United States Senators and Committee Members Database


Thank you for visiting my second database project! This US Senator database was originally created for one of my college research project to better identify these senators that are relevant to my project. After the 2018 midterm election, I decided to complete the database with the 116th Senate committee assignments for your convenience. The data includes the 115th and 116th Senate term, but I have filtered out the 115th in most of the tabs. You can find those information in the "Data" tabs and run a filter to find them.

Due to time the time constraint, I have only recorded the Senator's basic information as well as the 24 major Committees' assignment. The subcommittees assignments were not included. Due to the nature of Airtable Universe, this published database is a "snapshot", meaning that the information is only updated up to January 15th, 2019. Once I have more time and once the Senate rolled out the assignment of the subcommittees, I will update this database.

Most of the informations are pulled from Wikipedia and the senate.gov website. This database should be used only for casual purpose only and not to be used for any official reference. Since the work involves a lot of typing and copy pasting, there might be typo and inaccuracy. If you find any of them, please let me know so that we can correct those mistakes. If you liked my project, please hit the "❤️Like" button on the top left corner. I really appreciate your support!☺️

Enjoy browsing✨

Updated April 14, 2019 at 8:32 PM
Copied 118 times


Energy, environment, and data drive Steven every day in work and life. He is currently living in Washington DC.
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Current Senators
Committee List
By Committee
By Senator, Current Chairs