

  • Chart app: Whether it’s a bar, pie, line, or scatter chart, you can use this app to visualize feedback by type, week over week. You can also chart your feedback by recommended rating. It’s up to you!

  • Pivot table app: Use the pivot table app to view the number of feedback submissions by recommended rating and feature, or by experience rating and feature.

  • Summary app: This large number can reflect your number of total feedback submissions.

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Install these apps straight from the apps marketplace—take a look in our product operations base by clicking “Apps,” then “Customer Feedback Dashboard.”

Accelerate feedback triage with custom interfaces and automations

Interfaces are perfect if you have a lot of feedback—they allow teams to quickly tag, categorize, and score individual feedback, accelerating triage. Click the interface icon at the top of your base to begin, then select a layout.

Create an interface

Try it in your base now

⚡ Pro tip

While you can choose any layout you want (and even create your own from the ground up with the blank layout), we recommend the record review layout. This layout lets you sort through multiple records with ease, making it easy for collaborators to triage feedback.

Connect the interface to the table containing your feedback, then drag and drop the relevant fields into the interface. If there are particular fields you’d like reviewers to interact with, make them editable.

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Create a comprehensive feedback triage interface that lets collaborators switch between records and edit their statuses once they’ve been successfully triaged. Common fields you might want to include are things like the feedback source, the user who made a specific request, feedback status, associated product owner, or product theme. 

In addition to interfaces, automations are handy for expediting the feedback triage process by handling the manual tasks for you. Consider using the power of automations for the following workflows:

  • Publish ideas to channels like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or email distribution lists for immediate visibility and feedback

  • Expedite the resolution of feedback and reported bugs from your largest customers by alerting product and engineering stakeholders over Slack or custom triage interfaces 

  • Keep your teams and systems in sync by automatically creating a Jira issue for engineering teams when issues are reported—any updates in your table are then reflected in Jira 

  • Close the feedback loop with CSMs by  sending automatic notifications when there are status changes to customer feedback

There you have it: different concepts you can apply to your product feedback process to guide holistic, data-driven planning. 

As a quick recap, you can harness the power of Airtable to support both your external feedback (NPS, tickets, CRM, bug reports) and internal feedback processes (sales/CSM feedback). And when your org scales, Airtable can grow with you—integrations let you connect your third-party tools to Airtable, so all of your feedback can live in one place.

At this stage, you’ll be able to influence and measure several metrics, like:

  • Maximizing research in informing product planning

  • Building on customer delight by closing the loop on shipping feature requests

Centralizing your data creates a solid foundation, so teams can build products that make the greatest customer impact. Sounds like positive feedback to us. 👍

You have your feedback—now, it’s time to start setting objectives.

About the author

Airtableis the digital operations platform that empowers people closest to the work to accelerate their most critical business processes. Across every industry, leading enterprises trust Airtable to power workflows in product operations, marketing operations, and more – all with the power of AI built-in. More than 500,000 organizations, including 60% of the Global 2000, rely on Airtable for digital operations and citizen development to help transform how work gets done.

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