Website User Experience Survey
We want your input to help guide the upcoming website redesign for the City of Bryan's website ( This quick survey will help us understand current strengths and opportunities for improvement so we can create a new site that will better serve you. Please complete by March 1.
Which audience group best describes you? *
Select all that apply.
- City of Bryan Resident
- City of Bryan Employee
- Business Owner
- Business Professional
- Site Selector
- Visitor/Tourist
- Other, please specify below
On average, how frequently do you visit the City of Bryan's website ( *
- Once per week
- Once per month
- Two to five times per year
- Once per year
- I have never visited
For what purposes do you usually visit the website? *
- Finding contact information
- Checking event calendars
- Looking up meeting agendas or minutes
- Applying for permits or other city service
- Reading news or announcements
- Reporting issues or concerns
- Viewing GIS maps
- Browsing adoptable pets
- Watching City Council and/or Planning and Zoning Meetings
- Other (please specify)
Are you usually able to find the information you’re looking for on the website? *
- Yes, easily
- Yes, but it takes some effort
- No, I often struggle
- No, I can rarely find what I need
How do you rate the website's overall content quality? *
- Very accurate and easy to understand
- Somewhat accurate and easy to understand
- Neutral
- Somewhat inaccurate and confusing
- Very inaccurate and confusing
How visually appealing do you find the current website? *
- Very appealing
- Somewhat appealing
- Neutral
- Not very appealing
- Not at all appealing
What loading speeds do you typically experience while browsing the website? *
- Load times are typically slow
- Load times are typically average
- Load times are typically speedy
- I don't typically notice load times
How do you rate your experience browsing the website on various devices? *
Select all that apply:
- I have difficulty navigating the website on a mobile phone
- I have difficulty navigating the website on a tablet
- I have difficulty navigating the website on a desktop or laptop
- I find navigation easy on a mobile phone
- I find navigation easy on a tablet
- I find navigation easy on a desktop or laptop
Are there any services or information you think the city's website is missing?
Please describe:
- {name}
What topics or information would you like to see highlighted on the home page? (e.g., emergency alerts, city news, meeting announcements, job postings)
- {name}
Do you have any additional comments or suggestions for us to take into consideration while redesigning the city’s website?
- {name}
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