This base is a stripped down copy of a base I created for each of my children to use in a family Role-Playing Adventure game we play to help motivate them in their school work.
This base would be synced with two other bases outside of my kids control -- one where we track their school assignments, and they earn coin in this base per assignment they complete in the other. The second base it is synced with is my Game Master base, where I create a shop of items available for them to purchase with their coin, to make their Hero stronger throughout the adventure.
Each of their bases is linked to an Interface I built that has 2 views in it. One view is the "Shop" where they can browse all the items, skills, and spells available to them, and purchase them with their coin. The second view is where we "Play" our sessions. Here, they can see all of their hero's statistics, items, skills, and spells, and can interact with their hero's health in each encounter by applying Damage, Healing, or Temporary Health via buttons that trigger Automations in from the Interface.