Retrieve, add, and modify users and groups.
We support a subset of the specification for System for Cross-domain Identity Management, or SCIM. We support a select list of user attributes.
Note: SCIM user management is only available for the Business, Enterprise, and Enterprise Scale plans, while SCIM group management is only available for the Enterprise and Enterprise Scale plans. SSO is a prerequisite for creating and updating users, since we don't allow setting passwords with SCIM. Only managed users can be retrieved and managed using the SCIM API.
Airtable Field | SCIM Attribute | Required |
id , userId | id | False |
email | userName | True |
firstName | givenName | True |
lastName | familyName | True |
state "provisioned" | "deactivated" | active boolean | True |
These attributes are stored and saved for reporting purposes only. We store them when they're sent via SCIM endpoints, and we return them as part of user CSV downloads from the Enterprise Admin Panel.
Airtable Field | SCIM Attribute | Required |
External ID | externalId ID in the identity provider's system | False |
Title | title | False |
Enterprise user schema extension fields, which are nested inside an object property with the key: urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User
Airtable Field | SCIM Attribute | Required |
Cost center | costCenter | False |
Department | department | False |
Division | division | False |
Organization | organization | False |
Manager display name | manager.displayName | False |
Manager | manager.value | False |