Talenthor Recruitment Role Management Template


Hi mortal!
**We both know that recruitment is the first and the most important step to build a strong work place community. Recruiters do not recruit; they authenticate personalities, communicate to the souls and most importantly coach talent that has not yet found his/her true potential. These are not romantic words to dramatize processes, they are inferences formed as a result of an extensive research. Accordingly, this template is designed for you and you only! The aim is to conduct the candidate discovery anonymously and reveal the true potential of the candidates. **
Template has two functionalities: You can keep your job portfolio and job specific candidate portfolio. These two functionalities are achieved through two separate tables. First one is recruiter’s portfolio and the second one is role specific candidate information.

Updated June 15, 2022 at 8:51 AM
Copied 23 times

Elifnaz Dogan

Product Manager Likes: Practical and simple products. elanazpiano@gmail.com
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