The base focuses around a central 'Blog posts' table, featuring important data about previous posts, including the date, featured artists and URLs to the post itself and to related social media posts from myself and others.
The 'Post planning' table allows me to store ideas for future posts as and when they happen, tracking the progress of these ideas whether they eventually become published or lost in the blog abyss.
'Artists' uses some exciting Airtable features, connecting to multiple tables within the base to provide data about the artists, using the Count field type to sort artists in the order of those who have been featured most within the blog, added to most playlists and who I have seen perform most (read: the artists I'm giving the most love to.)
The 'Gigs calendar' allows me to keep a record of previous gigs attended whilst also storing data about upcoming shows that I'd like to attend, all in one place. The calendar view is particularly useful here in giving a visual display of upcoming events!
More efficient than a paper to-do list, the 'Tasks' table is a useful way of tracking things that I'd like to do for the site beyond blog posts, and encourages me to always look for ways to improve the blog.
As mentioned above, the 'Playlists' table connects to 'Artists' and provides interesting data there, whilst also keeping a useful record of some pretty cool playlists, if I do say so myself…
'PR contacts' is a pretty self-explanatory list of people in music PR whose submissions I've enjoyed and written about in the past - connecting to specific posts through the 'Blog posts' table enables me to order these by those who I have interacted with the most.
As an extension of the 'Gigs calendar', the 'Venues' table enables me to store data about the location of various music venues, and to see which venues I've visited the most.
Finally, the 'Stats' table is in its early days, but I hope to use it to keep a weekly record of social media followers (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) and views on the blog itself. Tracking progress in this way should help me to encourage myself to push for more followers or to give myself a pat on the back when it's performing particularly well.