Keep track of marketing materials and get your promotional system out of your head and into a marketing library for your team.
The M.A.D. is an easy-to-use database. It's built to know how all of your marketing materials are linked.
It knows which emails live inside which automations. It knows where those emails link to. It knows what products you're selling - and which pages are selling those products.
Your marketing materials are linked together in specific ways. The M.A.D. keeps track of it all.
With the M.A.D. installed in your business, you'll make more informed decisions, your team will make fewer mistakes, and your marketing will be organized.
The M.A.D has answers that nobody else does.
It lets you search through your pages as if they were Google results. It instantly shows you recent email broadcasts. It stores brand media - including photography and logos - and keeps track of versions.
The M.A.D. is your business's marketing library.