Hobby Paints Tracker - GW


This base allows you to keep track of your GW brand hobby paints. This is not a great time to publish this given the upcoming release of 40 or so new paints by GW, so this is more or less a beta. I will update the base with the new paints when they are released next month and make changes from feedback I receive as well.

Updated June 18, 2022 at 9:57 PM
Copied 15 times

Incredible Igloo

I enjoy miniature painting and various other hobbies associated with that.
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Base Paints
Layer Paints
Shade Paints
Technical Paints
Contrast Paints
Spray Paints
Drybrush Paints
Airbrush Paints
Brush Destructive Paints
All Paints I need
All Paints I have