COVID-19 Financial Assistance System Tracker


Use **F.A.S.T **to monitor the programs, bills, tasks and interactions with during your journey through the covid19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Financial Assistance System Tracker (F.A.S.T) is a group of tables that support managing your finances. This system can be used as a budgeting tool without any need for COVID resources. It was initially conceived to help people who needed to manage their deferments, other bills and keep track of support from the **government during the downturn **in the economy.

🦠COVID PROGRAMS: This is a list of programs at the federal, state, business, local, and specialty levels that help you manage your finances during the downturn. From unemployment to rent/mortgage abatement. Use the predefined programs from the CARES act or add your own and manage their lifecycle.
💸BILLS: Bills database represents the bills in your life. Bills are always tied to a vendor. Bills are also related to a timing frequency, subscription flags, and a priority system built upon Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. Simply put, you need a roof over your head before you need Netflix.
☎️INTERACTIONS: Interactions are the backbone of your system. When you pay a bill, talk on the phone, send an email, it doesn't matter how you interact with each vendor, bills, or program has many interactions.
✅TASKS: Task data is one of TWO action databases. Vendors, bills, and COVID programs all link to the task database so you can update things you need to stay on top of.
🏫VENDORS: Vendors database is where you store the company information for the bills, programs, and other information for organizations that support your life.

Updated April 8, 2020 at 9:40 PM
Copied 276 times

Chris Dancy

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