Automatic Phone-Out Monitoring System for monitoring Power Outage, Freeze, and Flood conditions while you are away. Especially useful if you leave your house in winter!
Price: $80 (used)
Sells for $250 new.
6.25" x 3" x 1.5"
Motorola SURFboard eXtreme, Model SB6121
Cable modem
Compatible w/Mac or Windows
1 LAN port (F-connector)
1 Ethernet port (RJ-45)
172-199.68 Mbps
1.65" x 5.24" x 5.24"
Replacement cartridge for HP-4L and HP-4P
Replacement cartridge for
Lexmark E310/E312
Carrying case
Carryall for laptop and paper files
Has rollers and a pull-up handle for ease of transport
Has lock and key
Excellent (like new) condition
19" (diagonal) screen
22" (diagonal) screen
Black, inside measures 11" x 15"
Inside measurements: 11" x 15"
APC Model 300VA (Its replacement Model 350VA sells for over $100.)
Two outlets.
Still works fine. Just needs a replacement lead-acid battery that costs $20.
3.5" x 6" x 13"
APC by Schneider
Model P6W
6 outlets
4" x 5.5" x 1.5"
Brand: Onn
Model: ONA 18DP01
Text to speech technoloy.
RCA communication cables, and remote.
9" x 7.25" x 1.75"
Brand: Toshiba
Three compartments. Transport your laptop, paper files, and other important items.
Great for overnight business trips. Has telescoping handle and rollers.
Price: $50
Triple compartment cases of this kind retail for $135 or more
16" x 19" x 9"
Power Sentry
Model 366
15 Amp 125 Volt, grounded
Indoor use only.
5 outlets + 1 transformer outlet
2" x 10.5" x 1.25"
14 records
Grid view
Lorem ipsum
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When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key