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Website User Experience Survey

We want your input to help guide the upcoming website redesign for the City of Bryan's website ( This quick survey will help us understand current strengths and opportunities for improvement so we can create a new site that will better serve you. Please complete by March 1.

Which audience group best describes you?
Select all that apply.
  • City of Bryan Resident
  • City of Bryan Employee
  • Business Owner
  • Business Professional
  • Site Selector
  • Visitor/Tourist
  • Other, please specify below
On average, how frequently do you visit the City of Bryan's website (
For what purposes do you usually visit the website?
  • Finding contact information
  • Checking event calendars
  • Looking up meeting agendas or minutes
  • Applying for permits or other city service
  • Reading news or announcements
  • Reporting issues or concerns
  • Viewing GIS maps
  • Browsing adoptable pets
  • Watching City Council and/or Planning and Zoning Meetings
  • Other (please specify)
Are you usually able to find the information you’re looking for on the website?
How do you rate the website's overall content quality?
How visually appealing do you find the current website?
What loading speeds do you typically experience while browsing the website?
How do you rate your experience browsing the website on various devices?
Select all that apply:
  • I have difficulty navigating the website on a mobile phone
  • I have difficulty navigating the website on a tablet
  • I have difficulty navigating the website on a desktop or laptop
  • I find navigation easy on a mobile phone
  • I find navigation easy on a tablet
  • I find navigation easy on a desktop or laptop
Are there any services or information you think the city's website is missing?
Please describe:
  • {name}
What topics or information would you like to see highlighted on the home page? (e.g., emergency alerts, city news, meeting announcements, job postings)
  • {name}
Do you have any additional comments or suggestions for us to take into consideration while redesigning the city’s website?
  • {name}

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