SpaceX Missions


Get all the details about each SpaceX launch to-date.


Browse past and upcoming missions, cores, payload, and flight specs, including video links, photos, and even the mission patches!


How did we do this?

This data-rich base pulls up-to-date data directly from r/SpaceX API every week. We then manually update the mission patch images and voila! All SpaceX launches data at your fingertips.


What was the motivation?

Airtable is at the core of our operations. We use it for almost everything, so we wanted to push the limits in a fun and educational way. As we expected, the base works smoothly with 100+ rows and 600+ columns of data.


We're also big SpaceX fans, and while it's not hard to find videos of every launch on YouTube, we felt like we needed a library to see detailed information of all missions. With this base, we can quickly answer questions like what are the upcoming launches? How many Starlink missions were completed? We're looking to include Elon's tweets from each mission by the way šŸ˜„



Big thanks to the r/SpaceX Reddit community for keeping this data up-to-date and to Postman for making it easier to connect with the API.

Updated September 9, 2020 at 9:43 AM
Copied 19 times


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Past missions | Basic info
Past missions | Full specs
Past missions | Core specs
Past missions | Payload specs
Starlink missions | Basic info
Missions by launch site
All Rockets
All Rockets (grid view)