Freelance invoice generator


If you freelance, you know optimizing your time is a high priority. This base automates client billing and invoice creation to save you time.


How the base is setup

This base is somewhat simplified - you can track tasks, how much time they took to complete, and how much you charge for each one. There's even an option to override an auto-calculated task cost for those times when you give a discount, or incur other fees that aren't captured by a flat hourly rate. A meetings table is ready to be use to take down meeting notes, and link tasks with each specific meeting.


Standardized invoice design

By linking each task to an invoice number, the invoice total is automatically generated based on each task associated with it. Then, the Page Designer block is already configured with a standardized invoice design that plugs in the details for you. Once you're ready to send it to a client, all you need to do is print to PDF and send it their way.


How you can use and adapt this base

If you wan to use this base for your own work - including the invoice design - please do! You could create a copy of this base for each client or project you have, or even use it to track all tasks, clients, meetings, and invoices for your business.

Updated February 9, 2020 at 5:15 PM
Copied 1,485 times


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