Recovering the Classics


Recovering the Classics is a crowdsourced collection of original covers for great works in the public domain where anyone can contribute. As part of a new initiative announced by the White House, we are partnering with the New York Public Library and the Digital Public Library of America to bring these amazing covers to libraries and schools nationwide. Why? Sadly, many of the greatest classics in the public domain are left with poorly designed or auto-generated covers that fail to capture what makes these books exciting and inspiring to us. So we invited illustrators, typographers, and designers of all stripes to create new covers for the greatest works in the public domain. All covers are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International terms. Anyone can contribute, and all designs are available for sale as prints, apparel, and other products to support the artists.


Take a tour through this Airtable base, which showcases the classics that have already been given makeovers by Recovering the Classics. Read through the summaries and get inspired to pick up a new book today. Or make a copy of the base for yourself and turn it into a reading list—how many of these great works have you already read, and how many have you yet to read?

Updated September 28, 2017 at 12:23 AM
Copied 269 times


Plympton is a literary studio based in NYC that innovates in digital publishing.
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