Personify Research Repository


An open-source, Airtable base for managing and growing your user research and user knowledge shared by Om Suthar, the co-founder & designer of Personify and experienced design leader.
The base is made up of five key tables:

  1. Participants
  2. Projects
  3. Personas
  4. Nuggets
  5. Emotions
    The **Participants *section allows you to track all of your research participants in one place.* **
    The **Projects **table organizes your research by projects.
    The **Personas **table allows you to organize your research findings from various user interviews and nuggets into personas linked to Personify.
    The Nuggets view allows you to intake new observations and view all your learnings across personas, projects, and research participants in one place.
    Finally, the **Emotions **table provides an array of 68 emotions according to the Junto Institute's Emotion and Feelings Wheel.
Updated February 21, 2021 at 5:34 PM
Copied 39 times

Om Suthar

Designer and Entrepreneur. Director of User Experience at Ellucian by day. CEO, Co-founder of Personify by night.
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