This Airtable contains 164 emoji spells, alphabetized & catalogued into 30+ categories such as health, confidence, work, school, wealth and more. Click on a category to browse all the spells contained within. Then, simply copy & paste to cast!
These spells have been gathered from the Wicca & pagan communities on Tumblr, as well as other places online. I claim no ownership to these spells other than collecting them for my digital Book of Shadows.
Why use emoji spells?
Practicing magick looks different for everyone. Some reasons you might use emoji spells include:
That said, I fully admit that emoji spells are not for everyone, and if you don't believe in practicing them, that's fine—but please don't criticize others for enjoying them.
> _Credit to Broadly for the cover image—read their excellent article for more information on how to use emoji spells. []_
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