Fullscreen Media has a College Correspondent Program, which tasks students nationwide to collect (wo)man-on-the-street video interviews on topics that relate to the day's biggest news — from celebrity social media controversies, to music trends, to news out of Washington, D.C. It's our way of getting real voices and real opinion from our audience. As simple as the mission of the program is, there is a lot that goes into it from recruiting the students to managing the videos being created.
This "Fullscreen Correspondent Network" base is vital to the everyday process of running the program. The base shown here is redacted. There are 6 tabs that help us keep track along the process.
The School Outreach tab helps us to record and stay in contact with the various colleges and universities nationwide so that we can note when we last spoke with our contact and where the conversation stands.
Our Applicant Database allows us to manage the students applying. We have a form set-up through Airtable so that when students apply, their information auto-populates in this tab.
The Correspondent Directory is our home for all the pertinent information about our hired correspondents. It also counts how many projects they have done.
The Active Correspondent Footage tab is where we track the assignments that we have sent out. This tab utilizes the collaborator feature so that our team can communicate when the footage has been uploaded and needs to be ingested for the edit.
The Release Schedule has a calendar that shows when our footage airs on our social sites.
Finally, the B_rainstorm_ tab is a place where we can communally pitch ideas and gather thoughts on what topics our upcoming correspondent videos can cover.