Airplan: An Airtable Based Project Manager


Airplan is a ‘traditional’ Project Management application implemented in Airtable.

  • Airplan schedules the tasks in a project based on each task’s estimated work and the estimated end dates of the other tasks it depends on.
  • Airplan takes weekends, holidays, and vacation into account when calculating the end date of a task.
  • Airplan produces a schedule from minimal information about each task and refines the schedule as you refine the project plan. The minimum viable schedule requires for each task only its name, estimated work, the person assigned to the task, and its dependent tasks. With this minimal information Airplan will schedule the project assuming the project start date is the current date.
  • When you add or update tasks, Airplan updates the project schedule dynamically to reflect your input. Airplan feeds a Gannt chart with your tasks’ dates and maintains the schedule so that your Gannt doesn’t have invalid dependencies that you need to manually correct.
  • You can define a task that is dependent on a second task which is in turn dependent on a third task, and so on to arbitrary depth and arbitrary numbers of dependent tasks. Airplan will alert you to circular references in your dependencies and the chain of tasks involved.
  • Airplan can schedule multiple projects in one base to support cross-project dependencies. Project member information is shared between all projects in a base.
  • Each member of the project team can define their own holidays, and vacations, and can define how many hours per day that they work.
  • Airplan comes with documentation as part of the base. It has a ‘Help’ table with a User Guide, Installation and Configuration documents, and other useful information.
  • Since Airplan is implemented in Airtable, you can customize the base to meet your needs.
  1. You can modify its tables, views, and interfaces to better meet your needs.
  2. You can add your own automations to handle the adding of new tasks to Airplan.
  3. You can add your own scripts to enhance scheduling functions to align with your own organization’s needs.
  4. You can feed multiple Airplan bases with a single synced table of team members’ profiles and vacation/holiday schedules and customize your plans to use the synced table.
Updated April 24, 2023 at 2:08 PM
Copied 122 times

Chuck Beckett

Currently on the Technical team at WFHB Community Radio. Former Principal Consultant at Computer Sciences Corporation. Former Consultant/Apps Tech DBA in Oracle's National Manufacturing Practice.
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Help, documentation, and sources.
Grid view
Grid view
Key to Task Colors
Control Panel
Projects Summary
Task Scheduler Automation View
Area Gantt
Task Work Breakdown
Task Work by Major Sequence
Data Validation issues
New Tasks
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Project Tracking
People Tracking
People Workloads Timeline
People Workloads
Open Tasks By Project
Open Tasks By Urgency, Importance
Open Tasks by status
Task Work Breakdown (Open Tasks)
Top Level Task Work Breakdown
Current Schedule
Task Calendar
Task Calendar (Starts and Ends)
Task Sequence Script View
Task Scheduler Automation View
Basis for Field Order and Widths
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Basis for Detailed Views
Basis for Tracking
Work By Person
Work By Task
Work Logged Calendar
Basis for Field Widths, Order
Project Summary
Projects by Area
Basis for Field Widths
Member Summary
Member Profile
Basis for Field Width, Order
Holiday Calendar
Dates in sequential order
Dates by date type
Dates by Project Members
Basis for Field Widths, Order