A list of almost 300 personal values. To use, assign each value a "level" - Kanban view is good for this. Add/delete levels and values if necessary for your own personal sorting.
-Start by going through and sorting any values you don't like in to "Reject," and sort values you feel strongly about into "Important" or higher. If you want to, go through unsorted values and assign them a level. Then go through the values you sorted into "Important" earlier, and move them up/down until you are happy with at least the Highest Priority, Priority, and Goals sections.
-Generally you should be looking for about 2-10 values to end up in Highest Priority and Goals. This may take multiple levels of sorting and a lot of time!
-Many of the values may seem like synonyms. This is intentional! Choose the words that feel right to you. Put the words that feel similar but not quite right at a lower level, or leave them unsorted.
-Once you're done sorting, consider putting your top values somewhere that you will see them frequently (on your wall, as a phone background, etc) as a reminder to come back to them. This can help remind you to practice those values and to spend your time in places where you have the opportunity to practice those values. But don't spend all your time on them - other value are important too!