There are heroes who risk their reputation, careers, and lives to stand up against evil corporations that torture animals for their profit. This documentary follows the stories of six such activist figures in the Western world who dared to rattle large institutions of power. It pays homage to their dedication & courage.
You’ll gain crucial insights on what to expect when you step up your fight for the voiceless. It’s hard, it’s painful, but it’s certainly worth it.
Featuring expansive interviews with the six activists spanning more than a decade, rare archival footage – including never-before-seen surveillance footage, wiretaps, and government documents, The Animal People is a chilling portrait of the darkest parts of the animal liberation movement.
It was produced in 2019 by the acclaimed superstar Joaquin Phoenix, who is known for his outstanding work in The Joker, Her, and Gladiator. Phoenix has been a vocal vegan activist for animals, so its only fitting that he leads this show.
Rent on Vudu or download from Kickass for free.
Chris Delforce
Perhaps the most visceral & therefore most impactful watch on this entire list, Dominion (2018) is a landmark documentary for the animal liberation movement because it has convinced thousands of people across the globe to change their diets after a single screening.
The creators have released it for free public view on YouTube, which I think is quite a commendable act of selflessness for animals. Just read the comments & you’ll see the power of this 2-hour feature film:
- This’s video is broke my heart 😔😔😔100% I’m going to stop eating
- I’ve watched this documentary till the end and …the only thing I know now is that I will never eat meat again. I now need a break. Thank you.
- I don’t know about others but this one changed my view on being a non vegetarian…I now till the day i die will be vegan.
Watch on YouTube for free, and do share the link with your friends.
It’s not just India that is grappling with a homeless animal problem. The US also has millions of dogs who are abused, abandoned, and mistreated every day.
This documentary (2020) features some heartbreaking BTS footage of PETA’s dedicated fieldworkers, who respond to calls for help around the clock in all weather extremes. PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) is the world’s largest & most active network of animal activists, although it comes with its fair share of controversies.
In any case, these first responders are fighting on the front lines of the national animal overpopulation crisis, and Breaking the Chain honors their tireless work to help make the world a kinder place for the dogs, cats, and other animals in our communities.
It’s a must-watch if you’re interested in getting down on the field and doing real grassroots work that will directly save animals.
Rent on Vimeo for $0.99 or stream on Amazon Prime (US). Psst … I found a free torrent for this on YTS so check that out first.
Richard Ladkani
Released in 2016, The Ivory Game exposes the rampant ivory trade in Africa, which destroys elephants to satiate the demand for their tusks in China & Hong Kong.
The undercover footage will help you take stock of the problem, and pressurize your local authorities to join the fight against this cruel industry, which may drive the elephants to the brink of extinction by as early as 2030.
Craig Millar, representing the Big Life Foundation, sounds aptly urgent when he says, “Traders in ivory actually want the extinction of elephants, the fewer elephants there are, the more the price rises…and it’s a race against time.”
It won The Prince William TUSK Game Changer Award.
Watch it on Netflix.
Sylvia Earl
Mission Blue (2014) follows the legendary oceanographer, marine biologist, environmentalist, and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Sylvia Earle.
It pays a tribute to her campaign to create a global network of protected marine sanctuaries. With oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, Sylvia and her team of dedicated ocean rangers race against time to build & protect her “Hope Spots.”
It won the Emmy for Outstanding Individual Achievement in a Craft: Editing – Documentary and Long Form.
Watch it on Netflix.
Kip Andersen
This film had Leonardo DiCaprio as its executive producer and exposes the beef/meat industry, which is said to be the most environmentally destructive polluting force on the planet today, well beyond vehicle emissions.
It shows some shocking hidden footage from cow, chicken, and pig factories, which is so eye-opening that it convinced the owner of a Texas restaurant to completely switch his meaty menu to a plant-based spread overnight.
This is the most widely screened & talked-about flick in the animal rights community for a good reason. It pulls no punches & serves you the industry’s harrowing secrets straight from its source.
The former (2014) had Leonardo DiCaprio as its executive producer and exposes the beef/meat industry, which is said to be the most environmentally destructive polluting force on the planet today, well beyond vehicle emissions.
It shows some shocking hidden footage from cow, chicken, and pig factories, which is so eye-opening that it convinced the owner of a Texas restaurant to completely switch his meaty menu to a plant-based spread overnight.
This is the most widely screened & talked-about flick in the animal rights community for a good reason. It pulls no punches & serves you the industry’s harrowing secrets straight from its source.
Ali Tabrizi
Seaspiracy (2021) shifts the domain, venturing out to the global waters, but ultimately conveys the same message: it’s time to leave animals off our plates, and that includes fishes! If anything, its tone is more urgent, given the rapidly depleting population of marine life & fauna in our oceans, no thanks to our vapid hunger for seafood.
Directors Ali and Lucy Tabrizi uncover the commercial fishing industry’s harmful practices & urge the public to address the plight of underwater animals. Just because we don’t get to interact with them on a regular basis, doesn’t mean they’re not suffering at the hands of unethical corporates, too.
Viktor Kossakovsky
This docu follows the daily life of a pig, illuminating its sentient & intelligent abilities.
23 records
Animal Matters Media
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