Detailed Description**
Continuing from the summary, I have no crimes bar a single assault against a draugar in a tomb, and I am currently blessed by Arkays shrine.
Where the hell do innkeepers cook their food?? There are a few towns in Skyrim where it's really hard to find an actual fire/pot combo. This is immersion breaking, because obviously the locals need a fire/pot combo to make their own food, and annoying from a gameplay perspective because then you can't make any food without scouring town or getting into a local's house. And even then, not all locals actually have pots in their own hearths.
Shop was locked at 1:45pm
User reports that he has exhausted all dialog options, but the “speechcraft option” to persuade college entry doesnt appear
See Screenshots
Similar to general complaints about Build viability - Some builds stuggle with Dragonborn.
When owning the Wabbajack, you can turn a tomato into a soul tomato petty grade, or fuse 1 tomato with any soul gem, and get 1 grade higher of soul tomato i.e. 1 tomato + 1 lesser soul gem = 3 common soul tomato.
requiem - GIST does not know what to do with these soul tomatoes, and will place petty souls into lesser soul gems, when there are empty petty soul tomatoes available.
Bug 1. When playing on a normal requiem build (either other modlists or my own modlist) the sprinting power has no recharge time, one of the main ways of fighting a dragon for an example is to sprint power attack it nonstop (if you have the stamina for it ofc) while going back and fourth to avoid getting hit as much as possible. in Wildlander this is not possible, because once you have SPA (sprinted power attacked) once, you can't do it again for at least 0.75 seconds, you can see in the video i am pressing and holding the left mouse button but my character always will normal attack after a sprinting attack. this is much more noticeable in two handed for some reason.
Bug 2. the Evasion perk (vexing flanker if i recall correctly) level 50 perk from the right side of the tree, does not work properly as in normal requiem, once again if i'm playing in another Requiem modlist or my own, the perk affects sprinting attacks and sprinting power attacks, while in wildlander, it affects running power attacks and running attacks, as you can see in the video i'm opening the inventory mid SPA to show that the damage amp is removed the moment i SPA, that makes not only SPA weakens but the perk redundent.
My character looks fine, named NPCs look fine, but bandits look like this. I even reinstalled to try and fix it.
Detailed Description**
Basically I figured this out while killing Nimhe the spider - I had 2 fire atronachs out and was throwing fireballs - I figured because the atronachs didn't take any damage they wouldn't consider it an attack (Which is funny because they don't consider any other form of fire damage an attack I tested them.) But if I hit a fire atronach with 2 fireballs they just start attacking you.
This occurs when her sleep robes match her day clothing, Sleep tight removes the Sleep clothes from the inventory on "wake up" this means she no longer has "day clothes" to equip.
Bread static has weird Black blocks on it
*Master bedroom*
Here is the hud with my tweaks for 21:9 @ 3440x1440. I also installed the Complete Widescreen Fix for Vanilla and SkyUI as many menus were incorrectly scaled. I have attached the screenshot showing my load order and hidden files. MCM menu options were left completely default during install.
See attached screenshot (note: i have a lantern on here)
There are some armor pieces that are not vanilla in the game and sometimes they also spawn on bandits also you can craft them. These armor pieces are not in the spreadsheet and that led me to think that their values are not intended. The subject matter is a particular item called "Mail and Leather Surcoat". It's got a whopping 4 shash, 2 pierce and 2 ranged resistances. It's too good for it's tier, depending on the situation, better than glass even. Ever since I found it I kinda feel like I'm cheating and to validate my feelings I need someone to confirm that those values are not intended so I can go back to my scrub armor. I know it's my game and fun is subjective and all that but I need to know.
During the Thane of Riften skooma dealer quest, you have to go into the abandoned warehouse to kill Sarthis Idren and his bodyguard. Unfortunately, Sarthis' bodyguard tends to spawn/get placed a few feet from the door, so he attacks you as you're loading into the area before you can literally see your screen. This can result in lower level characters just getting immediately killed with a mace power attack or something. IMO he should be moved.
Hello again, hope this is a simple issue. I modified the "Properties without Pestering" to get cheap homes. I was able to get Breezehome super easy, but for Solitude after I say "I want to buy a home [400]" the options are either "On second thought, I'll wait" or "I can't afford it right now" I've tried reloading and exiting the palace to see if it was an issue from the price change being recent. I don't recall reading that this one required you to become a thane first.
This is a small mod I made that adds a tiny delay when unsheating and sheating weapons whilst sneaking. It feels immersive that you pause for a millisecond to change weapons, but it also prevents the bug that lets you sneak at sprint speed after changing weapons.
One of the common support questions i get asked is how to reposition the backpack so it doesn't clip with cloaks or shields.
IED isn't currently aware of backpacks - so the only advise i can give is to unequip the backpack and console in the carry weight.
The riverwood apothecary is always close during daytime hours, but open in the night. However, the shopkeeper is no longer buying or selling. I checked over several days and after leaving re-entering the village.
Does anyone have any tips on how i can edit the Trade & Barter mod?
I tried modifying it on the MCM but it seems that the wild lander settings override any alteration i make. Regardless of what i do, even when i save, my settings always change to 2.4 automatically when closing and reopening the mcm
New to wildlander (fresh install 3 days ago) and absolutely loving it. Had pretty much zero issues apart from this very annoying water block glitch in the lake by Riften. They seem to act as independent water blocks as the water effects when swimming between them reset, very odd. Running ultra graphics, ultra shaders. Any help or fix would be very appreciated!
High appears to have larger numbers than ultra
go to Winterhold bridge and look out to the ocean
I managed to fix it by Going to the description page of the water for ENB mod ( and scroll down to near the bottom of the troubleshooting section. Seems to be a load order thing?
At level 1, you can craft ancient nord and ancient nordic honed weapons like the amazing ancient nordic honed greatsword. Although a little heavier than their steel counterparts, they deal significantly more damage and only require corundum and iron. Weirdly, however, you can't craft an ancient nordic (unhoned/honed) warhammer with the same perk. Honestly, I feel like the entire ancient nordic unhonhed/honed item set shouldn't be available at level 1 anyway. This should probably be something locked behind the level 50 advanced smithing perk in the middle. But if it stays at level 1, at least the warhammer should be available.
E.G Skooma.
I think for RP purposes, a book related to the basics of spell research and alchemy should also be in the players inventory if they start with a spell journal and mortar and pestle. There's some stuff that I think makes sense for the player, like the intro tutorials, but for the character, they seem to have more knowledge about how things work than their skill would imply. I'm pretty sure the books are already in the game too.
*Missive quests for the following farms don't work, they don't seem to be setup like other farms with a interior and exterior location record*
RoriksteadLemkilsFarmLocation "Lemkil's Farmhouse" \[LCTN:0001F884]
DragonBridgeFarmLocation "Dragon Bridge Farm" \[LCTN:00020006]
RoriksteadCowflopFarmLocation "Cowflop Farmhouse" \[LCTN:0001F882]
Type of Bug: Exploit
Detailed Description
I have the basic small Hearthfire house in Hjaalmarch with a bed inside. Sleeping in the bed gave me a message about ""feeling sore from sleeping on the ground"" despite the fact that I slept in my own bed.
In addition sleeping with my wife doesnt give lovers comfort
Detailed Description**
To reproduce
1) be at 50% exposure (or more)
2) take a swin in windhelms river.
3) watch yourself die as you cant exit the animation to get out of the water.
I've been searching through the nexus and I didn't really find anything about this, so that's why I'm suggesting it here.I strongly believe No Stone Unturned to be the largest and most boring/underwelming quest of the whole game with its DLCs; you have to yes or yes go trough every primary questline (Main Quest, Thieves, Mages and Companions) to be able to finish it, and the reward you get is an insanely amount of gems that are mostly unnecessary by that point; you either will not be able to sell them all or you won't need the money by that moment..
So I thought it would be really interesting to either adding an extra effect to the Prowler's Profit buff, something useful related to the shady chars since it's related to the Thieves guild, or giving some effects for having X number of Stones... I don't know, like every 8 stones recovered will give you X% bonus to Sneak/Lockpick/Pickpocket or something like that.
Make it so that as long as you are well fed or peckish you have the +1 stamina regen rate that certain stews give you in Requiem vanilla. I have this already in my game and its very nice!!
Then take the beef stew adding +50 health from vanilla Requiem and give to all stews to make a hearty meal a necessity in early game.
So I have been playing wildlander for just shy a week now and something has crossed my mind. I wish there were more backpacks. Right now, as far as I have been able to find, there is only the singular fur backpack, which is easily acquired at the start of any playthrough from a general store or crafting.
This makes the option of having one sort of redundant. If your only options are have a backpack and get the almost necessary boost to your carry weight or don't, it becomes a sort of non-option and instead just a busy work thing to tick off. I think a way to improve upon this system would be to add some variety unto this, adding in new types of backpacks, that either need to be crafted with high end skills, special recipes and merchants or even rewards.
Is it possible to remove the AOE effect of these in the future? They might be intended for solo use, but the problem is that sometimes you're forced to have companions with you no matter what and that inevitably leads to them dying/you breaking the thread of prophecy/getting a bounty. The visual effect is fair game, it has little impact on gameplay.
The black book power that prevents you from hitting allied NPCs doesn't help in the slightest either. It's a serious requiem oversight that should probably be fixed for future revisions of wildlander.
I haven't seen much in googling, so I figured I'd drop a post here in case anyone is like me and wanted to know what telekinetic spells work on which enemies. After weeks (in real life) of levelling Alteration to Expert, I noticed Telekinetic Nova would work on some enemies, but not others, and the reasons why are not explained. I used SSEdit to look at the spell values and conditions. Below I also added some notes on these restrictions, their conflict with the desired realism of Wildlander and the underlying Requiem system. These notes were created in the hopes that the good people of Wildlander will read them and consider them while making the new update.
If my analysis is flawed, please let me know so that anyone reading this is properly informed and I am not pushing out bad info.
reyqune—Today at 18:12
Because it's Totally immersive to not have god mode accessible
For your consideration: The helmet of the unburned is an excellent heavy armor piece marred with one glaring issue: It's in the middle of labyrinthian. By the time you're ready for labyrinthian, you don't need the helmet of the unburned, since labyrinthian is very close to being endgame content and you'll need to be geared long past the point in which that helmet is an useful addition.
Recommendation: Move the helmet to Red Eagle's Dungeon. Red Eagle's Sword is a similar early-mid-game option that's in a quest that's a little overtuned for its reward.
Sky haven temple is beautiful in this modpack, especially the exterior/forge area. In vanilla Skyrim there just wasn't any real reason to visit all that often and that was with fast travel. For my current character I'd really like to build a semi permanent home but it seems so out of the way.
Is there any mod in place I'm missing to better access the location as a non-mage? And if so are there any plans to add any?
One of the available locations for the Meridia daedric quest is Red Road Pass, a giant camp in Dawnstar. The chest, however, is located inside a tree stump. You can't get close enough to attack and break the lock, and from my experience, reach the chest to lockpick it, is itself quite finnicky and difficult to access. Functionally this means that players with out any specialization into lockpick are unable to access the chest, without using console commands to disable the fallen tree.
as title
Dark Brotherhood Dawnstar Sanctuary:
TGCacheBarrel "Thief Cache" [CONT:000FDBD0]
in vanilla generally contained gems & enchanted armors. these all got removed under requiem, but perhaps we can make them a bit more intresting
The Thieves Guild Requirements mod prevents players from joining the TG until they reach a certain level in different thief-related skills, and have certain crime stats. Unfortunately, it's impossible to learn about this IC, which means your character will never know when to talk to Brynjolf to join the TG. This is particularly immersion-breaking because Maul (at the Riften north gate entrance) tells you to talk to Brynjolf to "Get in on that action," but you can't actually do that.
You get the Infiltration quest from Stalleo outside of Treva's Watch. Stalleo and his mercenaries appear to be in an Imperial-aligned faction. Random Stormcloak patrols will wander through the Rift near him and fight his camp, which often results in the Stormcloaks killing the two mercenaries. This can sometimes happen mid-conversation with Stalleo.
When you arrive in Riften through the north gate, there's a barrel just right of the sidewalk with a note on top of it. The note is untitled in-game and says there's a dealer behind the Temple of Mara. In the editor, the note is called something like "SkoomaNote". Currently, this note doesn't seem to do anything, because the man behind the temple doesn't actually sell skooma.
Players can stay for free in the Temple of Mara in Riften in a little side room. There's a barrel in the room too, but it's marked as owned and you can't store anything in it without getting a bounty. It's also not safe storage in the console. This would be a great spot for a permanent player storage for those staying in that room long-term.
While doing Promises to Keep, Maven's bodyguards outside the house will sometimes attack Frost. This generally happens after Frost gets attacked by something else, typically by wolves in the area. I wonder if Frost accidentally hits one of the guards, resulting in them attacking the horse? Or maybe it's a weird faction/ownership thing with Frost being in a different faction than the bodyguards? Not super sure, but if the guards kill Frost, it automatically fails the quest.
At the end of the Promises to Keep quest, you have to steal Frost and deliver them to Louis Letrush. You can then blackmail/kill him to permanently keep Frost, or let Louis ride away with Frost. If you let Louis leave with Frost, however, Frost sometimes still comes back to you and acts like they are a horse in your herd of owned horses. This happens even if you don't adopt Frost via the sneak menu at a stable. I'm not super sure what causes this issue; maybe it's an unintended consequence of Frost being in some weird faction/ownership due to how horse theft relates with crime? Not sure...
Requiem adds a Enchanted Vigilant armor set (see screenshot) please consider adding a unenchanted version (with crafting) for RP reasons
Currently if you are prepared to stay in your home you can study the skills books and spell research all the way to skill level 100.
I feel the xp you can get from books should be limited by a certain level or strongly nerfed on high levels.
The Companions have no in-house Evasion trainer despite half of them using LA. Whiterun also has one of the best 1H trainers already with Amren, and there's no reason to have two in the same city. Let's just change quick dagger boi Athis into an Evasion trainer instead!
Not enough quills around (and they aren't crafteable in base WL) unless you want to steal them, in which case there still aren't enough but there are more. If your character tries to RP a scholar that sells tomes/scrolls for cash, it eats their quills of which there aren't that many around. Perhaps making the quill a crafting tool like a tanning rack or something would be preferable to an actual ingredient for recipes. Barring this, one must either cheat to add quills to inventory or add another SR specific crafting mod to be able to craft them.
I'd suggest hand placing rank 5(peerless) enchanted items (perhaps on bosses or boss chests) of important items for any playthroughs like cost reduction or elemental/magic resistance rings/amulets/etc. It would provide a skill-based avenue to finding gear instead of merely hitting the taarie gashapon machine until she spits out what you want.
You can use spell research to research until exhaustion, the switch to training dummies to do the same.
if your too exhausted to research, surely you should also be too exhausted to cast spells at a dummy.
self made potions are too inconvenient
resist potions and fortify skill/stat potions should last longer:
Improved horses has a lot of bugs. its also abandoned. You should consider switching to Simplest horses and Simple Claim Horse (so you can steal).
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
High Graphics
The walls and one of the building roofs on the far North-East side of the Gray Quarter in Windhelm are full of model/texture holes that you can walk through. It doesn't impact gameplay, but it's easy to find due to the pathways that naturally lead up to the rooftops.
Type of Bug: Gameplay (E.g objects which cannot be activated or other game play related bugs)
Detailed Description**
Just use Lightning Speed. Duration advertised 18-40 seconds depending on perks, but does not finish unless you press T to wait. Making the spell extremely broken.
Type of Bug: Animations
Detailed Description
Playing as a male wood elf/nord, new game, fresh install of 1.1.5, deleted all of stock game & mods folder, cannot play the animation to browse wares/play any instrument/use any reading animations
As per the summary, I noticed an unarmed skeleton archer (broken bow) loot an iron dagger from a nearby dead mage. After drawing the dagger, it floats between the skeleton’s feet and it will no longer use it’s unarmed attacks. The player does not take any damage at this point, indicating that there are no attack events firing at all. Some example steps to reproduce:
1. Input {{coc FortSnowhawk01}} into the console.
2. Upon loading, turn around and head out through the door.
In vanilla she's fairly Ugly leaning towards middleaged
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Detailed Description**
Inn Keepers greet you when exiting if youre entering the inn. Immersion breaking
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Detailed Description
If you use the horse inventory hotkey, you will not be able to switch tabs to the player's inventory when using a controller and thus cannot transfer items to said horse using the controller. Using the default binding of left alt will work, so this bug is most likely just due to the lack of a specified key binding for the controller. To re-iterate, only the controller cannot switch to the player's inventory and vice versa. The keyboard can switch inventories just fine. If you don't use the horse inventory hot key and interact with the horse whilst sneaking to access the menu, and then use that to access the inventory, switching tabs on the controller will work.
Summary Of Bug Encountered
Stairway into the basement area of Jorrvaskr seems to be bugged when walking UP it into the mead hall. The character repeatedly stops before continuing up the stairs, even when holding W. Happens when walking and running UP the stairs, in first and third person.
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
Medium Graphics
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description**
each time i press "id like to hire your boat" he replies "alright" and i leave the dialog
Detailed Description**
The mod "Thieves Guild Requirements" should allow you to join the thieves guild, even if you don't meet the requirements, if you pay Maul for information and ask him about it. This is specified on the mod's page, and usually works fine; however, in Wildlander, paying Maul did nothing, and all I can do is buy an elixir from Bynjolf when I talk to him.
1. Attempt to stand in a fire, such as the fire found in the Whiterun Bannered Mare inn
1. Attempt to fist-fight an NPC in an argument with a torch in inventory
Certain equipment don't seem to be affected by Durability mod. The culprit seems to be equipment added by another mod(?), which adds equipment commonly described with a colour, for example, I've currently got two such items: "Steel Gauntlets - White" and "Nordic Chest plate - Black", they do not have a durability number. They seem to be well balanced stat-wise, but they are just not affected by Durability. I will send screenshot which proves this.
Steps to reproduce:
Type of Bug: Inns keepers shop
Detailed Description**
Okay, this is sometimes really easy to pass by whitout noticing it especially since most players will think this is normal, on the first 3 days after your character was created the Inn keepers will have a much short storage for seling (the problem being, that this stock is fixed on them forever, even if you wait 10 days outside the cell after entering it or save and kill the vendor, that short stock will be forever on that save), the bannered mare for an example, if you start your game in there or enter the cell before 3 days have been passed Hulda will only sell 2 beef stews and 5 cabage soup, this happens with any other Inn keeper, if you visit the Inns before 3 days have been passed you will notice that they have 5-10 items at most for selling, take the winking skeever as another example, you can test this out with any character, start a character (disable sunhelm and frostfall to not die by hunger or cold) make a save and visit the two Inns mentioned, they will sell a very smal amount of food, save and kill them, or wait two whole weeks outside the city and talk to them again, they still gonna have that same small stock, now, go back to the first save made, wait 3 whole days and talk to them, they will have their immense (normal) stock, and every 3 days it will reset it.
NPC’s were likely not in range of Enhanced Blood Textures' blood pooling script. Perhaps this will be improved with its 4.0 update in r4
I don't get the option to feed on corpses; stamina bonus is OK. Whenever a activate any dead men/mer, I just access their inventory, there's no option to feed on any of them. It doesn't matter whether I'm standing, sneaking, weapons seathed or withdrawn, the option just don't appear.
Her voice is of an old woman, but her appearance is young.
Lizzy’s thoughts:
I believe Hunterborn isnt properly passing the amount of time that it suppose to when you level it up and get better at it. I noticed this when I was skinning close to night time, where in the 10 mins it took me to field dress and then 10 mins to harvest an animal. It suddenly changed from early dusk to heavy night. Also reloading a save after the skinning/harvesting, fixed the issue and it was normal again when I reloaded.
*Steps to reproduce:*
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description**
Asked user for examples… No response … yet.
The Ebony Blade is intended to power up when killing NPCs with a relationship rank of 3 or higher. However, it will also power up when killing an NPC with a relationship rank of -3 or lower. This leads me to believe the associated script is checking the absolute value of the relationship rank when it should only be checking the raw, signed value.
Simply Rest Anywhere should be removed, or at least have major debuffs if i sleep using this mod. i can sleep in a tavern for free with this mod
Curtains/doors on the inn rooms. I get that old world inns weren't the ritz but damn, there's gotta be SOME privacy there. There are some curtain/flag static objects that could easily be placed and dropped into those doorways which would at least make them feel more private, even if the curtains dont actually block LOS. Or just some doors.
Essentially the title.
I was wondering if there are any intentions of tweaking the powers you get as a nightingale, as they're horribly weak at the moment. They're essentially single-use spells which you can easily replicate with... well... spells. Is there any way or intention to make the powers actually fitting for being a legendary Nightingale or will we always just get an AoE rage spell, 120 seconds invisibility (which can be done with a potion) or a 100 health lifesteal which is unlikely to kill a target anyways, which means most people doing Nightingale content (stealth-characters) will find it essentially useless?
Kit — 05/06/2023 02:44
this mod is working for me to greatly improve the balance of alchemy in wildlander/requiem:
its based off of this mod:
It would be nice to have a warning with confirmation dialogue pop up before getting on a horse or picking up something that would anger someone. Sometimes, as the camera settles, you accidentally ‘E’ the wrong thing.
Feels like my character is having an epilepsy attack if I cast the spell. It's literally 100% intensity non-stop camera shake for 60 seconds. I can't use the spell since I get sick if I cast it lol. And I'm talking about the master level Destruction spell. I think Ice Sphere used to have the name Icestorm previously so not to be confused with that.
One thing I'd like to see (though I have no idea how) is a change to cloaks. First, you basically NEED a backpack and it clips with the cloak. Play 1st person but when I bathe, I see it and it's weird. Second, E V E R Y B O D Y has cloaks. Which, yeah, makes sense to a degree, but civil war quests are sooo hard to tell friend from foe, and it's a bit weird having a huge pile of them in inventory since their value per weight is so much better than most gear.
Maybe reduce the spawning of them to only Dawnstar/Winterhold/Windhelm, or cut down the value a lot, or make them wear out with use quickly so you need to get new ones. But that's more "make a new mod" instead of fixing mods to fit together into a modpack.
Summary Of Bug Encountered
I have encountered three bugs all related to forced brawls (for example the thief quest or if you brawl with Uthgerd the Unbroken, but it should work with any forced brawl).
I assume he only spawns when you grab both skull keys, because he wasn't there until I returned to open it. He was standing up where I could swing at him, so I did and it started the fight without having to use the keys. The gate still opened after, so nothing was seriously broken, but it made the fight way easier than intended obviously because I killed him before he could even get up all the way from the free swing at his head lol
the barrels, sacks and crates are so incredibly boring. They always hold the same items. Is there any way to make the contents more randomised? I like looting, even if they only hold non-valuable items. But the lack of wider randomisation is frustrating
See Summary
Start the game in Falkreath and the water texture should be missing from the blacksmith. I started as a Redguard with a warrior background at deadman's drink.
Chaurus egg goes beyond its placement when rotating. Really it's nothing more.
Pittiwan seems to think this might be wildcat.
running away while disarmed is vanilla... but what on earth is disarming them in the first place!
We are 6 versions behind.
As summary - not sure what's causing this. the player was a member of the circle and everything.
Add in the main Missives for the good guys mod.
Link TBA
I’ll do a pass to verify that this won’t introduce any issues.
The main issue I foresee with this is that if we have any added armors without weight slider compatibility it will break this mod until I figure out how to write my SKSE DLL. If I find any that would break it I’ll add the weight slider compatibility and put it in a patch.
Spoke to Dylan a bit today about how it can be difficult to complete Ore collection Missives without googling the location of veins/mines or using general ‘meta gaming’ knowledge. Very few ways in-world for the player character to learn the locations of these veins.
So, we settled on the idea for land surveys that can be purchased from merchants. They would be single-use items that would add a miscellaneous quest objective that points to the location of one or more ore veins of a specific type, that are not yet depleted. For example:
Detailed Description
In the second hallway (where it splits between an upper and lower path), there's a tree growing out of the cave's ceiling on the upper path.
Issue caused by TreeReachBush01 [TREE:000B8A57] having a alternate texture from Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants
this changes it from a small bush it appears as in vanilla (and not out of place) to a full blown tree,
!The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition 2022.05.29 -|width=2560,height=1440!
As per the summary, Benor’s criteria to assist is set to ‘Helps Nobody’ by default. This makes him a particularly useless follower as all he does in combat is run around shouting obscenities.
Please refer to my attachments for more information.
Issue is no longer applicable as Follower Live package has been removed.
Trolls seem to get stuck in the bleeding state and cant get out of it. So added logic to turn off health regeneration if they are in bleedout.
Various clipping issues in building next to the warehouse
Downstairs - behind counter. other two images are upstairs where the business ledger is buried under crates
Disabled clipping crates, Removed disable havoc settle from floating cheese
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Reverted this perk's wording to requiem Standard.
Pre-Purchase during Blood in the Ice.
On entry in room to right (ground floor).
1) Black Square on floor. (more visible when tossing a lantern on but visible without)
Corrected lighting issues
Corrected Fozar' reqtificator JSON to swap calf and parents armor around.
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Bug found and Squashed
*Additional Information*
Attempt to craft said item.
Found that recipes for dragon's blood potions/poisons are all mislabeled and should be werewolf's blood.
Corrects various spells in requiem to show the correct archtypes in spell research.
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description**
After clearing the shrine, I discovered that the body didn't spawn in place where it was supposed to. Reloading an older save prior to entering the shrine didn't fix it - restarting the game completely and loading an older save did, however. As far as I can tell, the bug does not occur all the time, and is rather inconsistent in nature, so the best solution would probably be relocating the robe directly into the dungeon chest.
Moved the robes to inside of the boss chest.
Type of Bug: Crafting
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Added Nocraftingexperience keywork to all soul tomato recipes.
Type of Bug: Crafting
Detailed Description
Medium Graphics
Toolkits have been removed so this is no longer a issue.
Good Folk of Ravenrock need Real Name’s or adding to missives exclusion lists. They behave like Inconspicuous NPC’s and go “none responsive” when you get a missive for them.
For NPC’s added by JK’s. They appear in missives, but you cant track them (Specifically the Dawnstar cargoguard NPC’s and the “northern star general store” NPCs ) Also i had a missive to pickpocket a ring from a JK’s husky who couldn't be tracked. These guys will also need adding to the exclusion list for companions quests.
Added various NPC's to the Missives exclusions lists.
Type of Bug: Items
Detailed Description
In Vanilla they were tagged with (Dragon) (Sun) (Blood) but in Wildlander it seems to have disappeared.
Reinstated the labels to Elder scrolls
1. During the siege of whiterun, visit the location where the carriage is normally
Added scripts to make the Carriage drivers hide during sieges.
Ok so starting the game and immediately setting dragons to a timed delay of min 300 days doesn’t seem to work. I set it on day 1, hoping I could have a good long journey with my character…a full arch of development and levelling up before moving the story along with dragons….but here I am at day 15 and one has appeared over the hot water springs, just a touch earlier than I’d hoped
Updated Skyrim Unbound Reborn to resolve this issue.
Missing the No Yield Keyword.
"Borkul the Beast" [NPC_:0001338A]
NPC had no cleanup script, Added one.
Wildlander was incorrectly overwriting the Texture paths specified by aMidianBorn Content Addon SE with one which doesnt exist.
Added patch to revert change
User reports that on a male Imperial, the ”cursed” Daedric helm isnt showing a face. Armor_DaedricHelmetDremora "Daedric Helmet" [ARMO:0010F75F] found in shrine of mehrunes dagon - he came to complain about 2 things… one he had no face, 2 it was killing him (lol)
Integrated patch and added linked mod
Type of Bug: Crafting (anything relating to crafting recipes)
Detailed Description**
Both armor sets have the same AR and requiem armor bonuses. In Vanilla Heavy Set was the better one and it had AR of Ebony Armor. In Wildlander (or maybe requiem?) Falmer Hardened armor is the one that needs Ebony in it's recipe.
Falmer hardened armor has been removed.
Detailed Description**
To reproduce :
Removed Improvement Names Customized SSE
Detailed Description**
This means that it essentially becomes useless since it has a short duration and long cast time, you will want to keep mage armor 4 up for the long duration, and use mage armor 5 before a tough fight. However, since mage armor 4 has a long duration by the time you have master spells, you cannot use mage armor 5, or you can't use mage armor 4. Essentially a master level spell is rendered fairly useless due to not either taking effect in addition to mage armor 4 or overriding it. I'd say it should stack since it is a different type of effect, armor vs Phys immunity, but so long as it takes effect it would be fine.
Changed Mage Armor 5 to match requiem 5.2's changes,
While testing Missives -
# Falkreaths Alchemist isnt part of the JobAlchemist faction (so none of the Alchemy quests will start)
# Falkreaths General store isnt part of the JobMisc Faction (So the missive for restocking the store wont start)
2 vanilla and a load of ETAC people found missing factions which they should have.
Found that it was Havok settle causing the issue. In addition removed the collision block which was preventing the cookpot from working.
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Modified character start so any skill with a value of 0 now gains 1 skillpoint, making 1 the new baseline.
Type of Bug: Crafting
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Gone though all hunterborn foods and compared to the “requiem for a Knave” hunterborn patch, adding effects to “meals” where there are none
Type of Bug: Crafting
Detailed Description
High Graphics
"found" potions values recalculated to match player crafted potion values, with the exception to crafted restore potions, which have had their values increased
Type of Bug: Food
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Corrected recipe.
Type of Bug: CTD
Detailed Description**
I couldn't manage to pinpoint if a specific item was causing the CTD but every time I tried scrolling through the items it would, without fail, CTD. I tried this on multiple saves, new characters and fresh installations. It initially happened on version 1.1.4 but not too long ago 1.1.5 was released and the issue persisted on that version too. I'm unsure whether this happens at other blacksmiths. I am pretty new to massive mod lists like this one so I apologize if this is a known issue already. I did read the current issues and couldn't find anything similar so I thought I'd just report it to you.
Added C.O.C.K.S to hopefully prevent this issue/
Type of Bug: Crafting
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Reenabled cooked boar crafting recipe, added toolkits and created dummy and station versions.
Ready to merge.
Reported on REDDIT.
Added specific cleanse of this spell to the requiem default cleaning script
Type of Bug: Crash to desktop
Detailed Description**
Issue Caused by the logic to introduce toolkits within honed metal. the removal of the toolkits from the honed metal scripts prevents this issue.
Type of Bug: Crafting
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Corrected Wooden Fishing Pole Recipe.
Type of Bug: Crafting
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Fixed the magic effect to show a decent description for the strong stomach… rather than requiem gibberish
See Screenshot
Disabled All laundry within forts.
Bug fix for ManakinRace "Nord" \[RACE:0010760A]
{noformat}Added flag: Immobile 🎉🥂
Fixes match to match 1.6 version of skyrim where appropriate
Looks like there used to be a hidden hideout here which was disabled in favor of a fallen tree?
(the Ladder doesnt work anyway)
The Ladder has been removed.
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Issue is no longer applicable as Follower Live package has been removed.
Moved tree's away from the new structures added by forts of skyrim rebuilt.
# AlchFood_RawMudcrabMeat "Raw Mudcrab Meat" [ALCH:32014D22]
Reinstated original mubcrab meat value.
Type of Bug: Crafting
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
1) make sure that only one temper keyword is on each item
2) items only have 1 Materiel keyword
3) Renamed some items which should be disabled as disabled, and replaced world instance of them.
4) reenabled some crafting recipes which shouldn't have been disabled (and linked them to the correct items instead of the "swapped" items.
h2. Housecarls
Followers and some enemy NPC's have had their perks rebalanced (or added in the first place)
See Linked Document for a full list of changes
Several tailor recipes should require a furplate or a pelt to craft. The pelt equivalents are fine - but the fur plate recipes are missing the fur plate Requirements
Armor_ArchmagesRobes_RecipeFurPlate [COBJ:FE06CA13]
Armor_CottonFineHat_RecipeFurPlate [COBJ:FE06CA07]
Recipes Patched.
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Issue is no longer applicable as Follower Live package has been removed.
After gathering all the pieces of Mehrunes Razor, Silus shoud go to the shrine but he is standing still and does nothing. Maybe his pathing is broken? After I console advance the quest and do not kill him at the shrine and kill all the daedra, he still just stands there and never comes back to the museum.
Gather all the pieces of the Mehrunes Razor and give them to Silus.
Fixed Navmesh
Type of Bug: Gameplay (E.g objects which cannot be activated or other game play related bugs)
Detailed Description**
Added Civil War Patrol Bounty Disabled
Disabled chair hidden inside of Plantpot.
Apparently he sells Jarrin root?
Removed jarrin root, Nerf contents of other things he has for sale. Added jarrin root to babette
Type of Bug: Horse
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Correction to IHO's scripts to make sure:-
1) Horse when opening inventory for the first time always adds a copy of its armor
2) Equips the armor copy.
Nerfed Dwarven boss loot chests (TreasDwarvenChestSmall 20650)
Type of Bug: Navmesh
Detailed Description**
Connected two cell navmesh borders that were previously disconnected.
Removed Skyforce smithing Requirements from skyrforce/Ancient Nordic Equipment , and _Camp_Setting_CampfireMode from player crafting versions of kindling and the breakdown of ruined books.
Type of Bug: Gameplay (E.g objects which cannot be activated or other game play related bugs)
Detailed Description**
Northern Flax from ClothingCraft Redux is not plantable in Heartfire's garden.
Added patch to add it to form lists
Right after completion of Hail sithis
Removed floaty Bed
disabled overlapping banners.
Type of Bug : Crash to desktop
**Detailed Description**
Loading a save in Whiterun will crash to desktop after ~10 seconds.
Added Patch to disable the affected Laundry items which trigger the crash.
Type of Bug : Gameplay
**Detailed Description**
Corrected circlet to display correctly.
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Corrected Spell book name, to match spell taught.
_SHFoodPoisoningSpell "Food Poisoning" [SPEL:4B6410BF]
Needs condition adding.
Patched sunhelm's foodpoising to work with Requiem's strong stomach
Prevented all blacksmiths from getting the Daedra or Legendary blacksmithing perks to prevent crafting and tempering of daedric/Artifact weapons/armor.
# Delvin wont move to unlock the vault,.
# Karliah wont move inside the vault after its been inlock.
You can use console to bypass.
Odd one, this - I assumed this would be due to some navmesh changes we made in the Thieves Guild HQ cell, but the navmesh honestly looked fine to me.
There were a couple areas near the vault where the navmesh dipped beneath the floor, so I raised those up and generally tried to fill things out. Though this usually isn't enough to prevent pathing, so we'll need to verify if this one is fixed (or if it's a consistent problem at all)
REQ_LI_SpiderPoison05 [LVLI:81203C40] is still dropping Venomous Spittle despite all other sources being replaced with hunterborn spider poison equivilents.
Change the poison loot table for thalmor to drop hunterborn’s strong acid instead of spittle.
Type of Bug: Quest
Detailed Description
Medium Graphics
Removed Havoc settle.
Type of Bug: Hawk disappears when shot
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Corrected Hawks so the container spawns correctly.
h1. Ancient Mudcrab" [NPC_:8B056F89]
Patched it to match Requirem's Giant Mudcrab in terms of Stats, Faction and spell effects.
1. Attempt to shop at Eorlund Gray-Mane near the Companions before joining
Changed Aela's shield do its disabled until you are at the correct point of the quest.
Whiterun well has a bucket you can activate to fill your water bottles. Windhelm doesnt have any on the multiple wells inside.
Added buckets to various wells.
Type of Bug: Graphical (e.g Missing texture, floating objects)
Detailed Description
There are two signposts next to each other (not overlapping): One original and one with more signs
Removed additional Signmost
Detailed Description**
I bought a recipe for potion of cleansing that required 1 hawk feather and 1 vampire dust. When I made the potion it says failed to create a viable potion. The vampire dust had a stolen tag next to it. The hawk feathers were gathered by shooting hawks.
I did reproduce the bug, didn't reload a previous save to do so. Same result.
Potion of cleansing crafting doesn't exist, So changed one of the two Recipes to cure disease, and the other to cure poison.
Use Base object swapper to flip out these Dummies for active ones.
Type of Bug: Exploit
Detailed Description
Corrected Sleep script to detect if the player has "WerewolfAbilities" instead of detecting if they have completed the companions quest chain to set a global.
Train and study allows you to study books for skill ups.
The skill books added by Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library are not included in this feature and need patching into the form lists. E.G Heavy Armor Repair
Added Train And study - Lost Library
HairKhajiitFemale23Gelfling "HairKhajiitFemale23Gelfling" [HDPT:6901B4ED]
Corrected Texture.
Changed message copy to "I already know this enchantment, or it's protected by a court wizard."
Seems to be no way to craft linen wraps without making clothes and breaking those down.
Surely we should just be able to take linen cloth and tear it in half?
Added recipes to craft Linen Wrap’s directly, or to break them down from linen cloth (1 linen cloth = 2 wraps)
Changes to the plant textures cause this. Attachment is how it looks in creation kit.
Patch disables the two sword ferns doing the clipping.
The Illusion spell Phantasmal Miasma is supposed to reduce maximum health by 40. However, after taking the Master Illusion perk, this magnitude is not increased by 5% per Illusion skill level and stays at 40.
See Linked Issue for fix
On REQ_Ability_Khajiit_Lockpicking "Racial Proficiency: Khajiit Lockpicking" [SPEL:82AD3888]
tooltip corrected.
Leaving results in the player character's head getting "stuck" in the dead rabbits and pheasants hanging from the ceiling, and the sound of them bouncing off your poor character's head is incomprehensibly annoying.
Relocated the Animal ring to the opposite side of the inn
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Spectral arrow (Vanilla) is only teachable via spell research. All other mechanisms of obtaining this spell have been replaced by the requiem version. so i removed Vanilla from Spell research script.
Added Northern flax tree to the campfire instincts floratree list.
E.G AlchFood_PotatoCrabChowder "Potato Crab Chowder" [ALCH:0F000F06] is missing the No Crafting XP keyword
Corrected items to add the nocraftingexperience keywords
Type of Bug: Crafting
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Corrections made to allow the enchantment to work on other items, and the original armor to be tempered.
Type of Bug: Exploit
Detailed Description
Reverted the damage / speed back to requiem defaults.
Merged scripts and patches
Armor_LinenTunicAdornedGreen "Linen Tunic - Adorned Green" [ARMO:00017695]
Armor_LinenRobesBlue "Linen Robes - Blue" [ARMO:0010CEE5]
Added crafting recipes for missing robes and hoods
Type of Bug: Crafting
Detailed Description
"Nordic Smithing" perk says ther Armor is made out of Ebony and Quicksilver in the description, however one needs Orichalcum and Quicksilver to Forge the Armor. Learning the Perk also doesnt give you the ability to smelt Orichalcum Ore into Ingots although it is a main material of the armor
Corrected description to match what CCOR overwrites Fozar with.
Disabled clipping barrel.
Cant get her to unlock anything - i’m assuming its cos her skill is shite ?
Added Requiem NFF Patch
Steps to reproduce:
Cast blur on yourself, draw a weapon to be have visible hands, compare between first and third person.
Removed the Invisibility effect from blur and shadow shield as these effects do not display correctly in first person.
Papyrus script shows loads of these lines. I’ve identified the cause as the Unlimited bookshelves version of playerbookshelfcontainerscript is still packed in a BSA allowing the loose version for USSEP to overwrite.
Unpacked the BSA So that the script works correctly.
Type of Bug: Crafting
Detailed Description
Wolfskin hood crafting now grants Experience
Type of Bug: Crafting
Detailed Description
Approached enchanting table at Fort Snowhawk, activated it and hands placed on table but the menu to select enchantments, etc did not show up. After a few moments my character stood up then placed hands back on table, lather, rinse and repeat. Could not exit and had to restart game.
Improved Camera Updated to latest version.
Added the Dynamic Weather and Time Based Detection (SE and AE compatible) mod + Lizzy's I'm Fishing Here mod. The detection mod may need some more extensive testing given its scope.
The True Direction mod comes with the feature to lock on targets. When I used this mod in the past, before downloading the Wildlander modlist, a curser would show which target I’m locked on to. Now that I’m playing wildlander my character does still seem to lock on but no curser to indicate which target I’m locked on too or if I am currently locked on. I seen videos of others playing older versions of wildlander and they have a curser when they locked on to targets.
Added TrueHUD (and basically disabled all features for simplicity, except the crosshair)
Type of Bug: Crafting
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Perk Description adjusted
I have 33 smithing, was able to craft steel furred armor, but I am not able to improve it. The option to improve the armor appears when activating a workbench, and it lists the required item as a steel ingot, and it is white (not grayed out). When I select it and press R, it gives me a message that I'm not skilled enough or do not know how to improve this item. I can improve all my other steel gear that I crafted for my self.
Added missing Temper recipes
Type of Bug: Fur Rags - Pale look like rags, but it adds 126 armor and weights 4.5
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Halved the value, Weight and armor protection from both Fur Rags variants.
Harvestable plant needs relocating.
Hidden Clipping plant
Type of Bug: CTD
Detailed Description**
To clarify, when I fire up wildlander I can 'continue' from last save, which is how I'm still playing, but every time I subsequently want to load I have to quit to desktop and restart the entire program.
Updated Water for ENB to hopefully prevent this issue from occuring.
JK's (i assume) adds a greenhouse room next to the building - i feel the herbs inside should be marked as steal
Added Lock and ownership to items inside of this structure.
Type of Bug: Crafting
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Added crafting Tempering and breakdown recipes for Ancient Nordic Mace & battlehammer
Type of Bug: Crafting
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Added Missing Breakdown Recipe.
Fixed Navmesh
Delphine wont accept my followers - because FLP doesnt have a option to recruit Vannila style (or move a existing follower to the vanilla follower slot) and instead uses its own mechanism - delphine thinks i dont _have_ followers.
The switch from FLP to NFF should allow this quest to be complatable.
E.g Ancient nordic hero is missing its set - therefore has no resistances. All of the leather/mail armors from CCOR have no materiels (cos requiem patch removed them…. for reasons only known to them!) so dont degrade
Pass made to make sure armors have the correct keywords for the reqtificator to process, and prevent duplicated tempering.
Found that wuurfuth was wearing standard court-wizard robes. Changed him to Adept Destruction robes outfit to match his skill.
Hid axe in Skyrim 3D Misc files.
I have bow of flameburst and dragonbone arrows of fire - it seems to result only in the arrow explosion, doesn't matter if I hit the target or not. I tried doing flameburst bow + shock arrow = I saw only shock explosion from the arrow, bow enchant seemed to be overwritten. The bow still uses charges as though the arrow was enchanted
Fix to change projectile types to arrow so effects stack.
1. Before assisting Cicero with his broken wagon, inspect the Nightmother's coffin
prevented Nightmother's coffin being base object swapped
Adjusted tree position so its slightly futher away and rotated.
DLC01TortureTool01 "Crushing Device" [MISC:02008E4E]
Added breakdown recipe.
Type of Bug: Quest
Detailed Description**
This is a vanilla bug which deletes the door link if you enter the soul cairn, save, exit, then reload later.
This fix prevents that link from being removed.
Type of Bug: Horse
Detailed Description
Medium Graphics
Added Item Equip restrictor to prevent horses wearing player armor, or players wearing saddles.
His chair is positioned "though" the floor.
Raised the chair to correct.
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description**
Get a staff of frostbite
Corrected Description and Editor ID
the spell summons a unnamed dremora
Renamed the Dremora merchant to "Profiteer Kelgaz".
the replica is 3 times stronger than Daedric when requified.
Seems to be missing the keywords “Dont reqtificate me!”
Edited the keywords to match the original bow’s keywords.
Summary Of Bug Encountered
Missives Board in Dawnstar is clipping into a post in the inn's exterior
*Steps to reproduce:*
Look at Missives Board in Dawnstar
Moved missive board 1ft to the right.
Type of Bug: Crafting
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Moved circle armor’s AR up to nordic equivilent. all resistances remain identical to regular wolf armor
Issue caused by Horse step noices added by IHSS not being part of the AudioCategoryFSTHorse "Horse Steps" [SNCT:92181700] category. Added patch to correct.
Type of Bug: NPC
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Issue is no longer applicable as Follower Live package has been removed.
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Bretons description mentions they gain Magic Resist 25, but the files show 20.
Tooltip Corrected
Reduced the scale of one tree, and moved a second one further back to prevent clipping.
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Changed perk description to “almost never” and Max chance to 99%
Performance modlist, nighteye doesnt work at all.
Added ENB Light to core audiovisual enhancements.
Type of Bug: Gameplay / Functionality
Detailed Description
Does not pop up in the dismantling menu.
Added crafting and breakdown recipes for DarkElf hoods.
Type of Bug: Quest
Detailed Description
Medium Graphics
Integrated patch
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Tried with the 2 different version of the dummies + archery dummy. Cant use either of them.
Dummies were using the wrong script and are setup incorrectly.
I report this issue because in the 1.1.6 changelog it is assumed to be solved (WL-1457). In Nortwatch Harbor location (probably added by Better Docks), every chest, every strongbox and every item in general is still totally free-to-loot (despite the Thalmor guards). I have collected about 3000 coins, plus a lot of gems and some magical items. It is a location very close to a possible spawn point with a random "in the wilds" start.
Added Locks to **more** Unlocked chests in the Northwatch area.
Disabled plant.
Cathedral weathers adds chances of other weathers along the northern coastline. some of these are rain.
Removed the offending weather patterns from the northern coastlines made by Catherderal weathers.
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Corrected affected Spells
As WL-1142 states - you added the keyword to the sewer, but it appears you didnt actually exclude the sewers as a valid placement location
Prevent placement of campfire items in sewers
Type of Bug: Gameplay (E.g objects which cannot be activated or other game play related bugs)
Detailed Description**
Bash an enemy with a torch
Removing the destruction magic skill from "Searing Flames" which should stop levelups
When first speaking to Erandur, the dark elf in Dawnstar who helps you put an end to the nightmares he already has the option to trade items with him without him even following you or starting the quest yet.
This was initially caused by strange FLP logic, which I fixed in Mjoll by setting all of her greeting lines to "Not Waiting". However, this should no longer be necessary with the FLP yeet (and the same goes for this issue with Erandur).
The three merrymakers that love honningbrew mead that you randomly encounter give you the Charmed Necklace if you give them a bottle of honningbrew mead. Ironic considering the description of said necklace.
Typo fixed
Type of Bug: Quest bug (E.G incompletable missives)
Detailed Description**
If you choose "I do not accept this gift" to not become a vampire, he banishes you outside the castle and completes the Bloodline quest, but Isran has no dialogue to advance to the next quest. Isran should have dialogue to start the next quest, but he doesn't. And I am banished from the vampire castle with no Serana anymore. I read about this online and it seems to have happened to others before and console commands are not working either. I have a save with Serena outside the castle before taking her home and the same thing happens to me every load, I choose to not become a vampire and I get banished outside the castle without Serena. My quest log says that Bloodline is complete and I should go back and tell Isran what happened, but when I get to Isran he has no dialogue options to advance the main Dawnguard quest.
Patched the quest to match current requiem's version
ENB has sunrise at 8am, and sunset at 17:30.either the searing sun needs changing to match, or the ENB needs changing to match
Adjusted the four searing sun effects to begin at 8am and end at 5:30pm.
Crossed the street outside Riverwood at night, coming out of the river. CTD.
Removed offending laundry line.
Users frequently complain thats impossible for vampire characters to build a hearthfire home as each step takes 12 hours,
Reduced each of requiems additional timers to 1/4 of the original time. each house step now takes 4 hours,
when you use a soap from the inventory - the game appears to freeze, you cannot move your character and pressing keys on your keyboard do nothing.
Pressing Escape makes the game functional again and plays the bathing animation and allows the game to proceed as normal.
Issue existed only on gamepad, where the game would close the inventory menu, but NOT the tween menu. Edited the bathing script so both menus are properly closed.
i have no idea how the speechcraft "ask for training" script works, but it often ends up with people teaching some weird stuff. like when the ancient owner of the white phial is teaching you evasion or a mage teaches heavy armor. i mean, i get it, nurellion is pretty spry, but still feels a bit weird. might be worth eventually tweaking some of these so at least merchants teach skills relevant to what they are selling/doing.
The way this worked was a bit of a mess - it looked for the first skill of the NPC you were talking to which was greater than 50.
If the NPC didn't have any skills greater than 50 then it used a previous NPC who did meet that criteria for the skill to train.
So I've crafted the Bone Staff and Unenchanted Forsworn Staff from the Survivalist Recipes section of the crafting menu and the Staff Enchanter, respectively. Does anyone know how/whether I can enchant them?
They're both listed as a "Staff" in the inventory, but have no enchantment and no charge.
Bone Staff into Bone Battlestaff (Slightly worse than wooden)
Unenchanted Forsworn Staff into Forsworn BattleStaff (in-between wood and steel)
tree clipping on the road from riverwood to whiterun, after the curvy part of the path
Tree has been moved to prevent clip.
When your bottom hurts from sitting all day on the hard wooden surface - you get creative ! It is sure gruesome but probably comfortable ...
Adjusted NPC sitting marker slightly to the side.
Relocated the woodpile marker below the ground to prevent this issue being visible.
marker is still needed for Proventus's AI script.
Issue caused by a property being passed without the "name" of the property assigned.
I completed the quest normally and killed Barbas to get Rueful Axe as a reward and even redone the quest from a point after i first spoke with Barbas in Falkreath and the bug still persists.
Corrected crafting conditions
When using contextual crosshair and a crossbow, the crosshair will invariably disappear after x amount of time.
Added the new fix patch (Contextual Crosshair - Crosshair and Detection Meter Fix)
I found a linen cowl of talos and robes at the talos temple in riften on top of a book case in the back. Put it on to see what it looked like and realized that it didn't unequip my circlet. consoled in some other hoods and they all removed my circlet. consoled in another talos hood and confirmed that it does not remove my circlet. the id number of the cowl in euqestion is 7a2138b1
Prevent wearing certain hoods with circlets
Because of the limited amount of daedric hearts in the game, the atronoch forge recipe shouldn't require the Sigil Stone. In addition, the forge should have a recipe for daedric Hunting knife added
Moved Daedra heart so it can be made with and without the sigil stone. Added recipe for hunting knife
So after playing for a bit I've come up with some suggestions.
Either brighten interiors, get a fix for the night eye or a spell package that includes some sort of black light candlelight spell that allows you to see without giving your sneak away.
Merged the wiki settings into Ultra, High, and Low shader profiles.
The world is full of materials so there's no need & sorting thru the breakdown menu is painful enough already without having to favorite toolkits so you don't accidentally destroy them.
Removed toolkits altogether in favour of C.O.C.K.S.
The Illusion spell Shadow Sanctuary costs 30 magicka/second to sustain, which is rather steep compared to the other sustained spells. But after taking the Phantasmagoria perk, which should reduce the cost of Shadow Sanctuary, the sustained cost is increased to 42 magicka/second. I tested this with a Breton mage with Illusion skill 90.
Corrected upkeep costs
*Childrens Bedroom*
Has a floating Mead keg
Corrected issues with Hjerim
Corrected her race record.
While testing missives, was sent to jail and killed by another prisoner instantly.
This prisoner was a mage and i was dead before load screen had finished.
Removed faction from prisoners which causes hostile action
In some cases, animals have loot on them - either as quest items(linked issue), Daedric boots (handplaced on giant slaughterfish) or blood (vampire characters).
The items cannot be obtained without doing a console "showinventory" on the corpse before processing it.
Added a new keyword to Hunterborn logic, CanManualLoot
, which will allow manual looting for any tagged NPC or creature. Fangtusk and the Giant Slaughterfish have been tagged.
Also, processing any animal will now yield blood for vampire characters—and blood no longer requires a Blood Conserving Phial to collect. (BCP references and recipes have been disabled.)
see screenshot
Edited "Edge Effect - Fall Off" to 1.0 for 0CBloodyFXSP and 0CBloodyFXSV.
[NAVM:000EC47B] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of FalkreathExterior03 [CELL:00009C5E] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-21))
showing as deleted in wildlander.esp
Removed deleted navmesh.
Apparently this was fixed in 5.4.2 - so i'll yoink the changes from there for our use.
Absorb spells corrected to grant XP in the relevant schools.
I've taken a look at how the other requiem tweaks handle fear mechanics and i think they have some rules which may benefit us to prevent some "on knees then restore to full health" NPC's other than manually patching them.
1) NPC must be below level 20. higher level ones will never fear
Prevented surrender mechanics on enemies above level 20, essential or protected.
Complete muffle for almost no cost
Did a balance pass on Hunterborns Spells, Magic effects, enchantments and NPCs.
Nerfed Amulet of Beaver moon from health from 10 - 7
Nerfed Smooth ring muffle from 0.8 to 0.2
Wood chopping a tree should give more wood before depleted. Feels weird to chop a tree and only get 2 pieces wood.
Adjusted KN_CT_ActiveTreeScript.pex
to add 4 firewood instead of 2.
Corrected Perks
Currently a support burden with the "WHAT THE EFF ARE THESE THINGIES"
Changing the name to something like alchemical solution of fire (weak) to match requiem potion naming conversions
Solutions changed to "alchemical solution of <Archtype> (strength)
Elixirs have a descriptive name adding. E.g Concentrated Glowing Elixir
Dropping your torch and picking it up again restores the timer for the torch. You can hold it for the duration and when it's close to ending you can simply just drop the torch pick it up again and the duration is reset.
Added standard version of Non-Exploitable Torches, and adjusted iEquip profile settings to disable finite torches and other torch-related settings
the issue: both filled and petty are called the same with no way to tell from the missive which one it wants. There is nothing on the Soul gem item record we can use.
Apparel to be a issue on the original missives mod too (someone reported it as a bug in like 2017)
Added Empty / Underfilled / filled to the soul gem item names sp that you know what type you need for missives.
The hoods are all classified as armor, dont have toolkits and are crafted at the forge with the presence of a mask.
The masks have been edited to include hair which prevents both hood and mask being worn at same time.
Disabled Hood's Crafting.
Would like to quicken this to 9 or 10pm or so
Edited the conditions for the Sleep Tight enemy sleep AI package so GetCurrentTime can be either greater than 22, or less than 9
When casting Polymorph on a dead body, it will turn into a living chicken. When casting polymorph again on the chicken, it will revert to the dead body from before - but with all loot replenished
Fixed so that :-
* Polymorph does not affect dead targets.
* Polymorph affects unique or essentials actors.
NPC hasnt been patched for requiem correctly. This has now been corrected.
The Shill Job: Place an item as evidence inside a home.
Vex will give you a stolen item that needs to be placed as evidence. The item is a randomly-selected gem or unenchanted piece of jewelry (circlet, necklace, or ring); see Leveled Lists for full details. The item is identical to a standard item, except that "Stolen" has been added to its name.
1-5 Common Flowers
1-5 Common Animal parts
1-5 Fungi
Ask her for a heist job and she will ask you to retrieve a single item from a store.
The item is a randomly-selected gem or unenchanted piece of jewelry (circlet, necklace, or ring); see Leveled Lists for full details. It is always found in the store's strongbox, which is protected with a leveled lock. The strongbox will also contain a random amount of gold (if you have not previously looted it), which can also be stolen to supplement your quest reward.
Hey all. Loving the mods. Seriously, one of the greatest experiences in gaming I’ve ever had. Noticed something in my game though, that the facemasks (worn by the people of Windhelm, for example, offer no coverage or warmth. This seems odd because although they aren’t necessarily the most insulating thing ever, it’s odd they offer absolutely NO protection from the environment considering that’s why people use them in game and in real life.Probably a small oversight and should be easily fixable. Thanks again for the brilliant experience and all the work you have put into it.
Added Frostfall keywords to CRB facemasks.
As title
Included script fixes
The food item "Boiled Cabbage and Mammoth" soup is not registered with Sunhelm. Replicated by reloading a quicksave.
Added to the various food lists so that its registered with Sunhelm.
Fozar forgot to change the minimum skill requirements on the Mgef for summon seeker (and ash shell) when he changed the Half-cost perk
Corrected Summon seeker Spell Minimum requirements so that the item card matches the casting requirements.
There is a inconstancy with naming conventions for scrolls.
E.G Scroll of Oakflesh - should me mage armor.
Corrected Scroll inconsistency to match the actual spell embedded in them.
Standard recipes require the Nordic perk, but simple and fur plate required "advanced blacksmithing" instead.
Corrected Recipe
Sol—Yesterday at 22:58
can you wear hoods and circlets together in wildlander?
Notorious—Today at 12:36
Added circlet tag to Dunmer hoods and Fur-lined hoods
I love starting with nothing in the wilderness and building up my arsenal before making contact with civilization, but there are a few problems I have.
Changes made
This is with 100+ smithing and the Ebony smithing perk. Why should a lower tier weapon be doing more damage? I assume this is a bug. The Nordic one is better in every way. They are both HEAVY crossbows. The Nordic one also weighs half as much and still does a lot more damage when tempered. This only seems to be the case with the crossbows, as the other nordic weapons aren't OP like this.
Investigation found that Nordic Weapons benefits from both the Nordic smithing temper adjustment & the advanced blacksmithing ones.
In addition the temper recipe (and crafting recipe) for Nordic crossbow use the Quicksilver recipes, instead of the galanite like the rest of Nordic weapons do.
Among other things, this should fix NPCs randomly disappearing until restarting the game.
Changed NPC's to persistent to stop them disappearing on a reload.
Added campfire placeable version of Furniture workbench from Hearthfire
Altered Barrel and chest recipes from Hearthfire to match campfire.
* Added Spinning wheel item to Furniture workbench (so it can be placed in player homes)
Added Workbench to craftable items in Player crafting.
Perk Changes from Requiem - Simple Alchemy Rebalance
Regeneration now gives a flat 1 regen per second to both health and stamina. (before: When in water - Grants 5/s passive health regeneration otherwise grants 1/s.)
Immunization now give 100% disease and poison resistance, as they are both basically useless. (before: 50% disease and 25% poison)
Active Alchemy perks have been altered to match Requiem 5.4's perks.
All Ammo in wildlander has a weight of 0.1 in addition to the keyword weights which gets assigned to the quiver. As a result - if player is carrying 100 arrows of any type. their quiver will get the weight added but in addition 10kb of carryweight is used "invisibly".
Removed "vanilla" style Arrow Weights.
In 3Tweaks and Current requiem - the mythic binding versions of bound weapons have the silver keywords. bound arrows already have this functionality in the current version, but the rest of the weapons do not.
Adding This makes them more useful against undead and gives them addition situational utility to match what bound arrows already do.
Added silver Keyword to Mythic Bound weaponry spells.
Not sure why you removed this.
Readded Encounter Cell so that <redacted> can chase the player
Therefore, cannot learn transmute blood spell with novice thesis even though it's a novice spell.
Corrected scripts.
Detailed Description
please fill details on crafted items that are from hunterborn, Campfire, etc
It'd be easier to understand what are items from
I know most ppl kave uset the mods before, but some, some details appearing under the items created(when creating at forge, tanning rack etc) would be excellent
Added Description framework and various Description INI files.
When you use the staff of magnus to disable the first barrier to enter the college with toldfir and the rest of the mages, your character becomes invisible when the booming explosion happens that prompts the rest of the NPCs to initiate combat with the flying wisps/magical anomalies.
Prevented the Atronoch's guarding the College dying, causing their Death magic effect being applied to the player. instead disabled and re-enabled them.
Missing the dispell script from requiem
Correct shrine to dispel Before reapplying buff
[00:01] CWHCM_TreasAncanoChest "Chest" [CONT:4E03EDCE]
[00:01] CONT \ Items \ Item \ COED - Extra Data \ Owner -> [0901E7D7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:01] CONT \ Items \ Item \ COED - Extra Data \ Owner -> [0901E7D7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:01] CONT \ Items \ Item \ COED - Extra Data \ Owner -> [0901E7D7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
Removed Ownership from OCW Containers and the bonus Daedra heart
This is a vanilla issue unfortunately. The Vampire NPC uses the wrong Race and AI package.
Installed Potema's Minion Fixlet (vampire option)
The description for the ghostblade states that it does 18 points of damage through armor. The effect however has not been changed from its vanilla value of 3 points of damage.
Corrected Description.
build largest campfire. still too small to cook with.
1) Disables Campfire cookpots recipe and added Simple portable cooking to replace.
2) Disabled Simple portable cooking Alchemy mortar recipe
3) Added breakdown recipe for new cookpot
4) replace Campfire with New cookpot in levelled lists
Make “Wait” into “Relax” across all materials?
Add “Guard” to the follower command interface (individual and all)
* Add formation join/ignore to follower dialogue
* Followers should report formation status when opening dialogue as well
Issue is no longer applicable as Follower Live package has been removed.
Euorlund Greymane can make skyforge steel weapons but lacks the materials to temper them. I think it would make sense for him to have the required materials for sale.
Added Leather red and dark to leather levelled list. Galatite stack of 5 to the skyforge vendor chest. Calcinium to the Advanced materiels levelled list.
When starting in Whiterun Ysolda, Carlotta, Danica and Amren wont give quest dialog options - which means you cant start any of their side quests.
This isn't the case in vanilla.
Updated Skyrim unbound, which hopefully fixes issues for other users.
need to swap the scripts on
DLC1VampireCoffinHoriz01 "Coffin" [FURN:0200CCF0]
DLC1VampireCoffinHoriz02 "Coffin" [FURN:0200CCF1]
DLC1VampireCoffinVert01 "Coffin" [FURN:0200CCF2]
Patched NPC coffins to have same effects as hearthfire home ones.
This bug allows a very minor exploit: Spell Research classifies the Restoration spell "Protection from Poison on Target" as an Apprentice-level spell, but it is actually an Adept-level spell. The only effect from this is allowing the spell to be researched early and for fewer resources than is appropriate.
Integrated attached scripts
Installed Predator Vision Power Fix to resolve issue.
Game describes vamps as being immune to death by exposure, when they are in fact not immune to death by exposure.
Added Frostfall - Vampire Fix for Vampire overhaul users which should correct the issue
Type of Bug: Quest
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Added Kill Miraak Spell Fix - Fix for Unlootable and Unkillable Miraak. Which should hopefully resolve this issue.
Using Wskeever's Sunhelm magical fire sources as inspiration - I've made a patch which should make the spells work the same way for frostfall (by adding them to the campfire heat sources).
I've also mage a change to add the mage coat rank 1 effect to flame cloak. (fortify warmth by 10 points for duration of cloak), Added a detrimental effect to Frost Cloak that should hopefully have the opposite effect of reducing warmth by -10.
Azworai—Today at 12:17
I tried to do Darkwater to rescue the homie Darkeethus but the Falmer deal so much damage to me and somehow they can find me when they're blind and I'm wearing a ring which states "You are inaudible." And since inaudible means 'cannot be heard' the Falmer have the most absurd sense of smell I've ever seen.
Corrected description
[REFR:63002E57] (places XJKMerchantAvrosBlacksmithChest "Chest" [CONT:63002E56] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00000D74] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C]) at -10,15)
Mod: JK's Skyrim.
Yeeted the chest below ground.
Specify that it is slaughterfish egg that is required, as 'Salmon Roe' which is (AFAIK) salmon eggs does not fulfill the requirement
Corrected Perk description
the Regenerate soaps dont have the keywords needed, therefore requiem is cancelling out the effects preventing them from working
Added keywords
According to it says that, with Visual manipulation, "You’ve experimented with spells like Darkvision, Invisibility, and Blur to manipulate your surroundings. These spells are 30% more effective, last longer*, and can be dual-cast.*".
Since all these three spells are sustained, so they will last as long as we have mana to cover the expense, in what way are they lasting any longer?
Removed Old illusion redone changes.
we either need to remove this voice line or make him so he cant enchant via honed metal.
Now had 3 reports.
improving or degrading equipment breaks Sky UI group functionality
For now, removed Item Durability, Will look at re-adding in the future.
Added crafting remnants W/ WL - Cooking with water bottle gives empty bottle
disarming and Overpowered bashes appear to have additional effects which arent included in the version of requiem we use (probably coming from LE version fo requiem)
This means the effects are different than intended
This patch reverts those perks back to the requiem effects
in addition Perk description fixes for Evasion armor perks.
This can lead to locking your FPS when you dont want it too
Disabled the enb frame limiter on all shader profiles
Specific areas: High health regen, Wall of frost hazards which cant be mitigated.
Wall of frost, because its a hazard sprayed on the floor not a NPC cast effect means the Hazard element isn't affected by resistances correctly (engine bug). its also extremely high damage on its own 50/s.
Make the following changes
Accept the quest from Adonato in Windhelm and see if he properly provides his book (mentioned in dialogue as Olaf and the Dragon) and if the Journal properly lists the provided book as the one to deliver. Rather than not providing a book and listing the most recently acquired one to deliver.
Requiem Incorrectly flagged a crossbow book as a favour item in Candlehearth hall. removed the flag so it wont be selected for this quest
Its named hide, Requires leather to craft, but is classed as clothing. Surely this should be Evasion armor?
Same for other pieces
Reverted Hide Skaal items back to Dragonborn defaults (light armor)
In general they are lighter, faster, do more damage than their equivalent materiel counterparts and therefore Inconsistent.
In the case of mourneblade and shardslayer they also have Daedric/stahlrim level enchants on them. mourneblade is particular easy to get as all it requires is dodging some trolls.
Nerfed the speed and damage / Crit to match the base materiel equivalent.
Nerfed the enchanted down from Endgame level 6 enchants to Midgame level 4's.
Barter normally only allows you to buy gear they aren't wearing. if you talk to them while they are asleep - they arent wearing their master gear ect they are wearing sleep robes so it allows you to buy it.
Barter option disabled.
Missives can sometimes send you to Pinepeak Cavern in the Rift on a "clear out the area" quest. It's just north of Ivarstead. The bear inside spawns just underneath a natural gap in the stone ceiling. Unfortunately, when you fight the bear, Mr. Bear warps in and out of the ceiling space and sometimes can't be seen or hit. Not sure what causes this, but it's happened on a few runs.
Moved pinepeak cavern bear spawn down 50 z-axis units from 292 to 242. Will need confirmation testing
Manual has removed the food penality aspect of the Atronach stone, allowing full use of regen food. Change ours to match
Food now works with the atronoch stone.
Installed the following:
- Realistic Camp Storage
- RCS Requiem Patch
- RCS Simple Campfire Addons Patch
So my second dragon, the one in kynesgrove, is of the poison variety.
I've learned that its breath attack is not mitigated by anything. It's 50 damage per second for ~3 seconds and then the damage drops sharply to ~7 and then drops gradually for the last 3 seconds (the wiki is wrong here). I'd put the overall damage at around 185.
With 100% poison resist the poison bite damage over time is reduced to 0, but it has no effect on the poison breath. Neither does 90% magic/frost/fire/shock resistance. The perk that is supposed to halve damage from shouts also does nothing (I had to run back to the greybeards to take that one). I even tried 100% disease resist and that does nothing too. Nor does immunity to drain attacks from fortify health enchants. If I switch my armor for robes the damage is the same.
I can tank one hit, but he can use it 2-3 times in a row even in melee range. I'm heavy armor sword and board, so dodging it is basically a no-go, and I can't tell if he's about to bite (easily blocked) or shout (not resisted by anything). Am I supposed to just have 500 health or a backpack full of superlative health potions?
Added Requiem 5.4 changes which should hopefully resolve this issue.
Neither the Riften nor the Solitude Outlaw Den enchanter trainers are listed in the "Report" book that contains an in-game list of trainers throughout Skyrim. Basically all other skills get a shoutout.
Runil is also listed as vanilla conjuration, when under requiem he's restoration
Corrected book to include missing trainers.
Issue: The Solitude fletcher has tons of poisons on display in his shop, but doesn't actually sell any. He should! Even if just a limited selection.
Possible fix: Add poisons to his inventory.
Added poisons to his vendor chest, added poisons to his "sell/buy" list
The Champion at the end of Knifepoint Ridge seems to be immortal?
The moment he goes down, he regains full HP, over and over and over.
I tried killing him with Console Commands, also no avail.
Am I missing something?
Added NoFearYield keyword to Champion of Boethiah
Crafting a 500g Potion of frenzy will barely earn you 2% of the skill to get from level 20-21.
This means you litrally need to break the economy by crafting shite potions to get to skill 100.
Adjusted alchemy skill use mult to 2.2
The volsung description states it increases carry weight by 20 when then enchantment increases carry weight by 50.
Fixed description
The Bone Masterwork War Axe (WEAP:330B5B19) has a speed value of .7 when all other war axes have a value of .9. This makes it significantly slower than any other war axe in the game.
Corrected the speed of this weapon. It was also missing materiel keywords (along with several others) which have now been patched appropriately.
Added crafting recipe(Malachite, Salt & Forge). Requires Glass perk
Added Fort Greenwall Forge Fix
Added OCW - Keep It Clean patch, adding a bathroom to the college
Type of Bug: ENB
Detailed Description
*Additional Information*
Added Mod Word Wall Transparency Fix for ENB
Added Inconsequential NPCs Carriage Guard fix
Markarth - next to the meat shop by entrace
Added Skyrim 3D Misc Chopping Block Texture Map Fixes
To Stop vendors breaking when they have too much gold (e.g blacksmiths when asked to temper ebony gear) Added Barter Limit Fix mod
Added World Encounter Hostility Fix
1. Visit the outlaw refuge in Whiterun
2. Attempt to interact with several objects including boots, books etc
Added Outlaw Refuges - Base Object Swapper
As summary
Integrated Beard Mask Fix and its update from Fuzzles.
Scrambled bugs now has a optional file to fix this
Added Scrambled Bugs' Vendor Respawn Fix.
It may be confusing to the new player for the first 5 mins but is it more confusing than having enemies chasing you down corridors just to teleport through loading cells to appear in front of you or having to open the console & sometimes they follow you but sometimes they don't & if they don't follow you sometimes be waiting for you as you re-enter or sometimes just simply resetting. It's all over the place. It does nothing for the gameplay or consistency.
Installed the mod Loading Screen Truce, which is an SKSE plugin that toggles AI during cell transitions.
Added NPC AI Process Position Fix
Take away some of the pain in spell research. Like 8 hour sleep is enough to take away all mental exhaustion.
Irondusk33 was a bit overzealous on that part.
Type of Bug: NPC
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Integrated Unaggressive Dragon Priests Fix
Latest version available from here
Added and given a baseline configuration, plus the settings loader. Will need testers to play with followers to work out kinks and improvements for current config
I couldn't find Galatite and Eorlund didn't know what that was even though his Skyforge weapons are made of Galatite.
My poor Immersion!
Added the following missing items to Honed Metal basic materials list: Galatite Ingot, Calcinium Ingot, Fur Plate, and Dark Leather
Undead corpses are stupid and get lost when you take a carriage or occasionally travel though loading doors. Token has written a patch to add in Ftweaks recall minions power to Wildlander (to save you having to have a list of PRID's to moveto player)
Added Token's mod to wildlander.
User Notes: not sure exactly what triggers it, but it's happened a bunch of times in the coastal region around Winterhold.
Added Combat Music Fix NG (Linked mod)
Detailed Description**
I explored Whiterun sewers over a few hours of gameplay. Since then, Anoriath, Ulfgert (woman in Bannered Mare that likes to box), and Alvor have all tried to kill me in Whiterun at different times but in less than one game day. Anoriath started shooting at me from his merchant stall. The next morning after sleeping in the inn, Ulfgert attacked me in the common room. Alvor (the Riverwood blacksmith) appeared out of nowhere charging from the back of Belethor's shop in whiterun (why was he even there). I've been able to subdue all 3 NPCs with the following commands: setessential to not permanently kill, setav aggression 0, kill, and then kill again which after 2nd time gets them off the ground in good condition and they stop attacking me. This was after multiple different console commands with Anoriath to figure out how to calm him down and multiple reloads to see if he would stop - he didn't stop until I used the above commands. When in the sewers, I killed mudcrabs and skeevers, picked a lock to get into the Jorvasskr basement (but didn't steal anything), killed bandits, falmer, shot a couple draugr, and killed an "outcast" vagrant type that came charging to kill me first. Something down there messed up my saves. I've since reverted to a save from before the sewers and don't plan to go back or replay it to see if I can reproduce the bug.
Added Zero Bounty Hostility Fix
To prevehnt people with weirdly formatted driving having issues with sound
To prevent people with weirdly formatted driving having issues with sound Added Sound Fix for Large Sector Drives
Users find weapons degrade too quickly in larger dungeons, so either need to either add a portable repair kit (like we had in Ultsky) or slow the rate down.
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Added Holidays Happy Little Trees Patch
Detailed Description**
CandleLight spell is brighter/darker in 1st/3rd person.... make it consistent, please.Preferably brighter in both 1 and 3rd person
Added Battle Ready Candlelight Fixes
Steps to reproduce:
I have a campsite west of Whiterun, a few hundred metres away near a stream and and some trees. In the tent when I compose a spell using Spell Research mod, after I get the pop explaining that it worked, I hear the 'door opening' sound and after a short loading screen appear outside of Whiterun.
Added First Person Animation Teleport Bug Fix
Screenshot is from Sarthaal
"Mild Traps" version of Subliminal Traps SSE added
Vanilla issue, but has a SE mod fix
Added linked mod
When you have high enough pickpocket, you can steal a sleeping NPC's armor. When they wake up they reequip the stolen armor allowing you to duplicate expensive armor (Master mage robes, master thieves guild armor)
Added Sleep Tight - Fixes
Added MFG Fix.
Some furniture stations for camping are missing such as wood chopping blocks.
Added Simple Campfire Additions and merged patch, deleted scripts from Simple Campfire Additions as they do not work with the version of campfire we use.
Added and integrated End Inappropriate Afflicted Encounters SE
Addition of
Added linked mod
The Warhammer of Inebriation is a Nordic materiel Warhammer (both visually and keywords) and by Damage.
But the tempering recipe uses Orcish materials & perks rather the Nordic Materiel & perks.
Changed weapon to use Galatite & Nordic crafting perk.
Floaty Bucket!
Placed a well to prevent the bucket floating.
This doesn't work right with 1.7.4 of spell research experience, but there is a patch.
will need to get Patch for Enhanced Graphics and Exper. Book v1.7.4 from old files, and replace the SWF in the "Enhanced Graphics for Spell Research Experience Book" mod
Patched mod as per descrption
Swapped EndTable in Hearthfire basement to be the none-respawning one.
Noted that No more Silver in Castle Volkihar doesn't affect Vampire lairs. Updated my Base object swapper ini to affect those too.
Vampire lairs no longer comtain Silver
I've gone though requiem 6.0.1 changes to persistence and stripped those into a esp.
I recommend adding this patch as a stand alone separate patch right below Fozar and not merging into Wildlander itself. so as to not negatively affect any other things which edit locations and cause ourself a headache.
Added Persistance to varioud requiem NPC's so they dont despawn on reload.
Did a pass though 6.0.1 picked out some useful changes to existing records
Did a pass though 6.0.1 picked out some useful changes
The prison has a naked dead woman on a table surrounded by leather strips and a note from one bandit to another about how the later should stop "putting bastards into wenches"
Removed the offending scene by adding patch from SmilingAncestor
After talking to Sinding and starting Ill Met By Moonlight, you are bound to the Cursed Ring of Hircine. This ring cannot be removed until you complete the quest.
However, there is a really easy exploit to remove it.
If you go to a Bathing Room, there are Clothes and armor baskets. Interacting with these will unequip all of your apparel, including the Cursed ring.
Interestingly, this will cause the Ring's force equip script to stop working, allowing you to equip and unequip the ring at will like any other piece of apparel. It still can't be removed from the inventory, however.
Patched script to prevent the Ring being Unequipped.
Discovering that if you run at 95% speed using a controller you don't get hit with the stamina drain feelsgoodman
See Attachments
Type of Bug: Crash-Freeze Not To Deaktop
_Detailed Description_
Ultra Graphics
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
I found a Treasure Map IV in a chest and promptly tried to read it, but instead displaying the text, it enters the player into placement mode for a fur bedroll. I didn't have any fur bedrolls in my inventory, and the map wasn't consumed upon placement. The bug persisted through a reload and restart.
Type of Bug: NPC
Detailed Description
After i accepted to pay 400 gold for his son amour, he accept to let his son go. But then they keep arguing about the armor in the father's coffer and acting like nothing happened, if i reload the save, the son goes away.
I _think_ this is what's happening; test further and inspect code to be sure.
Note: first instance was trying to get an NPC to follow me through cell; maybe they don’t do that?
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Additional Information**
Summary Of Bug Encountered
The big battles between the Empire and the stormcloaks seems to be quite buggy. Most of the time the fight is already won and the "dead" still animate like they were alive. But I can still loot them like they dead. And they dont seem to despawn. I was literally on the other side of the map and came 2 hours later back. Still there.
Summary Of Bug Encountered
When clearing Ft Greenwall as part of the Imperial Civil War, a Stormcloak soldier is stuck behind a door on the north side of the fort. The soldier doesn't take damage as a result. After using the tcl command to clip through the door, there appear to be two doors, but only one leads to the interior of the fort.
*Steps to reproduce:*
Start Civil War. Go to Fort Greenwall to clear.
Summary Of Bug Encountered
Marise Aravel, the produce merchant in Riften, has an idle marker inside of a barrel
*Steps to reproduce:*
1. Go to Riften
Type of Bug: Gameplay (E.g objects which cannot be activated or other game play related bugs)
Detailed Description**
Distant deers stuck/don't move when shot at
1. Enter a cell with bear traps such as Halted Stream Camp north of Whiterun
2. Trigger the bear traps so that they are de-activated (closed)
3. Leave the cell and re-enter the cell
1. During the civil war questline, after getting the Jagged Crown, get the quest marker to return and speak with Ulfric
2. View the marker location on your map
Summary Of Bug Encountered
The bug is simply that the horse in the video constantly respawns out of nowhere (usually at the bridge to get to bleak falls) and walks back to his spot in the video. jumpscaring me about 5 times now lol. - Side note imgr wasn't working so reddit was the only think I could think of, it's hard to see in the video but the rain in the sky is very very translucent.
Summary Of Bug Encountered
Thaena, Jarl Korir's wife, is still in the Jarl's Longhouse in Winterhold after the Imperials win the Civil War. Per UESP she is supposed to be in Windhelm at Brunwulf Free-Winter's house.
*Steps to reproduce:*
Cell: Farmer's Bounty Mercantile
NPC: Janus Mentedius
Reproduction: Go inside the shop, he will greet you, proven by the subtitles, but no voice line
If you are behind the table looking at the doors to the shrine, lead a hostile NPC to the patch of snow to the left of the table. They will sink very slightly into the snow and be unable to move.
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Type of Bug: Crash to desktop
Detailed Description**
I found a grime covered staff (ID 2F1EFBF5) when harvesting for food (right Alt key). When clicking on the staff in my inventory, a task displayed to clean the staff. I clicked on the task to perform it and the game immediately crashed.
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Somehow the seat idle on static carriages has been moved forwards so that carriage drivers no longer sit properly on the seat. Seen in Falkreath, Markarth, and Whiterun.
Feel like the orphan - specifically sofia in windhelm need a pile of hay or bedroll to sleep on as there is no fire to keep warm nearby, they would be a corpse rather than a orphan.
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
If you load a save that had magelight active whilst you were in 1st person magelight will not be active. Once you switch to 3rd person and back to 1st person magelight will again be active. That is the gist of the bug, if you have trouble reproducing the bug feel free to reach out and I will make sure I didn't forget anything/explain it well enough.
1. Visit Whiterun during the night - observe the darkness, and guards walking around in the darkness
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
Medium Graphics
Type of Bug: Gameplay (E.g objects which cannot be activated or other game play related bugs)
Detailed Description**
Note: This is for WildLander 1.1.2
Type of Bug: CTD
Detailed Description
ctd a short while after encountering an imperial patrol, log seems to indicate they ran into the hold borner banner between the rift and falkreath
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
This issue doesnt happen in first person view. Only third person. Video will be provided showing the glitch. At first I had no problem with bound battleaxe. I played thru some content with it and my other spells with no issue. For unknown reasons, it just suddenly started. Then what I did is give up this specific build and i removeperk some twohanded and put em in onehanded and continued playing with dual bound swords which worked fine. Then a few levels later i tested the bound axe and now it worked fine.. so I reloaded the old save where the problem was happening.. and it was fine now. So I played a couple minutes, spawned a few battleaxes, killed stuff, then I spawned a spectral warhound and suddenly the problem started again. If I reload the game while the bugged spawned axe is in my hand, after the reload it appears and its fine. But if i try to spawn another, its the same problem. Maybe its the spectral warhound that breaks it but I cant reproduce it and besides, I played with those two skills before this started. This is all I can tell you.
Solution: Forwarded the water entries from Water for ENB.esm for all affected worldspace records. This is an odd one, since the Water for ENB (Shades of Skyrim).esp is the overwrite culprit. I have left a note on the Water for ENB page to see if Mindflux knows what’s up.
hehe lol
When talking to Paarthurnax during the "Paarthurnax" quest line, both "The Blades say you deserve to die" and "You speak wisely, yet how can I be sure you won't return to your old ways?" dialogue trees lead to Paarthurnax stating that Alduin has been defeated. I'm not sure if this is a quest flag from Paarthurnax-Quest Expansion, but this is after completing Alduin's Bane and before trapping Ohdaving.
Steps to reproduce:
Talk to Paarthurnax after receiving the quest to kill him from Esbern or Delphine.
*If you have supporting screenshots and/or videos - Please give us link(s). Please note: if reporting a graphical bug you must include a screenshot of your map location, and a screenshot of the console with the item selected.*
There are a LOT of groups needing additional filling out. Make ingredients regional, add material armors/weapons to material groups, etc. See linked issue for an example of missing items from one of the FLST.
Two things with fully furnished Honeyside (without the kid's room)
First, the porch door has two interactions that show up simultaneously from the outside depending one where you are looking at the door: one for when the player is residing in the house ("Open Honeyside") and one for when the player is renting the house out ("Examine Lock Rented House - Requires Key").
Using a Mead key the first time is giving me a Single bottle of Mead - it is not consuming the empty bottles in my inventory.
First time i use, i get a mead item - but don't consume empty bottles.
if i then drink the mead - i cannot refill it using the keg.
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
the whole exterior looks a bit overgrown - but the forge part is the worst with free’s growing though furnature
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Type of Bug: NPC
Additional Information**
Detailed Description
the spigot for the sleeping tree sap is floating away from the tree
Grass texture needs Replacing
Type of Bug: NPC
Detailed Description
I haven't tested this in any other sewers.
Summary Of Bug Encountered
Dawnstar carriage driver standing inside the carriage
*Steps to reproduce:*
Go to Dawnstar, find the carriage
Detailed Description**
Equip backpack and Nordic Shield.
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Medium Graphics
Type of Bug: Horse
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
Currently I'm running the game on Ultra with Low Shaders and when using the Khajit ability Nighteye (also happens with hunter's night eye) around the purple spriggans the screen flashes blue constantly. After turning off the ability the flashes stop.
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Type of Bug: CTD
Detailed Description
SImple CTD
Type of Bug: CTD
Detailed Description
Two crashes on different characters after the same sort of thing occurring;
Type of Bug: Movement
Detailed Description
first encountered with iron greatsword and iron (banded) armor; happens with orcish armor/battleaxe as well
Type of Bug: Horse
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Detailed Description**
Hulda at Bannereed Mare has a quill, a ledger and a mug in her hands. Simultaneously
Summary Of Bug Encountered
Possible dialogue bug with Brynjolf: during the Main Quest Delphine directs you to ask Brynjolf about Esbern. He's supposed to have the dialogue option regardless of whether you're a member of the TG, and if you're not a member you can use Persuade checks to get him to tell you, or tell you to bugger off if you don't have high enough Speechcraft. He didn't have the dialogue option when he was selling in the market nor after hours when he's in the Bee and Barb. This isn't game-breaking as the PC can still ask Keerava however, the dialogue should still be there. (Unless it's a Requiem thing.)
Steps to reproduce:
Summary Of Bug Encountered
There is no way to properly disable the crosshair in 1st person view when using bows or magic - if deactivating it in the skyrim game settings, some mod brings back the crosshair after going 1st person - 3rd person - 1st person. If you go into the skyrim settings and activate - deactivate the crosshair again, it's gone. Not major, but if you want the increased immersion/difficulty of having to use the bow without crosshair, it's basically not possible without quirks at the moment. Thanks for everything you did to the game, it's wonderful, love you guys\!
Type of Bug: Camera
Detailed Description
High Graphics
See linked issue for a detailed explanation
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
I'm assuming that the pathing of NPCs is wonky with the higher area in the grey quarter, or possibly a script behavior with NPCs is causing them to fall from the higher walkways and die.
1. Enter the Bee and Barb in Riften
This concerns the shrine to Talos and dragon priest mask busts which are reached from the bedroom on the second floor, with a staircase leading down to them hidden behind a wardrobe.
If activated, the bust will display the mask but when reclaiming it the mask disappears. Activating the bust again prompts for the now missing mask, suggesting it has indeed been removed, but it doesn't appear in player inventory. There were one or two reports of this issue on the original mod's Nexus page. Tried with three different masks, same outcome.
Used this Holiday Guide for reference on actual in-game actions:
Most testing was done in Whiterun
Anything noted on the above site or in an in-game notice that states "free healing in Temples" simply requires that you stand close to the priest/priestess as they are casting. There is no dialogue.
I acquired Voice of the Sky on the 7000 Steps and it showed up as an active effect with 24 hours' duration. It didn't deter animals from attacking me while on horseback, however, and several attacked me while on foot as well. At some point less than an hour after getting it the effect had disappeared. Can't say if that was as a result of defending myself from attacking animals since I didn't check. On reload the results were the same and after a second reload the effect was gone altogether.
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
High Graphics
See Screenshots
Type of Bug: Purchaseable houses.
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Detailed Description
Students love to practice on the ground floor of the hall of elements by standing on benches and casting at the wall or by summoning atronachs that are standing on the railing, things like that. They for some reason would rather show off their precarious atronach summoning than use the actual training room directly below them
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
The Nightsky Stars brighten up when you move the camera. It looks stronger in High Shader, but is still present with low shaders. Must have something to do with the ENB.
Type of Bug: NPC
Detailed Description
BetterDocks NPCs in Solitude do not swim or attempt to return to the dock if they fall off. They idle and float out into the sea of ghosts.
Detailed Description**
Also i should mention that the enemy camp leaders are immortal. This should be fixed as its super unimmersive to have immortal enemys in a faction war.
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Detailed Description**
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
Medium Graphics
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
My hearth fire house floor is grassy
Anders Quarters (door on the left ) after entering the halls of the dead overnight.
Greeds Stream [9:19:32|]
Type of Bug: NPC
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Type of Bug: Exploit
Detailed Description
see Attachemnts
REQ_Actor_FrostbiteSpiderTiny "Frostbite Spider" [NPC_:8137244A]
Type of Bug: Gameplay (E.g objects which cannot be activated or other game play related bugs)
Detailed Description**
During the deadric quest of Meridia, at the end of the quest (the second time she talks), my whiterun horse got teleported next to me, then when we fall it took a huge fall damage. I avoided its death by giving it a huge amount of health.
Type of Bug: Gameplay (E.g objects which cannot be activated or other game play related bugs)
Detailed Description**
Type of Bug: Exploit
Detailed Description
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Low Graphics
Summary Of Bug Encountered
There is a note from Holidays on the counter of the Bannered Mare, and I have no idea how it's supposed to work. It gave me a pop up and then text in the top left told me when my birthday was, that Alduin had not been defeated yet, and the Civil War had not concluded. As a player, I'm aware of the latter two, but I don't know if I'm supposed to do anything about the pop up.
*Steps to reproduce:*
Pick up Monthly Events note on the counter at the Bannered Mare
It is not possible to pay a bounty. I accidentally trespassed (bug in itself. Warmaiden was closed as if it was night in the middle of the afternood, but door was unlocked), got a bounty and approached a guard to pay it off. No such option and I was prisoned for a month.
1. Complete the quest for Compelling Tribute, capturing a wagon with lots of weapons and silver
2. See attached images
Derryl Hopkins 10 January 2022 at 14:24
Can confirm; however, selecting “Cancel placement” does let you at least have the item equipped without losing it.
Perhaps simply deleting parts of the texture would “solve” it?
REQ_Alchemy_NightVision "Night Vision" \[PERK:811CD495]
Its the lesser power you get from this perk which cannot be triggered using the Predator vision keybind
Detailed Description**
When rotating Azura's Star or The Black Star in the inventory, it slowly slides in the opposite direction.
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
I accidentally trespassed in Warmaiden was closed as if it was night in the middle of the afternoon, but door was unlocked), got a bounty and approached a guard to pay it off. No such option and I was prisoned for a month.
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
Normally, if you have an Iron Woodcutting Axe in your inventory, it displays on Campfire's fur backpacks. However, if you equip an axe weapon (in this case, a Steel War Axe), the Iron Woodcutting Axe disappears from the backpack. I assume this is because some script somewhere assumes that the axe you are wielding is the Iron Woodcutting Axe.
Prior to the dragon quest (haven't completed that yet) attempt to purchase Breezehome with only ~20k in your inventory. All of your money is removed, and the house is purchased
Detailed Description**
I think Immersive Patrols might be causing a bug. I've encountered wandering merchants and their bodyguards wandering around Blackreach, both out in the open and inside the locked elevators. I also saw a lone giant once.
Type of Bug: Crash to Desktop
Detailed Description
~Playing on version 1.1.6 (Bug report stops at 1.15)~
CTD inside Faendal house while sneaking to steal, around 11pm.
Mithllon has had 555 gold for hundreds of hours of gameplay, and the items he offers and their quantity never changes.
the meaning of life is 42
Type of Bug: Gameplay (E.g objects which cannot be activated or other game play related bugs)
Detailed Description**
upon loading my save my horse is acting like it's in pinball and just bouncing all around
More specifically, the Vampiric Grip spell does not turn the player towards the camera/reticle the way all other aimed spells do; this is likely because the area of effect for VG spawns directly in front of the player’s model, using the player’s model as an anchor.
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Southeast of steamscorch mine
Type of Bug: Environment
Detailed Description**
Invasive tree doesn't respect another tree's personal space. It's nearby falkreath, next to an uphill path that leads to mage that zaps you if you invade his personal space as well
Items in each of the bathing rooms (whos keys are rented from the various innkeepers) can be taken and are not marked as stolen. Some of these items are powerful/expensive and likely should not be easily accessible to any player for the low cost of 10 gold.
A good fix would be to set their ownership to the innkeeper job faction.
Tested in Riverwood during the night in rainy conditions, and also neutral conditions within qasmoke.
Dropping a large amount of cotton cloth on the ground (about 60 instances) froze the game. Dropping fewer massively slows the game.
And the fire has grass growing though it
See Screenshots
Type of Bug: Gameplay (E.g objects which cannot be activated or other game play related bugs)
Detailed Description**
Upon entering Frostflow Lighthouse and finding the dead bodies, the related quest does not register.
Detailed Description**
Fought Mikail and beat him in a brawl at approx 12:45am, rent a room from Hulda sleeping on the floor, sleep for 8 hours, go downstairs and there are two Sinmirs. One stood normally by the fire post closest to the room with the cooking pot and stairs. The duplicate is stood next to the original and looking/moving around in an agitated manner. You can talk to both normally. I think the duplicate is moving/looking to the side because he is trying to get to the first's idle marker. It's quite creepy.
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
High Graphics
Detailed Description**
When standing by the entry door in Breezehome, items that are on the kitchen shelving are not visible. They only become visible when about halfway across the room.
Detailed Description**
same as above
See WL-899
Eaither Kill Sybille or wait for to kill herself with the sun, get the speachcraft perk that allows you to invest in bussineses then try to invest with Melaran
1. Enter Belethor's General Goods in Whiterun
Summary Of Bug Encountered
When I launch the game with medium shaders and graphics (which I have been using with no issues), it makes my game really bright during both day and night. If I run the game with no/low shaders I don't have this issue.
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description**
I believe every chapter should be on their own page but there is seemingly random amount of lines between chapters, sometimes none
1. At some point during the civil war, Ulfric gives you the ability to purchase property (as Thane)
2. Talking to the steward, there are 2 dialogue options to purchase.
Type of Bug: Crash to Desktop
Detailed Description
High Graphics
See Attached
1. Enter whiterun market during the Siege of Whiterun
This will be an easy task, but a time consuming one. It is a good recommendation for the community/outsourcing
Type of Bug: Crash to Desktop
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Type of Bug: Graphical (e.g Missing texture, floating objects)
**Detailed Description**
When wearing the cuirass off the vigilant it clips in first person and can be seen
Type of Bug: Crash to Desktop
Detailed Description**
Start new game in Falkreath.
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
1. During the Battle of Whiterun, observe the navmeshes of catapults and added items
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description**
Type of Bug: CTD
Detailed Description
It’s not exactly clear WHY this issue occurs, but it most likely has something to do with Trade Routes' forced initialization. I managed to get the inventories to load properly after loading the second save on character creation, but only in the Riften wilderness; other locations seem more variable.
Detailed Description**
This bug completely baffles me, I would swear that all throughout my initial playthrough this never occurred, however when I go back to my first playthroughs saves the hunting knife spawns in my inventory and is equipable I've not the slightest clue how or why this is the case
User reported this while walking over a flame trap
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
1. Join the Companions and get a bandit quest
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
The Draugrs in Halldir's Cairn can't go past a certain spot (I was trying to kill them with the trap behind me lol)
Need to compile the modlist with the default Creation Kit window layout. Most render windows display off the end of the screen where they aren’t selectable and using the view menu to close and re-open them does not move them back. The only workaround I was able to do was to go in and edit the window location values myself. The average user probably won’t know how to do this even if they are competent with the CK.
Type of Bug: Gameplay (E.g objects which cannot be activated or other game play related bugs)
Detailed Description**
An unfortunate accident when I was trying to bath but my key was removed within the window I was bathing in. This occured in Markarth. Had to use console to get out.
Summary Of Bug Encountered
Face turned... red bluish, didnt noticed it right away. Was fighting some Mudcrabs in Dragonsreach Underground Stream. Entered at Whiterun Watchtower with the scripted Bandit Eventl.
Semi-random crashes to desktop, usually in the Riften exterior cell. Seems to happen mostly when I'm in a crafting menu.
Steps to reproduce:
Type of Bug: Quest bug (E.G incompletable missives)
Detailed Description**
In this quest, we need 4 rings (in misc category) to activate the daedric gauntlet. Problem, one of the ring, the "Ilas-Tei's Ring" is an armor ring, not a misc one. So we can't place the last one. Hopefully, we can spawn one of the first three rings to activate the gauntlet.
After you made the kill. You get an letter from Muiri, talking how you secretly helped her (despite she was the one giving you the quest in the first place). Doesnt break progress and no double quest reward.
Type of Bug: CTD
Additional Information**
Detailed Description**
Hopefully I chose the correct type of bug for this but the dragon was just flying around and hovering above me at times the entire fight. He did not land on the ground once during the entire battle and he phased through the ground a few times. I've linked a couple videos down below showing these bugs.
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
See Attached
1. During character creation, complete your character and select a name.
2. When prompted, select to re-enter the RaceMenu to modify the character
3. Character now has clothing on, preventing players from body visualization
When talking to Balgruuf after completing the Civil War questline he still has a "What will it take to end the war?" dialogue option.
Steps to reproduce:
Talk to Balgruuf after completing the Civil War siding with the Imperials.
*If you have supporting screenshots and/or videos - Please give us link(s). Please note: if reporting a graphical bug you must include a screenshot of your map location, and a screenshot of the console with the item selected.*
See crashlog.
Happened at statue of Talos in Falkreath on the way to Riverwood.
Please see this bug report thread that was made 8 months ago. I have included what I have done to reliably reproduce this bug. This definitely is an issue with Jenassa, and happens when I give her a Black backpack. It does not happen when she's provided a Brown backpack. Upon transitioning through a loading screen or even to a new scene, the Crafting Menu appears. Additionally, each time she forces the crafting menu to open, a rug is spawned at my feet. Thanks to Geforce Experience, I have recorded footage of rugs being spawned and spammed at my feet at ridiculously speeds and flooding a cave I was exploring. Additionally, this flood has happened outside of the College.
I’d just come out of the Outlaw refuge walking towards that loud ass town crier.
Type of Bug: Gameplay (E.g objects which cannot be activated or other game play related bugs)
Detailed Description**
Randomly (no idea what could cause it except for the usual bathing suspect) my char would get double or in one specific case even triple shrine blessing. Last time this happened with shrine of Julianos I believe (the one which gives additional magicka), where I ended up having triple Julianos effects active which raised my magicka up by 100 points. Same happened with blessing of Kynareth (Whiterun temple of kynareth), which at one point gave me double the stamina buff (doubled effect) - if I recall correctly same happened once with blessing of Mara as well. The fix was to pick up another blessing from a different shrine, which would in turn reset the effects.
New animated banners clip with various furniture in this room.
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
New characters have +12 to carry weight. For some reason player.removeallitems + restart + location change (indoor to outdoor whiterun) seems to reset it back permanently. I also tried removing my items manually by dropping and selling all my gold, restarted numerous times, but it never reverted. I also looked at a random gameplay video and noticed this person also has extra carry weight.
1. During the Join the Companions questline, speak with Vilkas after the fight about delivering his sword.
2. Observe the value / quality of the sword
Type of Bug: Crash to Desktop
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Steps to reproduce:
Enter Whiterun Sewers - Wind District and enter first person, make sure the water in the sewer is silhouetting your arms/weapons etc (see posted image)
Steps to reproduce:
Begin "Under Saarthal" quest and walk with NPCs to Saarthal until you reach steps leaving Winterhold (by the chicken coop). Workaround is to go to Saarthal alone and wait an hour.
*If you have supporting screenshots and/or videos - Please give us link(s).*
1. During the Siege of Whiterun, visit one of the extra vendors added by mods
Detailed Description
I haven't tried recreating it anywhere else, but while training some destruction on the dummies behind the companions guild, I was using the basic lightning spell I started with (Sparks I think? Not sure) and found a way to continue casting even when empty on magicka by draining the bar fully then start recasting around half way filled. The bar will drain normally but I can continue casting even once its empty as long as I keep holding click. At the time I had the debuff from too much instant training and my magicka was lowered to about 75 or 50. As I said I haven't tried replicating with other spells or other training areas. If relevant I also have the apprentice stone on my character.
As reported by u/Kimber_EDC:
{quote}I've done some more research on this. The bug ONLY happens when you have a spell in one hand and weapon in the other and cast while the weapon is drawn. Bows and 2H weapons don't exhibit the problem and neither do 1H + shield/empty offhand. My character only has a couple of spells, so right now it's the summon wolf novice spell that's triggering it. May do some testing with other magic types tonight to make sure it's not just conjuration, but it's definitely reproducible for me like I described it.{quote}
Type of Bug: NPC (anything relating to a NPc's appearance or if they are stuck in objects)
Detailed Description
The Aetherium Forge exists in the cell DLC1Bthalft01
the color of the forge to surrounding piping is mismatched
Type of Bug: Random event
Detailed Description
The random event, where a thief runs up to you and gives you an enchanted item to hold for a while "and he'll be back later".
1. Visit Fort Greenwall, north of Riften
2. Attempt to enter one of the 2 taverns located on the north side of the keep
Mining this clay node (opposite side of lake Illanata to the guardian stones) also mines the Ore node on the circled island.
Detailed Description**
I purchased all of the available upgrades for Breezehome. When I go down to the basement to enter the forge area there is a stone wall completely blocking my view of the room. In fact I had no idea the room was even there and thought the house was bugged. I can walk through the stone wall without enabling the TCL command in the console. When I am inside the room I can clearly see outside of the room to where the stairs are leading back to the main floor.
There are three duplicate NPCs named Ervona in Windhelm, Candlehearth Hall.
The following is a list of errors with the Heljarchen Farm mod, referenced together because they are all part of the same file package.
The rainwater barrel does not function as a water source (critical, no nearby water)
Cash prices for construction and hiring is too low (requires Requiem balance). Suggested improvements include increasing Construction projects by at least 3x and Hiring costs by 10x. Without increasing prices, paying gold is significantly cheaper than constructing yourself, and costs only $18k gold for full construction.
Summary Of Bug Encountered
During A Chance Arrangement, Brand-Shei is supposed to be seated on a crate, however he is sitting on nothing.
*Steps to reproduce:*
Begin A Chance Arrangement and look at Brand-Shei.
1. Visit the Jarl Hall in Windhelm
Type of Bug: NPC (anything relating to a NPc's appearance or if they are stuck in objects)
Detailed Description**
Some npcs are frozen in the middle of walking animations or rotate on themselves due it seems to script lag
Type of Bug: Crafting
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Please See Attached screenshots
Type of Bug: Crafting (anything relating to crafting recipes)
Detailed Description**
Type of Bug: CTD
Detailed Description
I have killed the leader (inside, near the big mammoth). There are some traps in the tunnel that lead to Skyrim - if you go past them and go outside, you get into the hole where some NPC is dead and animal bones, and a few coin purses. When I go to Skyrim - it sometimes crashes (2 crashes to Desktop so far)
There is a harvestable spiky grass pod in the stream that runs through Markarth's entrance square.
*Additional Information*
Go to Markarth and look in the stream by one of the small bridges. It's difficult to notice, from above, but it's obvious if you clip under the ground and look up.
From Greed’s stream
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
When you use the Bathing room at the Winking Skeever your Thrall will stay upstairs but when you go back upstairs they loose their unique name, they won't be mentioned as being your Thrall anymore. However they will follow you around but when they die you won't be able to loot any items they carried. In my case they are carrying unique artifacts which would be forever lost unless I am reloading an older save.
Summary Of Bug Encountered
There are instances where only certain elements of the UI will disappear (the compass and the H/M/S bars) after pressing X or when an inventory window is open. The latter causes overlap on the bottom right.
*Steps to reproduce:*
I'm unable to consistently reproduce this, but as it's happened on two characters now I wanted to note it.
Detailed Description**
Forges have a hole on the side of the mesh, just above the fire
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Note: In the Winking Skeever the thrall stays outside and thus this bug doesn't occur.
Type of Bug: Gameplay (E.g objects which cannot be activated or other game play related bugs)
Detailed Description**
You cannot kill miraak or the dragon here and eventually you'll be teleported away so you're not softlocked
Dervernin appears to be either stuck or admiring the wall. Tunnel to castle dowr next to vittoria vici's house
Type of Bug: Gameplay (E.g objects which cannot be activated or other game play related bugs)
Detailed Description**
I have poisons favourited so that i can quickly apply them to my bow from the favourites menu. However, when i apply the poisons from the menu the poison is consumed but not applied (indicated by not showing in the iEquip hud or effect applying to enemy). The only way to get the poisons to apply is by going into the main inventory menu and applying them from there.
Type of Bug: NPC (anything relating to a NPc's appearance or if they are stuck in objects)
Detailed Description**
NPCs bunch around to loot dropped items OR conjured minions that "die"
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
High Graphics
When crossing Valheim towers looked down and saw this monstrosity
Grass issue - Change texture to pebbles under the carriage
I went twice in jail in riften in a very short time.
The first time, it went okay
Detailed Description**
Falkreath Stormcloack Camp- Cooking place ground textures dont blend
halldir's "summons" in halldir's cairn are located in the walls, and simply "move" when they're summoned. I killed all the NPCs with an AOE fire spell much before I entered the boss room, only to find that the gate was closed and I couldn't enter. I TCL'd in, and then the quest completed and the door opened behind me. (vanilla bug but if you find a fix please send it :P)
Type of Bug: Crash to desktop
Detailed Description**
Inside Labyrinthian, it started when I got to Labyrinthian Thoroughfare in the large area leading to caves and water with the ghosts standing in a circle. Whenever I run through, it crashes and I can't progress. I've tried to tcl through to the next area just below to the Tribune, the same happens where I can't continue without it crashing. I then loaded back and tried to leave but it started crashing again. I'm not sure if its due my pc specs or not, I will also leave the saves if you'd like to try them.
Get the quest from Carmilla to get Mikael to leave her alone and then fight him.
*If you have supporting screenshots and/or videos - Please give us link(s). Please note: if reporting a graphical bug you must include a screenshot of your map location, and a screenshot of the console with the item selected.*
Detailed Description**
Lighting on the ground flickering on and off at night outside Atheron Residence when moving camera around. Also occurs on a patch of ground outside Sadri's Used Wares when walking around there. Also happens when walking up an alley away from Sadri's shop where three lanterns are hanging.
An example of an offending spawn marker is 001038ad, which you can see has a couple of mammoths referencing it. The mammoths spawn in the exact same location at the same time, causing one of them to fly up into the air (and die on landing).
There are several instances of this throughout the game world. There might be a way to sweep them all up at once - perhaps r/skyrimmods discord would have an idea - but a worst-case solution would be creating separate markers for each mammoth/creature for each offending instance.
… this old chestnut.
Landscape is stretched into the ground unnaturally.
If I remember correctly, in the base game this encounter gave you options to talk to this person about the staff to take it for yourself or various other choices but there is no further options to speak with him when encountered. Only speechcraft. I do not know if this is intentional for non magically inclined characters, but would kinda make sense.
Detailed Bug Description
I've noticed this specifically with the 2 handed perk that gives you a sprinting power attack. Using it on bandits during combat makes them say these lines which is un-immersive.
What steps should we take (if any) to reproduce the bug?
some fur rugs in stendarr's beacon are glitching weird when going upstairs
Conjured shelter spell can be used anywhere including towns. When used in town you will receive a message saying it cannot be used here with one option "cancel". After clicking Cancel the spell will still spawn wherever it was cast.
This happens I would say one day out of two. If i sleep in Jormungandr after i placed a commission with Eorlund, i skip a day sleeping and the next day he tends to not be there. He sometimes wasn't there two days in a row. I was curious so I decided to teleport to him, and it seems he gets stuck in between houses, with one of the new houses added by a mod (see screenshot, he is stuck to the left of the house, often with other npcs.)
After finishing Madanach's tasks in the mine, a -6000 bounty is added (subtracted?) halfway through Markarth Ruins - just after the frostbite spiders, it's 0, just after I enter the first room with the first dwarven sphere (top of stairs near fallen torch), it becomes -6000.
Hey guys, I have been having an amazing time in Wildlander so far. It's been such a blast that I even decided to play two different characters back to back! The second one is a mage, and so I wanted to really get into Spell Research, but after playing for a few days I think it's got a few unfortunate issues and I'm not sure how fixable they are in the context of Wildlander. Maybe you guys can help me see things from another perspective or have solutions I hadn't thought of, but here's what's irked me about it so far (Adept level mage of all schools at the moment):
The systems seem kind of divided, not very intertwined, and also kind of prohibitively difficult to get into.
The best example is that after hours of doing spell research, I didn't need to study or break down any of my dozens of enchanted weapon parts I found, I want to look into the ancient texts but I don't have the translation manuals and those are as far as I can tell just lucky drops, and I haven't even known about the solutions system until a guide was brought up that told me about it. It's a lot of systems that all seem to play into the same core functionality, but they don't seem necessary to do at all, and I think that's a bit of a shame.
Overall, it's probably the time I've been the most conservative & cautious, and fucking thanks I was, because I know for sure some parts I just couldn't have succeeded.
There are a few things I'd like to comment, I'll use the spoiler tag just in case:
Did not see anyone else report that on discord so might be just my game, but it's unmodified and not sure how to explain that behaviour.
I acquired the Wabbajack, and favorited it. It is displayed on my characters back. In first person, when running and doing certain movements (particularly visible while running forward and to the right, while looking a up a bit), the staff will clip through the camera, making for some very distracting visual flickering.
Please consider combining Spell Research with Spellforge. It's more immersive than menu hopping in Spell Research
In the North Eastern section of the Soul Cairn, around the Slighted Fort. Crashes randomly but it seems to be connected to the enemies casting Frost Barrier.
If you talk to the Riverwood apothecary/potion man once in his shop and then close out of the dialogue menu, you can't talk to him again without reloading the game. The conversation options appear but you can't select them. This can be annoying when you buy ingredients from him, make some potions, and then try to sell them to him; you can't actually select any of the conversation options.
Re-enable ownership after updating requiem.
reverse changes in linked mod.
So far I have found a lantern floating in the air, and a clothes line also floating in the air a little off the ground.
Adds back missing RDO functionality / MCM
Implementation Notes:
Most likely, 99% encumbrance will be current standard speed. As encumbrance decreases, increase speed
High quality music replacer from the 10th Anniversary Concert Music
Allegedly fixes a bug I've not seen happen, but might be worth adding
Type of Bug: CTD
Detailed Description**
was walking just outside the Whiterun city gate when it crashed
Every single report of those crash is unreproducable. Therefore closing as a "random crash"
1. During the Battle of Fort Sungard, do not garrison with the soldiers. Run directly into the fort.
2. Kill enemy soldiers until at 100% kill rate.
3. Continue the quests until you need to Claim Heljaarchen Hold, but you can't get the quest
Not touching civil war, even if you pay me.
This is caused by Reloading the game. Which in turn "repopulates" the containers you have already looted.
Detailed Description
During Battle For Whiterun (Stormcloak version), upon defeating Bulgruf and Irileif, Balgruf is meant to surrender, and Vignar Grey-Mane should enter Dragonsreach, prompting an argument between the two men. In my case, Vignar walked in, and then immediately walked out and went about his day, causing the quest to break. Reloading the quest to when it started did not work.
Using 'setstage CWSiegeObj 9000', I was able to complete the quest, but Ralof and Galmar kept following me, even after I used 'resetai' on them. After reloading to the broken objective and using 'setstage CWSiegeObj 9000' about 10-20 times to complete the quest, I was able to finally get them to stop.
CTD when approaching gate just past Vaialag's summoning circle. Torch in distance.
Worldroot camera crash - currently unable to identify cause, appears to be random.
Unable to start Thieves Guild quest "Loud and Clear" (ID TG02). Quest does not start after prerequisite quest "Taking Care of Business" and using console commands to start the quest also does not work.
This is a vanilla issue, Occasionally a thieves guild quest will not start when completing the previous one. A restart of the game will allow console commands to start the quest.
Type of Bug: Crash to desktop
Detailed Description**
Every time I tried to enter iEquip edit mode, the game CTDs instead of opening the edit mode
Marking currently unsolvable. No idea why ConsoleUtil causes iEquip to crash, but it does (and imo is not worth fixing for now, since a workaround exists)
*Currently Unsolvable.* A restart of the game fixes it - Something in the weather transitions is breaking lighting on occasion - also causes the rainbow effect on the worldmap.
Not related to any specific mods as this can happen in vanilla if playing with a ENB.
During certain rainy weathers Falkreath interior god rays are actually visible green beams of light.
*Currently Unsolvable.* A restart of the game fixes it - Something in the weather transitions is breaking lighting on occasion - also causes the rainbow effect on the worldmap.
Not related to any specific mods as this can happen in vanilla if playing with a ENB.
Type of Bug: Gameplay (E.g objects which cannot be activated or other game play related bugs)
Detailed Description**
Apparently randomly, my character would (happened twice already) get a stamina bug where I could run indefinitely with no stamina drain (apparently stamina regenerated faster then intended). Bear in mind this was without respite/powerful aura combo and no stamina regen gear - on top of that my char wears a necromancers amulet. A fix for this was to completely unequip my gear and hit the weight calculation reset under requiem settings.
The Mass effect bug has been present in requiem since the mass effect system was introduced with no known cause or resolution.
unfortunaly there are no resolutions other than to run the reset in the MCM.
Detailed Description**
Location: Riften, Temple of Mara, lower floor.
NPC: Alessandra, gravekeeper of the Hall of the Dead.
Marking *Currently Unsolvable* The voice line and subtitle for this in vanilla said that Andurs was in Windhelm, however he is infact in Whiterun. The Subtitle was corrected by UESP (to list his actual location), however the voice line remains incorrect.
Detailed Description**
Bug causes people wearing wolfskin cloak - ornate brown, to take on a weird visual effect similar to concentrated lightning when they are far away from the player character but still see-able. And if item is given to follower can break ability to trade.
Calling this *Currently Unsolvable*. The “issue” seems very sporadic and is related to follower waiting. Sometimes when you tell a follower to wait, you can no longer access their inventory through dialogue, and sometimes you can. In general, you can always access their inventory through the command interface, and if you direct them to follow you again, _eventually_ the dialogue will start working as well, usually in a matter of moments.
Also it has seemingly nothing to do with the cloak or any items.
Type of Bug: Quest
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
Vanilla issue. Player can use the console command setstage cr05 20
to manually progress the quest to the next stage.
Summary Of Bug Encountered
Hotkeys not working drinking water and baths. I can drink and fill up water by going into my inventory however just not using the hot keys
*Currently Unsolvable*: Issue caused by user having a german keyboard layout. German keyboards have a different key layout to American ones. As we cannot dynamically change the in game keyboard layout to match the User’s keylabels. They need to press the key matching the position on the keybinding picture, not the label.
On the Imperial side of the Civil War quest, Legate Rikke will tell you to meet her outside Korvanjund. She did not appear, but this is a known vanilla bug that can be resolved by clearing the exterior and she will appear at the next spawn point.
As this is Vanilla - It cant be fixed by us.
Marking this *currently unsolvable*, as I don’t know what’s causing it nor how to fix it. I don’t see anything touching the invisibility shader (InvisFXShader 2DF92), so it might even be a vanilla bug.
1. Launch Ultimate Skyrim via Mod Organizer
2. Locate Mountain Flowers anywhere in-world
3. Eat one
Marking as *Currently Unsolvable*, as this is apparently a known bug reported many times on moreHUD SE’s Nexus page. It is likely they are working on a fix, so I think it’s best to wait and see what they come up with.
Type of Bug: Camera
Detailed Description
I wanted to send this as while i’m aware its on the known bugs, it states there it happens scarcely - I actually get the bug every time I enter the menu on horseback without fail, and the camera begins flailing around uncontrollably which is very jarring in the background, so may be a larger issue than perhaps you were aware.
Marking Currently Unsolvable; we might be able to fix it if we tried, but it’s possible/likely we’ll get a fix in the upcoming Improved Camera update
Type of Bug: Quest
Detailed Description**
The thieves guild quest to go to the Ratway doesn't start. I always purposefully fail to plant medesi's ring on brand shei because I don't like getting rid of a vendor.
See Linked Issue Wl-351
Type of Bug: Crafting
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
This is a issue with Honed metal itself where it can only handle 9 crafting orders at once. If you place 10 or more - this issue will occur.
for example. Other notification messages (waiting, following ect) are the same
Marking this as Currently Unsolvable. We probably could solve it - or at least brute force all the strings into standard text - but it’s a known issue on the Immersive Horses Script Fixes Nexus page.
As far as I can tell, one of the fixes implemented by this mod - “fixing” IH’s interaction with UILIB - causes these strings to malfunction. Instead of printing the notifications through SkyUILIB, the fix changes them all into standard Debug.Notification(). This apparently has the byproduct of breaking string recognition, as the standard printing cannot parse strings.
In the meantime, I’ve disabled all messages in the MCM, and removed the “I need a horse to do that” message from the translation text. This will at least prevent troublesome messages from firing.
I went to Muzlft storeroom, with AI detection off, and I opened/picked no doors. I placed a wooden chair on the right of the master locked door where the gold bars continue, the chair was placed so it was clipping through the gold bars but facing outside, this is the chair out. I placed a second wooden chair on the left golden bars while standing in the middle of the master locked door, this second chair was 95% inside the locked area. I was able to place the second chair by finding a placeable area on the left, then flicking my mouse to the position I wanted to place (95% inside the locked area) then flicking back to the placeable area and placing before the chair caught up to my new mouse position. Then to get through the gate, went into third person view, I sat in the second chair, and stood up again, I was able to grab the daedric gloves and whatever else I wanted in the room, to exit I sat in the first chair then got up.
Unfortunatly this isn't something we can prevent. We can only Turn off campfire placement of furniture cell wide, and that would lead to players not being able to place anything inside of dungeons removing their ability to Build anywhere.
Detailed Description**
rainbow effects on map, light rays are rainbow or solid color, water is flickering
*Currently Unsolvable.* A restart of the game fixes it - Something in the weather transitions is breaking lighting on occasion - also causes the rainbow effect on the worldmap.
Not related to any specific mods as this can happen in vanilla if playing with a ENB.
1. Arrive by foot into Winterhold on a new player save
Marking *Currently Unsolvable*. The issue is not that Ranmir is _missing_, but that he is often upstairs or somewhere unexpected - likely because of AI Overhaul’s scheduling.
I’ve not yet found a way to override these AI packages for the purpose of these scenes, so marking unsolvable for now.
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
This is a glitch which sometimes happens with dyndolod. A reload of the game will correct.
Detailed Description**
I don't but I can literally reproduce for pictures video at any time.
Marking this ticket as *Currently Unsolvable*, since we are going to replace the current barrel and chest mod anyway; will leave the ticket up, but perhaps this will not be an issue on the other container framework.
Detailed Description
Sometime if you spam the "attack" button trying to cast sparks, flames, heal yourself, you can catch it and cast it infinitely, untill you stop casting....Then spam again and in 3-5 tries you can cast it infinitely afain. Continues to be cast even if magika reasches 0
As Lizzy said, this is a rare engine issue which is currently outside our ability to solve in the cases it crops up. I would guess wizards like PO3 may eventually release a fix
Marking this *Currently Unsolvable*, which is not strictly the case, but it’s kind of annoying to solve and it _might_ be solved by adding back in SkyrimSouls (as reported by BraveRubberDuck on Twitch). Alternatively, since TMOS is the only spell that adds carry weight in the game, I could change the effect, or code a solution for CW spells that refreshes moreHUD.
Type of Bug: Quest
Detailed Description
When given a quest by aela in the companions to clear out a animal from a citizens house, if the fight takes a while (such an an ice wraith) it counts as a trespass and citizens outside can become hostile (as if the animal reports you).
Vanilla Issue - no work around
Type of Bug: Gameplay (E.g objects which cannot be activated or other game play related bugs)
Detailed Description**
in summary
Issue caused by how Honed metal works (transfers blacksmiths inventory to yours - for crafting)
This in turn completes the quests that require you to collect a specific number of items.
Marking *Currently Unsolvable;* we might be able to fix it if we tried, but it’s possible/likely we’ll get a fix in the upcoming Improved Camera update [||smart-link]
This pond is no-where near the coast and is surrounded by fresh snow.
Odd it should give you salt water instead of fresh
The way water currently works is it draws a horizonal line across the world. Any water sources north of that line are salty (even when inland)
User did not provided access to a crashlog. Unable to resolve without one.
Trying to cast spell, magicka is used but nothing appears. Repeatable and consistent. Cannot summon it.
Bethesda used an auto nav mesh generator in the exteriors of skyrim and in many places it is a mess.
A bad nav mesh can cause a lot of trouble with summons and result in them spawning miles away from you. In other cases some terrain objects are bugged and they will let you cast and then eat the summon. (e.g it spawns inside of a rock, and then fall though the earth)
Unfortunatly this is a limitation with how the water detection works. sunhelm doesn't follow the coast lines, but instead draws a horizontal line across the map from Windhelm. Anything North of that line is saltwater. Anything south is fresh.
There is no way to correct this issue to work currently.
When at carpenter's workbench, if you spam "e" you can build multiple steps of house before the "time skip" occurs. Sometime this causes CTD. I had this happen to me few times on different saves. Some of them were stock Wildlander, others modded.
Similar thing seems to happen if you have multiple items from hunterborn foraging and try to clean it. The menu will show all the available items on the list and if you press "e" too many times, you can CTD.
Don't Spam "E" then.
We cant fix script overflows.
Some vendors, I believe ETAC ones, cannot be heard until after their first voice line. I can see the subtitles for the line, but not the line itself. I have experienced this with Brandulf of Riverwood and the Rorikstead general store vendor.
Caused by Modded NPC's
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
See Wl-1655
Type of Bug: Quest
Detailed Description
High Graphics
See Wl-1762 for resolution
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Potato Graphics
See WL-1738
Type of Bug: Follower
Detailed Description
I dont know if this affects other followers but I put 50 health potions on Jenassa and as soon as her hp dropped low enough she started spamming all of them. In less than 30 seconds she used all the potions. Its as if the followerlivepackage isnt taking requiem's heal over time style of potions into account.
This is caused by NPCs using poisons being outdated. However the new version requires Some additional setup
probably needs to wait til R5 for NPC’s use potions update
Type of Bug: Gameplay (E.g objects which cannot be activated or other game play related bugs)
Detailed Description**
I was just west of northwatch keep and I stepped into the water, hit the wash button and after a couple seconds my camera went to first person, then third then I teleported to dragon bridge Inn. I reloaded my save and it happened 3/5 times in that spot. When I tried elsewhere it did not happen.
See Wl-587 for Fix
Might be related to WL-997
See Wl-1102
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Medium Graphics
See WL-1700 for fix
[See details here|], as well as linked issue
See Wl-1102
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Ultra Graphics
See Wl-587.
1. Launch Ultimate Skyrim via Mod Organizer
2. Proceed through Character Creation
3. In-world, use the console to change to an Overcast type of weather.
Type of Bug: CTD
Detailed Description**
1st crash: happened when I spoke to Adrienna, 2nd crash: happened when I exited out of Warmaiden's, 3rd crash: happened when I loaded a save near-ish the Blacksmith
New updates of honed metal have chages in the DLL to prevent ctd's with large craft lists.
if a horse takes damage, and has healing potions in its inventory - it will automatically chug it (NPCs drink potions)
Updating NPC's use potions will resolve.
See Linked Wl-634
Argis the Bulwark & Calder - No weapon perks - Only HA - Inconstent with other housecarls.
Ahtar the Jailer, Cosnach, Lob, Ogol, Roggi Knot-Beard, Vorstag all of the Inconcequental Mercenarys, ICNs_Student_Sameth - No perks at all\!
Resolved by issue Wl-1552
Animal bladders = no use.
WL-1857 will add a waterskin crafting recipe.
Rings found though this have too much value.
Troll skulls should maybe be replaced with bone fragments or made rarer than they are.
See Wl-1659 (Altered fishing items to match requiem 5.4)
Detailed Description**
If you equip the horse saddle by mistake, CTD. Don't ask me how I found out ;))
Maybe it needs a it doesnt appear in the Armor category if taken from horse inventory.
Between the 2 images 3 hours of training took place.
pop3 experimental tweak should fix this. needs testing with both stufying book and using a dummy.
1. Speak with Wuunferth the Unliving in Windhelm Keep about skill training at Destruction level 0
since you shouldnt be zero on a skill due to training bugs - i'm linking this to the other training issues.
Type of Bug: Audio (E.g Sounds too loud)
Detailed Description**
When an NPC drinks a potion, the drinking sound is same volume as when I drink one, which is too loud to begin with, and definitely too loud when an NPC is far away from me (for example fornsworn fighting with guards and I'm not next to them).
NPC’s drink potions Needs a update. I believe that’ll correct this issue
See Wl-168
This is a vanilla bug which deletes the door link if you enter the soul cairn, save, exit, then reload later
See Linked Issue WL-1349 for fix
Added Item Equip restrictor to prevent horses wearing player armor, or players wearing saddles.
See Wl-644
The fishing Unique items could all use a nerf as they seem really OP for requiem.
See See Wl-1659 for fix
Type of Bug: Gameplay (E.g objects which cannot be activated or other game play related bugs)
Detailed Description**
See Linked issue Wl-1004
Steps to reproduce:
Took Missive quest "Retrieve heirloom from Honeystrand Cave" in Riften. Grabbed the heirloom (ring) in the Honeystrand Cave. Quest marker tells you where Captain Valnir is in the mountains near Riften. Captain Valnir has no dialogue option to take the heirloom (ring) from you and complete the quest.
See Wl-1654 for fix
See Wl-168
DT- Outlaws refuge makes items loot able.
See Wl-1936 for Fix
Detailed Description**
So unlike what I assume is thought, the horse isn't exactly spawning out of nowhere. The horse is getting instantly pulled from other nearby horses. So if you ride past a stable there's a chance the horses at the stable will spawn right on top of you. and then slowly walk back to where they spawned from (the stable). This does not create duplicate horses, it's as if they teleport to you. It is more of just a guess, but I'm actually thinking this may be cause by suspiscious city guards, as I've noticed several times that the horse' spawn on me, a guard or two will come running right next to me. I think there may be a correlation. Ride your horse around the Riften Stables, around the house right next to the stables etc..
Likely resolved by the removal of FLP.
See Linked wl-407
See Wl-587 for Fix
See Wl-464 for fix
As with Windhelm. the well next to the Jarl's longhouse in dawnstar is missing refill bottles activator
See WL-222 Issue for fix
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Medium Graphics
See Wl-587.
Console says user is in “default domain”
See Wl-1432 (requires Skyrim unbound Updating)
This allows dragons to randomly spawn at word walls ignoring settings in Skyrim unbound
See Wl-1432 (requires Skyrim unbound Updating)
Type of Bug: Object
Detailed Description
Medium Graphics
See Wl-492 for fix
Detailed Description**
Just running around doing my stuff and suddenly horses are spawning on my head.
See linked issue
see Screenshots
See Linked wl-407
Type of Bug: Gameplay
Detailed Description
Hawk Disappears when shot, does not fall to the floor, does not appear on the floor to be looted
See Linked Issue WL-1593 for fix
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
See Linked wl-407
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
High Graphics
See Linked wl-407
Type of Bug: Visuals
Detailed Description
Proudspire manor - Solitude, one fish plaque is flying in the air in the kitchen (misplaced)
See Linked wl-407
Making Shout Style = 1 in character creation causes the shout projectile to spawn above the players head and way ahead of the player
Resolved by WL-1331
From the first community livestream.
Users felt they were forced into making shit potions because the Alchemy XP gain was so low from "normal" crafting.
If you wear any armor with CCOR's silver armor perk, undead creatures/werewolfs/vampires do almost no damage to you. Specifically, the numbers are inverted, meaning with CCOR's design, 4 piece of silver armor should have reduced your damage taken by 4%, but instead with the bug they reduce your damage taken TO 4%.
See Wl-1102
these Various options dont do anything.
Resolved by WL-1331
Type of Bug: Quest bug
Detailed Description**
The lady from Dawnstar who runs the Pestle and Mortar does not give you a reward once you retrieve her ring from the shrouded grove. Her dialogue suggests you should gain levels in alchemy however I still have a level of 0 in it upon completion. I double-checked for any extra gold as well and saw nothing in return.
See WL-1560
when you transform into vampire lord form you gain alot of bonus health. and when you transform back , you can die from losing said health bonus if you are injured. in normal skyrim you just return to your base form with 1 hp. this wouldnt be such a big issue if you could use potions / interact with anything in the world to heal in vampire lord form but currently in said form everything is uninteractable.
See Linked Wl-935
Detailed Description**
It is possible to add a info box on misc / clutter items ? A lot of new items added by mods need we need what we're crafting, what for exactly. Thaks
See Linked WL-861.
Resolved By WL-675
Not specifically gamebreaking issue, though at random moments, when emotes are used and camera (eg. from 1st to 3rd person view) is switched right after the emote animation finishes, player may get teleported to the latest cell's entrance.This happened twice in my 60hrs playthrough
Few examples when it happened on my end:
1] I use INSERT key, then look for WORLD->SEARCH GROUND emote when I pick up plants for alchemy under one of the farms near Riften. Then I pressed INSERT->STOP and game initiated a loading screen, as if I have just exit the Riften through a door (the same door I used to leave from Riften to Skyrim
See Wl-587
Most likely the switching stations bug from CCOR.
Will be resolved by WL-1102
Post says most. I've hired three mercenaries, and they typically die within 30 seconds of entering any dungeon.
Any tips for keeping these fools alive?
Reduce skill XP 20% for all skills and then make it so that the 6 skills you choose on character creation get a 20% XP gain boost. Moves away from Toddified RPG and back to RPG roots where initial choices mattered.
Make all remaining skills you have not chosen at character creation start at 0(ala YASH mod)and make the first perk in every skill need at least a 10 to take first perk. While Requiem is more geared for power levelling this change caters more to roleplay.
Unfortunately, this is out of scope for the project and generally an unwise idea with requiem in general.
Feedback Declined.
Make it so you can only save at an actual campfire, no torches or light sources but actual fireplaces, Ala dark Souls style games which is known to immerse players plenty.
Make the warming hands option be the trigger to save game.
Unfortunately, this is out of scope for the project.
We are happy with how campfires currently function and think this is in a good place right now