The performer's car has died and she is stranded at the grocery store with too many groceries to carry home. She enlists the help of a kind older man who kindly offers her a ride home. She's been sexually frustrated and horny and decides to offer the nice man a special sexy reward for the ride home.
u/Juicy Peach
After a chance encounter leads to frenzied sex (see Part 1), the metaphorical damsel in distress and her metaphorical white knight have a nice dinner before retiring to the bedroom for dessert. Of course, no dessert is complete without a little dollop of whipped cream.
The girlfriend is woken up via Facetime by her boyfriend who is on a business trip. And it's HIS birthday but he got HER a present: A bluetooth-controlled vibrator. Oh, and he's planned a nice lunch at the hot new restaurant in the city for her with her BFF. Will the restaurant's buzz be as good as the buzz under her dress?
The mission didn't go to plan. You got a pretty nasty injury during your escape but thankfully you managed to elude your pursuers and your bad-ass partner got you to the safehouse, an underground bunker where you can hide for a while. But first things first: She's got to look at that wound. Her medical care is top-notch, but it's her bedside manner after patching you up that really make you feel better.
mekkimakii (Patreon)
It's a crew change on the space station and the two astronauts left behind have some time to kill before the arrival of the replacements. They talk about the Earth things they're missing: cheeseburgers, milkshakes, and sex. It's not easy to fap with the other astronauts and all those cameras. But maybe if there was a "problem" with the cameras they could have... SEX. IN. SPAAAAAAACE!
It's the Yodeling Olympics. Millions of people around the world are watching the big event. The arena is filled to the rafters with yodeling fanatics. It's almost time for the performance you've worked so hard for, but there's a problem: YOU CAN'T YODEL. Your throat just isn't allowing the sounds. Your throat needs to be stretched somehow, and your coach has an idea.
A MILF has hired Gooby the Clown for her kid's birthday party and wants to give him an extra-special thank you for a job well done. Also, well, she just wants to fuck a clown. That's a lot of it.
(Private Script)
After a night out I silently lead you to the beach, lay myself across a table and tell you "please". You make me beg, tease the shit out of me, fuck me stupid, and give me everything I want.
A young woman is out to dinner with her mentor, who has always been professional and respectful while leading her through her first years of work. But now she is moving on to other opportunities. They share a goodbye dinner where he gives her a beautiful and thoughtful gift, and she gives him… her panties (and more, if he's interested). Spoiler Alert: He's interested.
mekkimakii (Patreon)
It's the annual Lexicography Conference and a young grad student is enamored with one of the presenters. She thinks he's a rock-star in his field and she is definitely interested in being his groupie, including all of the things that being a groupie entails (while simultaneously showing off her linguistic prowess).
Former best friends are estranged after she turned down his advances. It's a decision that she regrets, but doesn't know how to fix it. Thanks to her clever roommate, an unexpected reunion is arranged, forcing her to confront the man she hurt.
Your best friend isn't having a great day mentally and really needs you to just be with her and remind her that she is loved. Unfortunately, she came over while you were in the middle of a nap. But best friends make the best of a situation, so she joins you as your big spoon. After some playful banter, things escalate...
u/cinnnamonn u/AceOfHearts4131
u/Ivedonethattoo u/GoodnightsASMR
u/Tolea1989 u/throwawayhovercraft
u/NoPresentation8956 u/RogueChickadee
u/ScoreNo4160 u/Successful_Craft_323
Your best friend isn't having a great day mentally and really needs you to just be with her and remind her that she is loved. Unfortunately, she came over while you were in the middle of a nap. But best friends make the best of a situation, so she joins you as your big spoon.
u/GoodnightsASMR (YouTube)
u/fairymaryxo (also on YouTube)
In a dystopian village where women are auctioned off if they are unmarried when they turn 20, a young woman shows up at your door. She is a friend of your wife, who passed exactly one year ago. Your late wife has sent her to make you happy, and has taught her all the things necessary to do so.
You're an Assistant Statistical Analyst for a women's football (soccer) team, and you're just hanging out and crunching some data in the locker room when a very angry player comes storming in. She's been ejected from the game and she needs to vent and since you're the only one around, you'll do. There's only one thing that can calm her down when she gets this way, and that's an orgasm. Your face will work nicely for that.
Your roommate comes home and almost immediately asks you to fuck her. But she's being weird. Like, really weird. And then you find out why: Her body has been taken over by an alien student studying human sexual behavior.
You are a GWA script-writer and you're having trouble coming up with a good idea. Luckily, your roommate has some ways to "inspire" you.
You are headed home from work and traffic is miserable. You might as well stop at that new fast-fellatio place that just opened for a quick blowjob.
You've just been promoted to Vice President of your father's MegaCorp. You should be happy but it was always his dream, not yours. On your limo ride home, you come face to face with an old flame, who outlines a plan to ruin your father, while getting rich (and getting the girl) at the same time. She makes a very "persuasive" argument.
mekkimakii (Patreon)
The deadline for the big project is coming up fast and you've been putting in long hours. Your girlfriend, on the other hand, thinks you should stay home an build a pillow fort with her instead. She can be very convincing.
ProjektMelody (Patreon)
u/Successful_Craft_323 (Patreon)
The deadline for the big project is coming up fast and you've been putting in long hours. Your girlfriend, on the other hand, thinks you should stay home an build a pillow fort with her instead. She can be very convincing (but not in a dirty way).
u/anner1234 u/SKIMER151 (YouTube)
u/miwovt (YouTube) u/Critterjitter (YouTube)
Fun-Onion783 (YouTube) u/LittleBallOfGiggles (YouTube)
u/fairymaryxo_ (reddit or YouTube)
u/DutchPrincessASMR (YouTube) u/alekirser (YouTube)
Wait, is that present that Santa left under your tree TALKING? Turns out, a poor elf from Santa's workshop was shoved into a box by some bullies. She seems very nice, if a bit shy, and is interested in giving you some very nice gifts.
u/MiaGirlfriendAudio u/jfbette
u/NaughtyPandita u/Successful_Craft_323
u/cinnnamonn u/megabytemama1993
u/TwistedElegance69 u/LurkyDip
It's finally here! Your top-of-the-line BH-613 Robotic Girlfriend has delivered herself to your front door! Of course, before you can get down to business, a little set-up is necessary, and it doesn't exactly go to plan. But you power through and eventually your new artificial companion shows you what she can do, and you show her what YOU can do.
You're a first-time visitor to Candyman's Candy Emporium, and the eccentric proprietor (and amateur inventor) Cornelius Candyman gives you some tasty treats, perfect for Valentine's Day. He even gives you a sneak peek at a new heart-shaped confection he's been working on. If only he could think of a novel way to market it...
You're about to close up your butcher shop for the night when the nice baker from next door stops by for a visit. She wants to show her your nice buns and maybe get a taste of your sausage.
The girlfriend is woken up via Facetime by her boyfriend who is on a business trip. And it's HIS birthday but he got HER a present: A bluetooth-controlled vibrator. Oh, and he's planned a nice lunch at the hot new restaurant in the city for her with her BFF. Will the restaurant's buzz be as good as the buzz under her dress?
Dating is hard, even for toys, but Ms. TaterNoggin has finally found love with a handsome skull-faced action figure who is not as villainous as his TV show would have you believe. There's something about them that just clicked (and I'm not talking about her exchangeable face parts).
Your BFF invites you over to watch a movie, but instead gives a very compelling presentation on why you and her should be fucking. She's willing to follow up her presentation with some hands-on convincing, too.
u/severine44 u/LizziePendragonVA
u/Due-Comb-9104 u/MiaGirlfriendAudio
u/Maple_Mumbles u/lilostitchdonky
u/andreabaudios u/ItsTeacupTime
It's Paris in the 1890s. You are an painter, but what you want to be is a true artist. You're in Paris studying light and color and working elbow-to-elbow with the greats, learning every day but there's still something missing. One day, a beautiful young woman asks you to paint a portrait of her, and inspires you to paint your first true masterpiece.
You are an painter, but what you want to be is a true artist. You're technically competent and learning every day but there's still something missing. One day, a beautiful young woman asks you to paint a portrait of her, and inspires you to paint your first true masterpiece.
(Private Script)
Mia is on a first date, hiking through the hills, when she finds out that her date has found her NSFW twitter and knows just how horny she can be.
u/MiaGirlfriendAudio (Fansly or Patreon)
Also available in F4F versions with adjustments by Mia!
The pretty girl from down the hall wants to put the theoretical knowledge from her negotiation class into practical use. Will you be able to make a deal?
The pretty girl from down the hall wants to put the theoretical knowledge from her negotiation class into practical use. Will you be able to make a deal?
u/MiaGirlfriendAudio (Fansly or Patreon)
You come home to find that your girlfriend has wrapped herself up in a blanket and is insisting that she is now a burrito.
u/MiaGirlfriendAudio (Fansly or Patreon)