working with subtle reification/self-identification
clarity/vividness as a stage or bandwidth of unfabricating
personality level - working with reified self
self-views, noticing and practicing with
emptiness/insight: unfabricating more after experience becomes subtle
subtlety, subtlizing of attention and experience
critique: view of aggregates/everything as a process
emptiness/insight: stepping-stones, insight building on insight
emptiness: inquiring into the construction of suffering, self, world
emptiness/insight: dependent arising, mutual dependence
the Unfabricated
emptiness/insight: fading, unfabricating
emptiness/insight: understanding, not just having experiences
emptiness of fabrication, unfabricated / snake eating its own tail, links melting
emptiness/insight: fading or logic and analysis as ways in
beyond spaciousness/the vastness of awareness