YMCAs all over the country run a teen program called Youth & Government. Each state runs their own version but each has a model legislature for which the participants (delegates) write bills and debate them as their state legislature does. The California program has grown so large that we have multiple legislatures running independently from each other. These are designated with colors to keep the bills (and the delegates) in the right place, so there is a red Senate and a blue Senate and a gold Senate etc.
Previously, we were tracking the progress of these bills by taking notes on paper and hoping none get lost. I developed this system to improve the accuracy of the updates as well as make them more real-time and make them transparent to the chaperones, parents, and anyone else who wanted to look in on certain bills. Each committee and each house has their own view (docket) and as they finish a vote on a bill, the clerk adds a timestamp and records the results of the vote. The bill is then filtered out of that docket and added in to the next docket in the progression. If the bill is vetoed by the Youth Governor, it returns to the docket of the house of origin.
Delegates who have been elected into an office are able to endorse bills by submitting a form to the Endorsements table. Similarly, delegates in the legislative analyst program submit findings on the fiscal impact of the bills through another form.
The Current Bill Status field uses logic to provide a quick and easy update as to the current status of the bill.