Job Search & Interview Prep


Are you looking for a new job? Stay organized with this easy-to-use base.


There are tables for:

  1. **Job Applications. **Document details of each job you applied for or jobs you are interested in applying for.
  2. Company. Keep track of essential details about the companies you are applying to or are interested in working for.
  3. Contacts. Having all your contacts or potential contacts in one place is vital.
  4. Contact Interactions. It's hard to remember all the details and when you last contacted someone. Use this tab to keep track of that.
  5. Interview Questions. Have all your interview questions and responses in one place and questions to ask them during the interview.
  6. SOAR Stories. Situations, Obstacles, Actions, Results. These can be linked to your interview question responses.
  7. Resumes. Keep all your resumes in one place for easy access.
  8. To-Do List. Priority rankings, due dates, and notifications when tasks are overdue.
  9. **Helpful Links. **I have included a few links that have been helpful to me, but this is a great place to keep track of valuable articles and websites.


Updated 6/13/22:

  • Added Education & Certifications table.


Updated June 13, 2022 at 11:23 PM
Copied 116 times

Cynthia Compton

Operations Manager with 10+ years of experience. An empathic leader who is inspired by change. I'd love to connect with you,
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