interface LinkProps extends AriaProps, LinkStyleProps, TooltipAnchorProps<HTMLAnchorElement>
children | React.ReactNode | string The contents of the link. |
className | undefined | string Additional class names to apply to the link. |
dataAttributes | DataAttributesProp Data attributes that are spread onto the element, e.g. |
href | string The target URL or URL fragment for the link. |
icon | IconName | ReactElement The name of the icon or a react node. For more details, see the list of supported icons. |
id | undefined | string The |
size | TextSizeProp The size of the link. Defaults to |
style | React.CSSProperties Additional styles to apply to the link. |
tabIndex | undefined | number Indicates if the link can be focused and if/where it participates in sequential keyboard navigation. |
target | undefined | string Specifies where to display the linked URL. |
underline | undefined | false | true Adds an underline to the link when true. |
variant | LinkVariant The variant of the link, which defines the color. Defaults to |