Create workflows from your social media data
Connect Airtable + Facebook in the Airtable platform
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Connect Airtable + Facebook using Zapier
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What is Facebook?
Facebook lets you connect with your customers, fans, and followers on the world's largest social network.
What can you do with Airtable + Facebook?
The Airtable and Facebook integration allows you to sync social media data between both platforms through Airtable Automations. Manage your personal or company Facebook account seamlessly with Airtable. Archive posts from your Facebook page and post to your Facebook profile or Page from Airtable.
What are the requirements to use this integration?
User Permissions
Admins must enable integration permissions (Airtable Enterprise tier only)
Native or iPaaS*
How do you get started?
To set up and learn more about using our native integration, please read our support article.