Affiliate Revenue Tracking


Generating revenue from Affiliate programs can be a great passive (or semi-passive) income stream. But it can also be a complete pain to keep track of all of the links, payment terms and scheduling.


This airtable is a simple table that will encourage you to add in monthly values earned from each of your affiliate programs.


The table includes:

  • the first tab is meant to include the names of the affiliate programs / companies that you've applied for.
  • the following tabs can be duplicated year after year, to keep enter what you've earned each month
  • The annual tabs link to the company names from the first table
  • add notes to the "threshold" tab to remind you of payout terms (like, "45 days", every 30 days for amounts over $50, etc)
  • You'll see a total for each affiliate for the entire year
  • The average amount earned per month (to help you make decisions about your resources)
  • the percentage of your total affiliate revenue (to help you determine if you're some programs are more lucrative than others)
  • You'll also see the sums of each column at the bottom, so you know how much you've earned in total, for each month.



Updated December 29, 2017 at 5:51 AM
Copied 726 times

Loralee Hutton

A solopreneur with a passion for finding online tools that save time and money (most often free) to increase profit margins for micro business owners.
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