College Merchandise Retail Store (Small Business) ERP - CRM, Project, Tasks, Account and Financial Management


Small Retail Store Business ERP

This Base is an "almost ERP" for a college retail merchandise store. Can be used by small businesses as well.


A YouTube video explaining the base can be found here -->


It handles the following features


CRM & Inventory:

The contact list contains list of all your customers. The SendGrid block is used to send customers, personalized marketing emails or even reminder emails when they place an order and are yet to come and collect it. You can also see the timeline of a customer with your business along with the lifetime revenue value.


The product list & inventory table list all the products that you have in the store. Viewed in a gallery view along with the inventory levels, I actually looks beautiful like an Amazon storefront.


The Orders and Transactions table. This table has records of every sale ever made along with who sold it and whether through student account or through cash. There are two ways we use this table. One is the internal form that the people at the store use to enter a sale. The other is an external form. We send out this form to students whenever we get new products in stock. Students will place their orders directly through that link and will come to the store later to collect their orders. Then, the order will be marked as delivered. We have a separate view called - Delivered Today. We use this view and send SendGrid based personalised invoice emails to everyone who collected their merchandise on that day.


Goal Setting, Projects and Tasks:

This is the high level structure.

Our store (has goals) --> 9 Departments (each have a goal) --> 9 POCS (accountable for department goals).


All goals will have their key results written down so that at the end of the time period the progress can be measured against it to see whether the goal was achieved or not.

This is very similar to the OKRs that many companies follow.


Next level is projects. These projects could be anything like - doing a new merchandise for students, getting a new sponsor, doing a new marketing campaign, etc. Each of the projects should tell how they are contributing to any of the above set goals of the store or the departments.



  1. Departments
  2. Goals
  3. Projects
  4. Tasks

are all separate tables in our Airtable doc.


There is also new ideas table which is nothing but a an idea in a very early stage. If approved it will find its way in to the projects table.


General Info:

The Info table is where we store info and digital assets for quick access.

We also have a SWOT analysis table where we analyse our store's position strategically.


Accounting, Finance & Vendors Management:

The final three tables are for Financial management.


The Team table lists all the members of our team neatly along with their details like phone, email, like, interests. So, that we get to really know each other and form a good bonding as a team.


The Passbook table, is where we enter all the expenses and incomes.


A Nice dashboard to monitor the some metrics to see where we are. The main dashboard is what we track daily.


The SWOT block will represent the SWOT table in a nice matrix form. Finally, the SendGrid block will be used for sending emails.


Thank you!


If this really helped you, please consider buying me a coffee through PayPal at

Updated May 3, 2020 at 5:17 PM
Copied 285 times

Aswanth Selva

An Engineer & SaaS Product Consultant. Passionate about Business. Optimizing Small Businesses for Efficiency is my Greatest Love for Work! Reach me at: @aswanth_selva, aswanthselva@live.ocm
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