How To Find A Job In The Modern Era V1.02


After shutting down my marketing company in 2014, I found myself in a career transition. While I ended up becoming a full time freelancer instead of landing traditional employment, I did have a wonderful system for gaining traction in my search.


I've taken the initial spreadsheet I created and turned it into an Airtable Universe template for other job seekers to use. Here is the blog post that goes with this template.



For instructions on how to use this, I've written descriptions for most of the columns that need explanation. The first table is to help organize people connections while the second is designed to organize job opportunities. Followup with people and opportunities is key so both provide columns to do this.


Updated November 26, 2017 at 8:14 PM
Copied 177 times

Jason Scott Montoya

Full-time freelancer and author of Path Of The Freelancer, Jason Montoya is a communication specialist working with business owners to help them solve marketing and internal communication problems.
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