interface InputProps extends SharedInputProps
aria-describedby | undefined | string A space separated list of description element IDs. |
aria-labelledby | undefined | string A space separated list of label element IDs. |
autoComplete | undefined | string The |
autoFocus | undefined | false | true The |
className | undefined | string Additional class names to apply to the input, separated by spaces. |
disabled | undefined | false | true The |
id | undefined | string The |
max | number | string The |
maxLength | undefined | number The |
min | number | string The |
minLength | undefined | number The |
name | undefined | string The |
pattern | undefined | string The |
placeholder | undefined | string The placeholder for the input. |
readOnly | undefined | false | true The |
required | undefined | false | true The |
size | ControlSizeProp The size of the input. Defaults to |
spellCheck | undefined | false | true The |
step | number | string The |
style | React.CSSProperties Additional styles to apply to the input. |
tabIndex | undefined | number The |
type | undefined | "number" | "time" | "text" | "date" | "datetime-local" | "email" | "month" | "password" | "search" | "tel" | "url" | "week" The |
value | string The input's current value. |
onBlur | function (e: FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => unknown A function to be called when the input loses focus. |
onChange | function (e: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => unknown A function to be called when the input changes. |
onFocus | function (e: FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => unknown A function to be called when the input gains focus. |