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A class designed to facilitate the automated testing of Airtable Extensions outside of a production Extensions environment. Each instance creates a simulated Base which is distinct from any other Base created in this way. Custom Extensions can be instantiated using an instance of this class; see the Container method.

The example code for this class's methods is written in terms of a non-existent Airtable Extension called MyCustomExtension. Each example includes a description of the presumed behavior for that Extension. Consumers of this library will work with their own Extensions whose behavior differs from these examples, so their tests will be distinct in this regard.


class TestDriver
readonly baseBase

The simulated Base associated with this instance.

readonly cursorCursor

The Cursor instance associated with this instance's Base.

readonly globalConfigGlobalConfig

A simulated GlobalConfig instance. This always starts empty.

readonly sessionSession

A Session instance. This will correspond to the first collaborator in your fixture data.

function (__namedParameters: Object) => Element

A React Component which may be used to wrap Extension Components, enabling them to run outside of a production Extensions environment.

import TestDriver from '@airtable/blocks-testing';
// Given MyCustomExtension, an Airtable Extension which defines a React Component...
const MyCustomExtension = require('../src/my_custom_extension');
// And given myFixtureData, a data structure describing the initial
// state of a simulated Airtable Base...
const myFixtureData = require('./my_fixture_data');
const testDriver = new TestDriver(myFixtureData);
<MyCustomExtension />
function (tableIdOrName: TableId | string, fieldIdOrName: FieldId | string) => Promise<void>

Destroy a Field in the simulated Base.

import TestDriver from '@airtable/blocks-testing';
// Given MyCustomExtension, an Airtable Extension which displays the names of all
// the Fields in the active Table...
import MyCustomExtension from '../src/my_custom_extension';
// And given myFixtureData, a data structure describing an Airtable
// Base which contains a Table named "Table One" with three Fields...
import myFixtureData from './my_fixture_data';
import {render, screen} from '@testing-library/react';
const testDriver = new TestDriver(myFixtureData);
let items, itemTexts;
<MyCustomExtension />
// Verify that MyExtension initially displays all three Fields
items = screen.getAllByRole('listitem');
itemTexts = items.map((el) => el.textContent);
expect(itemTexts).toEqual(['1st field', '2nd field', '3rd field']);
// Simulate the destruction of the Field named "2nd field"
await testDriver.deleteFieldAsync('Table One', '2nd field');
// Verify that MyExtension correctly updates to describe the two remaining
// Fields
items = screen.getAllByRole('listitem');
itemTexts = items.map((el) => el.textContent);
expect(itemTexts).toEqual(['1st field', '3rd field']);
function (tableIdOrName: TableId | string) => void

Destroy a Table in the simulated Base.

import TestDriver from '@airtable/blocks-testing';
// Given MyCustomExtension, an Airtable Extension which displays the names of all
// the Tables in the Base...
import MyCustomExtension from '../src/my_custom_extension';
// And given myFixtureData, a data structure describing an Airtable
// Base which contains three Tables...
import myFixtureData from './my_fixture_data';
import {render, screen} from '@testing-library/react';
const testDriver = new TestDriver(myFixtureData);
let items, itemTexts;
<MyCustomExtension />
// Verify that MyExtension initially displays all three Tables
items = screen.getAllByRole('listitem');
itemTexts = items.map((el) => el.textContent);
expect(itemTexts).toEqual(['1st table', '2nd table', '3rd table']);
// Simulate the destruction of the Table named "2nd table"
testDriver.deleteTable('2nd table');
// Verify that MyExtension correctly updates to describe the two remaining
// Table
items = screen.getAllByRole('listitem');
itemTexts = items.map((el) => el.textContent);
expect(itemTexts).toEqual(['1st table', '3rd table']);
function (tableIdOrName: TableId | string, viewIdOrName: ViewId | string) => Promise<void>

Destroy a View in the simulated Base.

import TestDriver from '@airtable/blocks-testing';
// Given MyCustomExtension, an Airtable Extension which displays the names of all
// the Views in the active Table...
import MyCustomExtension from '../src/my_custom_extension';
// And given myFixtureData, a data structure describing an Airtable
// Base which contains a Table named "Table One" with three Views...
import myFixtureData from './my_fixture_data';
import {render, screen} from '@testing-library/react';
const testDriver = new TestDriver(myFixtureData);
let items, itemTexts;
<MyCustomExtension />
// Verify that MyExtension initially displays all three Views
items = screen.getAllByRole('listitem');
itemTexts = items.map((el) => el.textContent);
expect(itemTexts).toEqual(['1st view', '2nd view', '3rd view']);
// Simulate the destruction of the Field named "2nd view"
await testDriver.deleteViewAsync('Table One', '2nd view');
// Verify that MyExtension correctly updates to describe the two remaining
// Views
items = screen.getAllByRole('listitem');
itemTexts = items.map((el) => el.textContent);
expect(itemTexts).toEqual(['1st view', '3rd view']);
function (tableAndOrView: TableAndOrView) => void

Update the active Table and/or the active View of the Extension's Cursor. Either table or view must be specified.

testDriver.setActiveCursorModels({view: 'My grid view'});
import TestDriver from '@airtable/blocks-testing';
// Given MyCustomExtension, an Airtable Extension which displays the names of the
// active Table...
import MyCustomExtension from '../src/my_custom_extension';
// And given myFixtureData, a data structure describing an Airtable
// Base which contains two Tables...
import myFixtureData from './my_fixture_data';
import {render, screen} from '@testing-library/react';
const testDriver = new TestDriver(myFixtureData);
let heading;
<MyCustomExtension />
// Verify that MyExtension initially displays the first Table
heading = screen.getByRole('heading');
expect(heading.textContent).toBe('First table');
// Simulate the end user selecting the second Table from the Airtable
// user interface
testDriver.setActiveCursorModels(({table: 'Second table'});
// Verify that MyExtension correctly updates to describe the newly-selected
// Table
heading = screen.getByRole('heading');
expect(heading.textContent).toBe('Second table');
function (pickRecord: PickRecord) => void

Specify the outcome of a request for the user to select a record in the UI created by expandRecordPickerAsync.

import TestDriver from '@airtable/blocks-testing';
// Given MyCustomExtension, an Airtable Extension which prompts the end user to
// select a Record and displays the name of the Record they selected...
import MyCustomExtension from '../src/my_custom_extension';
// And given myFixtureData, a data structure describing the initial
// state of a simulated Airtable Base...
import myFixtureData from './my_fixture_data';
import {render, screen} from '@testing-library/react';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
const testDriver = new TestDriver(myFixtureData);
testDriver.simulateExpandedRecordSelection((tableId, recordIds) => {
return recordIds[1];
<MyCustomExtension />
// Simulate a user clicking on a button in MyCustomExtension labeled with the
// text "Choose record". If MyCustomExtension reacts to this event by invoking
// the SDK's `expandRecordPickerAsync`, then it will receive the second
// available record due to the function that is provided to
// `simulateExpandedRecordSelection` above.
const button = screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Choose record'});
// Verify that MyCustomExtension correctly responds to the simulated user's
// input
const heading = await waitFor(() => screen.getByRole('heading'));
.toBe('You selected the record named "Number Two"');
function (check: function (mutation: Mutation) => boolean) => void

Specify the outcome of internal permission checks. This influences the behavior of not only explicit permission checks from Extensions code but also the outcome of model operations such as createRecordsAsync.

import TestDriver from '@airtable/blocks-testing';
// Given MyCustomExtension, an Airtable Extension which displays a button labeled
// "Add" and which disables that button for users who lack "write"
// permissions to the Base...
import MyCustomExtension from '../src/my_custom_extension';
// And given myFixtureData, a data structure describing the initial
// state of a simulated Airtable Base...
import myFixtureData from './my_fixture_data';
import {render, screen} from '@testing-library/react';
const testDriver = new TestDriver(myFixtureData);
// Configure the test driver to reject all "create record" mutations.
testDriver.simulatePermissionCheck((mutation) => {
return mutation.type !== 'createMultipleRecords';
<MyCustomExtension />
// Verify that MyCustomExtension recognizes that the current user may not
// create Records and that disables the corresponding aspect of the user
// interface.
const button = screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Add'});
function (key: Key, fn: function (data: WatchableKeysAndArgs[Key]) => void) => void

De-register a function which was previously registered with watch. See WatchableKeysAndArgs for the available keys.

import TestDriver from '@airtable/blocks-testing';
// Given MyCustomExtension, an Airtable Extension which enters "full screen" mode
// in response to certain interactions...
const MyCustomExtension = require('../src/my_custom_extension');
// And given myFixtureData, a data structure describing the initial
// state of a simulated Airtable Base...
const myFixtureData = require('./my_fixture_data');
let testDriver;
let enterCount;
let increment = () => {
enterCount += 1;
// Configure the test runner to create a TestDriver instance before
// every test and to listen for requests to enter "full screen" mode
beforeEach(() => {
testDriver = new TestDriver(myFixtureData);
enterCount = 0;
testDriver.watch('enterFullscreen', increment);
// Configure the test runner to remove the event listener after every
// test. (The next test will have a new instance of TestDriver with its
// own event handler, so this one is no longer necessary.)
afterEach(() => {
testDriver.unwatch('enterFullscreen', increment);
// (include tests using the `testDriver` and `enterCount` variables
// here)
function (recordIds: Array<RecordId>) => void

Simulate a user visually selecting a set of Records in the active Table. This operation is unrelated to an Extension's programmatic "selection" of records via, e.g. Table.selectRecords. To deselect all records, invoke this method with an empty array.

import TestDriver from '@airtable/blocks-testing';
// Given MyCustomExtension, an Airtable Extension which displays the number of
// Records that an end user has selected in the active Table...
import MyCustomExtension from '../src/my_custom_extension';
// And given myFixtureData, a data structure describing the initial
// state of a simulated Airtable Base...
import myFixtureData from './my_fixture_data';
import {render, screen} from '@testing-library/react';
const testDriver = new TestDriver(myFixtureData);
<MyCustomExtension />
// Retrieve all the Records present in the first Table in the Base
const records = await testDriver.base.tables[0].selectRecordsAsync();
// Simulate an end-user selecting the second and fourth Record
testDriver.userSelectRecords([records[1].id, records[3].id]);
// Verify that MyCustomExtension correctly responds to the simulated user's
// input
const heading = await waitFor(() => screen.getByRole('heading'));
expect(heading.textContent).toBe('2 records selected');
function (key: Key, fn: function (data: WatchableKeysAndArgs[Key]) => void) => void

Register a function to be invoked in response to a given internal event. See WatchableKeysAndArgs for the available keys and the values which are included when they are emitted.

import TestDriver from '@airtable/blocks-testing';
// Given MyCustomExtension, an Airtable Extension which presents the user with one
// button for each available Record, and which responds to button clicks
// by expanding the Record in the Airtable user interface...
import MyCustomExtension from '../src/my_custom_extension';
// And given myFixtureData, a data structure describing an Airtable
// Base which contains a Table with three records...
import myFixtureData from './my_fixture_data';
import {render, screen} from '@testing-library/react';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
const testDriver = new TestDriver(myFixtureData);
// Keep track of every time MyCustomExtension attempts to expand a Record in
// the Airtable user interface
let expandedRecordIds = [];
testDriver.watch('expandRecord', ({recordId}) => {
<MyCustomExtension />
// Verify that MyCustomExtension does not expand any Records prior to user
// interaction
// Simulate a user clicking on the second button in MyCustomExtension, which
// is expected to correspond to the second Record in the simulated Base
const buttons = screen.getAllByRole('button');
// Verify that MyCustomExtension correctly expanded the second Record in the
// Airtable user interface