Document of the policy manual for the police department.
Alphabetized list of agencies, phone numbers, and jurisdictions covered.
Displays Pittsburgh gun violence data, including non-fatal shootings, aggravated assaults with a gun, and dispatches for shots fired as well as the time (year or month) and location (neighborhood) of the incidents. Data is provided by the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police and is updated monthly. Note: the dashboard is under construction so data after 2021 may not be accurate
Information and resources for the Allegheny County Hispanic population: the policies for each department concerning availability of translation services, and how they collaborate with ICE.
Casa San Jose manually requested policies from each agency.
A Tableau dashboard which communicates cash bail and pre-trial detainment decisions made by Magisterial District Judges in Allegheny County, with controls for viewing data specific to each judge.
Abolitionist Law Center Court Watch
Information about the Right to Know law and instructions for requesting documents from the County Controller.
Allegheny County Controller
Contracts signed by Allegheny County departments (such as police, courts, and jail). It's possible to select a department and click "search" to view all results, or narrow down results by date, type, etc.
Allegheny County Controller Corey O'Connor
District Attorney Zappala has worked closely in partnership with the Allegheny County Chiefs of Police Association, the Allegheny County Criminal Justice Advisory Board, the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission and the Western Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association as well as outside consultants and experts within academic entities to develop training programs (e.g. Cultural Diversity, Racial Profiling, Implicit Bias) that were adopted by the Pennsylvania Municipal Police Officers Education and Training Commission (MPOETC) and made part of the Act 120 curriculum for recruits and mandatory updates for all officers throughout the state.
Live feed listing for Allegheny County
These contracts were acquired primarily through Right to Know requests made with each municipal police agency.
There are search features and more info here:
Allegheny County Policing Project
These contracts were acquired primarily through Right to Know requests made with each municipal police agency.
There are search features and more info here:
Allegheny County Policing Project
Statistics about people released from Allegheny County Jail and which resources were provided to them.
Inspections with date, purpose, and full report PDF. Allegheny County Jail is classified as a "restaurant" in this context.
Note: there is more than one "Allegheny County Jail" entry in their database, so it's worth searching again if you can't seem to find the most recent one.
Allegheny County Health Inspector
Allegheny County Health Inspector
Individually labeled PDFs of policy at the Allegheny County Jail.
Information, records, and reports about the county's Jail Oversight Board. Many of these are links to documents available from other sources, with some documents available on the page.
Allegheny County Controller
Scanned PDFs of monthly reports by the Allegheny County Jail warden to the Jail Oversight Board.
Allegheny County Controller
The Prison Society serves as Pennsylvania's independent monitor for county and state correctional facilities. The Prison Society conducted this survey at the request of the Allegheny County Jail Oversight Board (JOB) and with cooperation and support from the ACJ and the Allegany County Department of Human Services (DHS). It was distributed via tablet to all individuals in the general population from July 11, 2022 to August 14, 2022. A total of 330 people responded.
Pennsylvania Prison Society:
Pennsylvania Prison Society:
Prepared in Response to Request by: Inmate Welfare Fund Subcommittee of the Allegheny County Jail Oversight Board.
Funded by Contract from: Allegheny County Department of Human Services.
Conducted by: Elizabeth M.Z. Farmer, PhD HyungJik (Daniel) Lee, PhD Christina Huerta, PhD Amanda Cruce, MSW, LCSW.
Allegheny County Controller
University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work:
Summarized demographics statistics updated daily. Limited download options available.
Inspections with date, purpose, and full report PDF. Allegheny County Jail is classified as a "restaurant" in this context.
Note: there is more than one "Allegheny County Jail" entry in the database, so it's worth searching again if you can't seem to find the most recent one.
Allegheny County Health Department, via the restaurant finder
Allegheny County Health Department, via the restaurant finder
Inspections with date, purpose, and full report PDF. Allegheny County Jail is classified as a "restaurant" in this context.
Note: there is more than one "Allegheny County Jail" entry in the database, so it's worth searching again if you can't seem to find the most recent one.
Allegheny County Health Department, via the restaurant finder
Allegheny County Health Department, via the restaurant finder
Inspections with date, purpose, and full report PDF. Allegheny County Jail is classified as a "restaurant" in this context.
Note: there is more than one "Allegheny County Jail" entry in the database, so it's worth searching again if you can't seem to find the most recent one.
Allegheny County Health Department, via the restaurant finder
Allegheny County Health Department, via the restaurant finder
The reports at the bottom of the page are monthly accounts of the instances where incarcerated people were kept in segregated or solitary confinement, with reasons, demographics, and dates.
A scanned PDF of notes prepared for the monthly JOB meeting. 11 pages.
A one-page table summarizing the financial state of the incarcerated individual welfare fund.
Allegheny County Jail's Jail Oversight Board's meeting minutes for December 1, 2022. 255 pages.
A demographic summary about who's in the Allegheny County Jail. 2 pages.
Documents about the Allegheny County Jail sent to and published by PDAP. Potentially useful public records circulating in the Allegheny County area will end up here.
PowerDMS portal of Allegheny County Police Department policies. Presented as 100+ separate files.
Webpage provides a hyperlink on the right-to-know policy, and an address to submit a request by mail or in person.
Webpage provides a form to file a complaint. Complaint information includes when/where an incident occurred and the contact information of the person filing the complaint.
Results of a 2024 right-to-know request for policies.
Right-to-Know request form available on webpage.
Provides a picture and identifying information for each fugitive (DOB, sex, race, height, weight, eye color, and hair color. For some it provides nature of crime.
Result of a records request for policies.
General policies and procedures, with supplemental portable audio video recording policy.
Provides a PDF link to a Standard Right-to-Know request form.
Provides PDF form for Standard Right-to-Know request form.
Scanned PDF of policies for Bell Acre Police Department.
Response to a right-to-know request for policies. Single PDF containing multiple policies.
PDF link to PA Standard Right-to-Know request form. Contact information to submit request by email, fax, or phone number.
Provides contact information to send a Right-to-Know request form for the Municipal of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania Office of Open Records, and Bethel Park Police department. Also, provides a PDF link for the Right-to-Know request form.
Provides a PDF link to a Standard Right-to-Know request form.
Provides a PDF Right-to-Know request form.
Provides a PDF Citizen Complaint Form.
500-page policy manual resulting from a right to know request.
Provides information on those who are deemed "Most Wanted" with Brentwood Borough Police Department as the "Holding Department".
Provides updates on incidents in the borough. Updates were weekly from June of 2017 to February of 2018. From then on it provides a daily blotter for incidents.
A PDF of a "Standard Right-to-Know Request Form".
On the homepage is the department roster including title and name of each police officer.
PDF link to PA Standard Right-to-Know request form. Contact information to submit by mail or in person.
On the homepage is a list of the department roster including title, name, and contact information (number and email address) for each officer.
Daily Activity Logs for Carnegie Police Department - PA with details on date, location, how the complaint was received (Radio, on-view, chief's/Sgt's Orders) , complaint type, and how complaint was handled (task completed or verbal warning).
Provides monthly reports for each campus. Reports details type of offense, month, offenses reported to police, unfounded complaints, number of actual offenses, and total number of offenses cleared by arrest or exceptional means.
Provides a PDF link to a Standard Right-to-Know request form.
Incident Reports for Castle Shannon Police Department - PA contains weekly reports on accidents, arrests, and thefts in the area including dates and locations.
Arrests Records for Castle Shannon Police Department - PA provides arrests information on the offense and individual's characteristics such as age, race, and gender.
The PDF document contains monthly Chief Reports "Call Charts". These calls include all incidents, arrests, citations, traffic collisions, and juvenile or adults involved in Cheswick Borough, Springdale Township, and East Deer Township.
PDF link to PA Standard Right-to-Know request form.
Provides a PDF link to the Collier Township Right-to-Know request form.
Homepage provides the department roster which includes title, name, picture, and contact information (phone number and email address) for each officer.
Provides PDF forms for PA Right to Know Law and Right-to-Know request form along with contact information to submit in person, email, mail, or fax.
PDF link to Coraopolis Right-to-Know request form. Contact information within form.
A PDF of a Right-to-Know request form.
This source provides monthly alerts/reports on incidents in the area. The reports discuss the occurrence of a crime or accident, as well as provide broad tips/advice.
Data is not aggregated.
Provides a PDF link to a Standard Right-to-Know request form.
Lists the rank and name of each officer and staff member.
PDF link to Standard Right-to-Know request form.
Homepage lists the Department Roster with titles and name of officers.
Provides PDF links to both Right-to-Know and Public Record Request forms.
Homepage provides a department roster which includes the title and name of each police officer.
Contains a document with the policy manual from the police department.
Provides PDF link to PA Right-to-Know form along with contact information to send by email.
Department roster by Rank and Name of each police officer.
Provides PDF links to information on Right-to-Know policy and a Right-to-Know request form.
Provides contact information to submit request to Etna Borough along with a PDF link to a Standard Right-to-Know request form.
A PDF of Findlay Police Public Records Request form.
Provides rank, name, and contact information (email and phone number) for each police officer.
Right-to-Know request form on webpage.
Provides PDF to Right-to-Know request form.
Provides a PDF link to a Standard Right-to-Know request form.
Webpage providing the department roster including rank, name, and contact information (email and phone number) of each police officer.
Provides a PDF for Frazer Township Public Record Request Form.
Homepage lists the department roster which includes title and name of each officer.
Provides individual arrest records listing the crime and characteristics of the individual such as age, race, and gender.
Most Wanted webpage listing photos, details on the charges, and characteristics of the individuals such as age, race, and gender.
Provides contact information for Green Tree and PA Officer of Open Records along with a PDF link to a Standard Right-to-Know request form.
Homepage lists department roster including the rank and name of each police officer.
A document containing the policy manual for the police department.
PDF links to Right-to-Know request form and law.
Information regarding "Complaint Procedure". Complaint form can only be obtained by contacting a supervisor at Hampton Police Department.
Provides a PDF for Harmar Township Right-to-Know policy and form.
Provides hiring information such as duties/responsibilities, qualifications, and expected salary.
Homepage lists the department roster by title and name of each police officer.
Provides PDF link to Standard Right-to-Know request form.
PDF link to PA Standard Right-to-Know request form. Contact information to Open Records Officer.
Provides information on Open Records Request/Right-to-Know Laws, contact information of Ingram Right to Know Officer, but does not provide a link to request forms.
Provides information on how to submit a request, contact information for submitting a request, and a PDF link to a Standard Right-to-Know request form.
Provides information on investigated division (total number of cases: open, closed, or suspended), traffic enforcement (citations, warnings, or arrests), and a chart of individual crimes by type of crime and number of incidents (for that month and year to date).
Webpage provides a PDF file to submit a Right-to-Know request form as well as contact information to submit the form in person, by mail, or email.
Webpage provides a link to a PDF Complaint Form as well as contact information to submit the form in person, by mail, or email.
Homepage contains the department roster by title and name of each police officer.
Provides contact information for Open Records Officer and PDF to Standard Right-to-Know request form.
Homepage provides a department roster including rank, name, and phone number of each police officer.
Provides hyperlinks for "Right to Know-Request Form," "Right to Know- Policy," "Right to Know-Fee Structure," and "Right to Know-Open Records Officer".
A document containing the Polices and Procedures of the police department.
Provides a PDF for both the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law and the request form itself.
Provides PDF documents of monthly crime reports. The monthly reports provide a date, description, and street for all incidents.
PDF links to Right-to-Know request form and PA RTK Laws.
PDF link to PA Standard Right-to-Know request form.
Data lists total number of calls to police, nature of calls, and % of Total for each type of call.
PDF link to PA Standard Right-to-Know request form. Contact information of Open Records Officer.
Monthly reports detailing total police calls, patrol milage, accidents investigated, arrests and warnings, and court appearances. Additionally, types of crimes (homicide, fraud, simple assault, etc.) are documented along with number of incidents.
Provides information on hiring such as minimum qualifications, additional requirements, and expected salary as of 2023.
Provides PDF links for both Standard Right-to-Know request form and Mt Lebanon record form.
Provides a policy review and a PDF policy manual for Mount Lebanon Police Department.
Provides a crime map for Mt. Lebanon and surrounding areas. Data provides an icon for each type of offense and a time and place for each incident. It also provides a weekly summary on a chart and graph on the total of each type of crime.
Reports provide total number of calls, date of each call, situation reported, and location.
PDF link to a PA Standard Right-to-Know request form.
Provides a webpage for a Right-to-Know request form.
Provides a webpage to submit a Record Request form.
PDF links for Open Records Regulations and Policies and a PA Standard Right-to-Know request form, along with contact information to submit by email.
Personnel Records North Hampton Township Police Department - PA listing officers and titles on the homepage.
Provides a PDF link to a Standard Right-to-Know request form.
Provides a PDF link to O'Hara Township Right-to-Know request form.
Provides a PDF link to a Personnel Complaint Form.
The document on Civil Service Rules and Regulations provides information on the criteria for applying/qualifying to be a police officer (Ch 22-3), and information on suspension, removal, or reduction in rank (Ch 22-6).
Provides a PDF link to a Standard Right-to-Know request form.
Provides a PDF to a Standard Right-to-Know request form.
Request division which provides hours of operations and fees associated with requests. Typically, the requests are to help those looking for accident reports for insurance purposes.
Access to data requires a $15.00 fee.
Information about the number of full-time and part-time employees for each police agency in Pennsylvania, as well as records of municipalities contracting police services between them.
Budgets for every municipality in Pennsylvania, including police spending. Must be searched individually, which reveals a multi-page financial report.
A list of agencies which have been accredited by the Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission.
"The Pennsylvania UCR Program serves as the state repository for the collection of crime statistics and its primary objective is to generate reliable information for use in law enforcement administration, operation, and management. As the Program has evolved and the demand for transparency has increased, so has the demand for the data compiled under this Program. Members of the general public, such as legislators, media, academia, etc., have come to rely upon this data for information on the fluctuations in the level of crime from year to year. To ensure accuracy in the numbers, the Department makes every effort to ensure accuracy in reporting by providing training, as well as, quality control checks on the data to ensure the validity of the data that it receives from the more than 1,000 agencies contributing to the Program. The accuracy of the statistics depends primarily on the adherence of each contributor on established standards of reporting; therefore, it is the responsibility of each contributor to submit accurate data and to correct any data found to be submitted in error. It is important to note that participation in the program by law enforcement agencies is voluntary."
An ARCGIS map with boundaries for Magisterial District Court jurisdictions and county lines. It has locations of County Courthouses, Local Police, State Police, County Prisons, and State Correction Institutes (SCI).
Pennsylvania State Data Center
Their map data seems to mainly come from US census
Court case search for any court in Pennsylvania.
Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets. Neither the courts of the Unified Judicial System of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania nor the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts assumes any liability for inaccurate or delayed data, errors or omissions on these docket sheets. Docket sheet information should not be used in place of a criminal history background check, which can only be provided by the Pennsylvania State Police. Employers who do not comply with the provisions of the Criminal History Record Information Act (18 Pa.C.S. Section 9101 et seq.) may be subject to civil liability as set forth in 18 Pa.C.S. Section 9183.
The webpage you are viewing is operated and maintained by Pennsylvania's Unified Judicial System as a source of public information. The webpage is not affiliated with any search system for public records provided by private organizations for which fees may be incurred.
The OOR maintains a database of Agency Open Records Officer ("AORO") contact information for every registered agency in the Commonwealth. This AORO database allows the public to contact the correct AORO to request agency records and ensures that the OOR can contact AOROs in the event an appeal is filed with the OOR.
To use the search form, at least one field must be selected. Note that sometimes entering all or part of an agency name and no "County" or "Type" may be the best way to find a matching agency due to variations in spelling (e.g., "Mount" vs. "Mt.") or other discrepancies in the data.
If you have difficulty using the online search form or have any questions, please contact the OOR at (717) 346-9903 or
Pennsylvania Office of Open Records
Allows users to find municipality-level contact information, searching by county.
Provides the date and time incident reported, nature of incident, offenses, location, and case disposition (open or closed).
Provides the rank, name, email address, phone number, and building of each police officer.
Provides a PDF Request for Information Form.
A completed MuckRock records request.
A completed MuckRock records request.
Crimemapping portal for Pittsburgh Police
A list of data published by the Pittsburgh Police
PowerBI portal statistical summary and tabular records of offenses in NIBRS offense format.
A powerBI dashboard for violent crimes published by Pittsburgh Bureau of Police.
A subset of vehicle and property crime data on an ARCGIS portal provided by the City of Pittsburgh.
"While the dataset provides a general overview of some criminal activity that occurs across the city, it is not reflective of all work performed by PBP officers and personnel. Additionally, reports are not the official, vetted record of crime. PBP currently utilizes the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Uniform Crime Report (UCR) system to code data to state and national standards.
After receiving a report, police must investigate to determine whether a crime actually occurred. If there is sufficient evidence to support the complaint, personnel discern which category the incident falls under as defined by the FBI. The final offense designation may or may not be the same as the initial crime listed in the report. Additionally, there may be changes to the reports overtime (ex. aggravated assault that eventually becomes a homicide). Those revisions are not reflected in this dashboard."
A scanned PDF of a notice to Mayor Gainey of the tentative agreement signed between the Pittsburgh Fraternal Order of Police and the city of Pittsburgh. Lays out changes made to the existing police contract which will then be converted to a full contract document.
Attachments: Tentative Agreement signed February 27, 2023; Disciplinary Matrix Appendix; Disciplinary Terminable Offenses Appendix; Tentative Agreements June 2022
City of Pittsburgh
City of Pittsburgh response to a Right to Know Law request for traffic stops in the first quarter of 2023. Includes a data dictionary. 2,062 rows. Anonymized data with demographic information intact.
This news article contains several data tables. Most useful are the two near the bottom. "Pittsburgh Police Disciplinary Action Report data 2013-2022" and "Pittsburgh Office of Municipal Investigations police-related complaint data 2013-2022". Both are in paginated HTML tables and can be downloaded as a CSV by clicking a "Get the data" link.
Public Source
Right-to-know request from the Pittsburgh Police for Calls for Service.
City of Pittsburgh response to a Right to Know Law request for traffic stops between 2020–2022. 27,033 rows. Anonymized data with demographic information intact.
A data dictionary can be found attached to this subsequent request:
City of Pittsburgh Department of Law
This is a more recent view of some of the same information contained here:
The Pittsburgh Police Incident Blotter represents the previous seven (7) days incidents within the City of Pittsburgh.
DISCLAIMER: The City of Pittsburgh Bureau of Police is pleased to share this information as a service to concerned citizens within our community.
SDD consists of support units that provide specially trained and equipped officers citywide as well as for Region 13 of the Department of Homeland Security. All of the Specialty Units work closely with Federal, State and local law enforcement, as needed.
Contact information and guidance.
Pittsburgh Bureau of Police's response to mayor's community task force recommendations
City of Pittsburgh blotter for incidents, updates, requests for help, etc.
All City of Pittsburgh press releases. Filtering by "Public Safety" reveals police press releases.
Tableau dashboard; underlying data not available
Tableau dashboard in UCR format; no downloadable source data
Annual reports in PDF form back to 2009
Policies and procedural orders signed by the Chief of Police. Contains links to several standalone policies.
Arrest data contains information on people taken into custody by City of Pittsburgh police officers. More serious crimes such as felony offenses are more likely to result in an arrest. However, arrests can occur as a result of other offenses, such as parole violations or a failure to appear for trial. All data is reported at the block/intersection level, with the exception of sex crimes, which are reported at the police zone level.
This dataset only contains information reported by City of Pittsburgh Police. It does not contain information about incidents that solely involve other police departments operating within the city (for example, campus police or Port Authority police).
More documentation is available in our Crime Data Guide.
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
Non-traffic citations (NTCs, also known as "summary offenses") document low-level criminal offenses where a law enforcement officer or other authorized official issued a citation in lieu of arrest. These citations normally include a fine. In Pennsylvania, NTCs often include a notice to appear before a magistrate if the person does not provide a guilty plea. Offenses that normally result in a citation include disorderly conduct, loitering, harassment and retail theft.
This dataset only contains information reported by City of Pittsburgh Police. It does not contain incidents that solely involve other police departments operating within the city (for example, campus police or Port Authority police).
More documentation is available in our Crime Data Guide.
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
Community outreach activities attended by Pittsburgh Police Officers, starting from January 1 2016. Includes Zone, Event Name, Location, Date and Time.
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
Documentation of open police bureau litigation that took place between Jan 1 and Dec 31, 2015.
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
This data includes counts of firearms by type seized by the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police. Each row describes a seizure incident involving one or more firearms.
Firearm seizures can occur for several reasons. One of the Bureau of Police justifications for seizing a firearm involves a suspicion that a firearm was used in a criminal offense. Seizures may also occur to protect officer or public safety. For example, a weapon held by someone involved in a serious medical emergency, or an unattended weapon found in a public space may be seized and held for safekeeping.
The Bureau’s firearms tracking unit conducts investigations to determine the rightful owner of firearms that have been seized. Where possible, the Bureau makes every effort to return firearms that have been seized to their rightful owners.
Firearms seized by non-City of Pittsburgh law enforcement agencies within the City of Pittsburgh may not be included in this data. Federal, State, County, and other special law enforcement agencies (e.g. campus, transit, hospital, etc.) operate within the City limits.
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
This dataset shows the time spent by currently active Pittsburgh Police Officers in professional development training. Officers who are no longer employed in the Police Bureau are not included in this data. The data is presented in two ways: total, cumulative hours spent in training, per year, by category and total number of officers who completed training, per year, by category.
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
The Police Blotter Archive contains crime incident data after it has been validated and processed to meet Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) standards, published on a nightly basis. This data validation process creates a data publishing delay of approximately thirty days. Users who require the most recent incident data should use the 30 Day Police Blotter. The 30 Day Police Blotter dataset contains more recent data, but has not yet been run through quality control and standardization procedures by the Police Bureau. All data is reported at the block/intersection level, with the exception of sex crimes, which are reported at the police zone level.
This dataset only contains information reported by City of Pittsburgh Police, and does not contain incidents that solely involve other police departments operating within the city (campus police, Port Authority, etc.)
More documentation is available in our Crime Data Guide.
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
GIS data of police zones
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
GIS data of police sectors
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
The 30-Day Police Blotter contains the most recent initial crime incident data, updated on a nightly basis. All data is reported at the block/intersection level, with the exception of sex crimes, which are reported at the police zone level. The information is "semi-refined" meaning a police report was taken, but it has not made its way through the court system. This data is subject to change once it is processed and republished using Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) standards. The UCR coding process creates a necessary delay before processed data is available for publication. Therefore, the 30-Day blotter will provide information for users seeking the most current information available.
This dataset will be continually overwritten and any records older than thirty days will be removed. Validated incidents will be moved to the Police Blotter Archive dataset. Data in the archived file is of a higher quality and is the file most appropriate for reporting crime statistics.
This dataset only contains information reported by City of Pittsburgh Police, and does not contain incidents that solely involve other police departments operating within the city (campus police, Port Authority, etc.)
More documentation is available in our Crime Data Guide.
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
PDF link to PA Right-to-Know request form.
Monthly report detailing number of criminal activity by type of crime and traffic report by type of incident (accident, citation, warnings, etc.).
PDF link to PA Standard Right-to-Know request form. Contact information to send by email.
A "Personnel Complaint" form provided in a PDF. It provides form instructions as well as the form itself to file a complaint against Plum Police personnel.
On the homepage it lists the the department roster including title, name, and extension number for each police officer.
Homepage lists department roster by position, name, and badge number.
Within the side menu, under Department and Administration, there is information on PA Right to Know Law, what types of information can be requested, and a hyperlink to obtain a Right to Know form.
Records Requests Info Reserve Township Police Department - PA with a PDF of the form.
PDF link to PA Standard Right-to-Know request form along with Township of Scott Open Records Officer's contact information.
PDF link to PA Standard Right-to-Know Request form. Contact information to send request by mail, email, fax, or in person.
Resubmitted this data because link provides more information than the first.
PDF link to PA Standard Right-to-Know request form.
Provides a PDF link to a Standard Right-to-Know request form.
PDF link to a Standard Right-to-Know request form.
Described as a "Police Interaction Form," but it serves the purpose of a complaint form for the Shaler Township Police Department.
Incident Reports Shaler Township Police Department - PA lists in a PDF the total police calls, reportable crimes, arrests, types of crimes (theft, larceny, fraud, etc.), time, and date.
Personnel Records Shaler Township Police Department - PA contains a list of police officers and titles.
Provides both a PDF and Online link to access a Right-to-Know request form.
PDF links to PA Standard Right-to-Know request form and Right-to-Know Law.
Department roster listed by name, rank, and contact information (email and phone number) of each officer.
Under the tab "Our Officers" there is a list of police officers by title with phone numbers.
2 scanned and redacted PDF Policies for Swissvale Borough PD
Crimemapping portal for Swissvale Borough
Webpage provides a PDF for a Right-to-Know request form.
Swissvale Borough Police Department partners with to provide crime/incident related data.
Webpage of the department roster by rank and name of each police officer.
Homepage lists the department roster by rank and name of each officer.
A completed MuckRock records request.
CRIMEWATCH partners with law enforcement agencies to post agencies' arrests, crime cases, warrants, and most wanted. Users are able to find case information, photos, and names with entries and filter them at the state, county, and local agency level. CRIMEWATCH is used by law enforcement in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Virginia. Because CRIMEWATCH partners with individual local law enforcement agencies that choose to utilize this platform, this source is not exhaustive or comprehensive.
Various law enforcement agencies in multiple states
Various law enforcement agencies in multiple statesVarious law enforcement agencies in multiple states
Per the website: "Laws governing how and when police body-worn cameras can be used and whether the footage is released vary considerably across the country. Use our legislation tracker, which we will update periodically, to find out more about passed and pending legislation in your state."
Urban Institute,
Contact information available at
A collection of forms rosters. A forms roster is a document that tracks the forms maintained by a police department, sheriff's office or other policing organization. An inventory of the types of data they collect. This can aid in records requests.
A collection of studies about the all facets of the criminal legal system, encompassing decades of research about agencies across the United States. The "data" typically takes the form of attachments to academic studies, but there is good support for searching by keyword, type, location, etc.
researcher-generated data repository, sometimes "agency-sponsored"
Wired Magazine claims to have received from an anonymous leak the locations of thousands of ShotSpotter devices across the United States, but did not reveal the underlying data. This document claims to represent locations scraped from the article's interactive map.
Wired magazine
SoundThinking (formerly ShotSpotter)
8-page Bureau of Justice Statistics report with statistics about complaints against police, focused on large agencies (more than 100 sworn officers).
Bureau of Justice Statistics
An independently maintained database of police killings. Mapping Police Violence is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
mapping police violence 501(c)(3)
National open-source database of police technology compiled through crowdsourcing.
Atlas of Surveillance, by the Electronic Frontier Foundation
Varies; often news articles or FOIA requests
An independent database of police budgets & support from federal grants, military equipment, consent decrees, and legal settlements.
LDF's Thurgood Marshall Institute
A third-party database of police contracts from around the country, with the ability to search the content of the documents and find commonly searched keywords. At least a few contracts are available about nearly every state, but bulk download is not possible.
Campaign Zero via Nix the Six.
A state-by-state catalog of laws which protect people calling 911 for drug overdoses from prosecution.
Mendeley Data:
A dashboard showing aggregated incarceration data across all 50 states and federally, with tools for downloading raw data.
The Sentencing Project:
The Public Safety category contains data, from across the Open Data Network of publishers, related to public safety, 911 data, ambulance, emergency, fire, police, prison, evacuation, arrests, and crime.
The BJS reports on the differences between the three national sources of police employment data. 17 pages.
"The FBI, U.S. Census Bureau, and the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) data collections programs have different purposes, data definitions, respondent universes, and data collection procedures. This report details the similarities and differences among these three collections and discusses when the use of one may be preferred over the others."
U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics
This is a Python package for easily accessing data from dozens of police agencies and several complete states. Using it helps users access incident-level data focused on police-public interactions. OPD does not store data themselves, but their tool allows direct API access to data across the country.
Users will need to be able to execute code in the command line, and will need to work with Pandas dataframes.
The Brady List is the definitive public-facing platform of record for information about officer misconduct, decertification, public complaints, use-of-force reports, do-not-call listings [Giglio letter], and more potential impeachment disclosures.
Brady List, "Level Playing Field Solutions"
Government organizations can apply and pay for enhanced access of some kind.
As part of The Vera Institute's arrest trends project, they listed the nationally-aggregated data sources they listed.
The Vera Institute:
The Vera Institute:
In 2015, The Post began tracking details about each police-involved killing in the United States — the race of the deceased, the circumstances of the shooting, whether the person was armed and whether the person was experiencing a mental-health crisis — by manually culling local news reports, collecting information from law enforcement websites and social media, and monitoring independent databases such as Fatal Encounters and the now-defunct Killed by Police project. In many cases, The Post conducts additional reporting.
In 2022, The Post updated its database to standardize and publish the names of the police agencies involved in each shooting to better measure accountability at the department level.
The 2014 killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. began a protest movement culminating in the Black Lives Matter movement and an increased focus on police accountability nationwide. In this data set, The Post tracks only shootings with circumstances closely paralleling those like the killing of Brown — incidents in which a police officer, in the line of duty, shoots and kills a civilian. The Post is not tracking deaths of people in police custody, fatal shootings by off-duty officers or non-shooting deaths in this data set.
The FBI and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention log fatal shootings by police, but officials acknowledge that their data is incomplete. Since 2015, The Post has documented more than twice as many fatal shootings by police as recorded by federal officials on average annually. That gap has widened in recent years, as the FBI in 2021 tracked only a third of departments’ fatal shootings.
The Washington Post (
Crime data for the nation are derived from Summary Reporting System (SRS) and National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) reports voluntarily submitted to the FBI.
In 2021, the FBI estimated crime statistics for the nation are based on data received from 11,794 of 18,806 law enforcement agencies in the country that year.
Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)
This repository contains spreadsheets from the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), counting the number of controlled substance (and regulated chemical) thefts/losses reported to the agency — by state, business activity, loss type, and year — plus the overall quantities stolen/lost.
The spreadsheets were obtained in May 2023 via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request submitted by the Data Liberation Project.
Data Liberation Project
A completed MuckRock records request.
Lists the campus policies on drugs and alcohol, sexual assault and harassment, dating and domestic violence, and stalking, as well as the process for adjudicating sexual assault and harassment, dating and domestic violence, and stalking.
Provides a link to file a Right-to-Know request. The link requires an email and password with the Upper Saint Clair to access request form.
Provides a PDF Right-to-Know request form.
PDF link to PA Standard Right-to-Know request form along with West Deer Open Records Officer contact information.
Homepage lists department roster by rank, name, badge number, email, and phone number.
Provides a downloadable PDF Right-to-Know request form as well as contact information to submit it in person, by mail, email, or facsimile.
Agencies subscribe and provide records to Crimemapping which displays currently available reports. who extract data from the existing records system at each participating law enforcement agency through an automated import process. The data displayed will always be the most current available.
Homepage provides a link to a Standard Right-to-Know request form.
PDF files to Right-to-Know request form and policy.
Found in "Home" at the very bottom of the webpage.
Provides a PDF link to Right-to-Know request form with contact information including address, fax, and email.
Personnel Records Whitehall Borough Police Department - PA on the homepage it lists background information on police chief and deputy chief and a lists of sergeants and officers.
PDF file containing the Right-to-Know request form. Below the form provides information on the RTK policy such as what kinds of information may be requested.
Provides a PDF link to Right-to-Know request form.