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Org management glossary

Glossary of terms used in org management endpoints

Internal user

A user whose email domain is one of the email domains belonging to the enterprise account.

External user

A user whose email domain is NOT one of the email domains belonging to the enterprise account but is a collaborator on one of the enterprise account’s workspaces or bases.

Provisioned user

User can login to Airtable.

Deactivated user

User is blocked from logging in to Airtable.

Managed user

The user is considered to be administered by the enterprise account.

Unmanaged user

A user whose email domain is one of the email domains belonging to the Organization, but is not owned by the organization. The most common example of unmanaged users is customers with multiple Organizations (multiple enterprise accounts).

Outstanding invite

An invite that is either (1) single use and has not been accepted or is (2) multi use.