Employee Learning & Development


As a learning partner and facilitator, I'm responsible for designing and delivering effective training programs that help onboard new employees and up-skill team members. Since I work for a large tech company (based in New Zealand), every team and learning and development need is unique. I needed a system that organises all of my company's unique learning initiatives in a way that allows for easy collaboration across my learning team and cross-functional partners. And so, I built this base on Airtable.


I've used this base over the past few years to help my team with a variety of learning processes, including managing the status of learning content, curating learning guides for employees to refer to, tracking facilitator availability, and collecting stakeholder feedback for our team. I also built a Record of Learning table to keep track of information that couldn't be captured by my LMS.


Creating this database in Airtable solved a multitude of problems we had around collaborating amongst our team of 17, and consolidating systems and processes. For example, we previously used shared Excel spreadsheets - a stagnant and cumbersome approach. If one user were viewing the spreadsheet, it locked any other user from making updates simultaneously. Airtable allowed us to work on the same table together and even communicate within the very table we were referencing. We also consolidated various systems and access requirements to everything being available and accessible from one place. Here are a few highlights:


Sharing Employee Learning Guides

  • The nature of our business is that things change quickly and they change all the time. So there is always an opportunity to train and upskill employees. We were able to use Airtable as a way to create easy-to-use and aesthetically pleasing learning guides. Once we had it set up, we were able to create customised views for various courses or groups of learners at a fraction of the time it used to take. Because it was so easy to use, any of our facilitators could create one, rather than waiting for the content manager or learning management system specialist.


Collecting Real-Time Feedback

  • Feedback is most helpful and productive when it is given and received in a timely manner. After our interactive workshops, we used Airtable forms to collect feedback from our learners. These responses were immediately visible in the table. Our facilitators would be able to access the feedback and turnaround improvements by their next workshop. They were also able to view feedback from other sessions in order to get ideas.


Building a Record of Learning

  • We used the record of learning table from from the time our workforce planning team projected the required numbers for recruitment, through to once contracts were sent out to new recruits, to when new recruits started with us on day one. The record of learning then went on to document, communicate and confirm their profile and access setup, their learning progress and the dates they were tracking to go into workplace learning and ultimately graduation from the onboarding programme. From there, our record of learning could continue to capture any upskill or learning that our people engaged to post-induction. Having all of this information in one place enabled our business to streamline a lot of processes. This also acted as one source of truth for various business departments (e.g. workforce management, recruitment, office coordinators, team leaders, facilitators, coaches, upper management and other key stakeholders) so we were able to achieve consistent results. This record of learning also became a hassle-free way to create our weekly progress reports. All the information was already there, it was just a matter of creating a view suitable for the level of information required by the stakeholder.



Please Note: All data within this example database is has been fully redacted. All named entities are fictional, and all business information has been significantly generalized to protect our company's IP. That said, we've left just enough truth to make the function of our database legible to other process-oriented learning professionals.

Updated January 23, 2019 at 2:50 AM
Copied 659 times

Sally D

10 years as a learning and development professional. Also love yoga, food and YouTube :)
Explore the base
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Role A Learning Guide - View Only
Role B Learning Guide - View Only
Manage Learning Guides
Main View
Main View
Training Effectiveness
Facilitator Communication
Main View
1. Facilitators, please update dates
2. Weekly Progress Report - Facilitators
3. Learners by Induction Status - Grid
4. Weekly Progress Report - Induction Team Leaders
5. Weekly Progress Report - CCM View
6. New Starters 11/09/17
7. Add New Columns
8. Send Graduate Email
9. Send Graduate Survey
L&D Manager - Main View
Allocate Facilitators - Grid
Learners by Induction Status - Dates
Facilitator A View - Grid
Facilitator B View - Gallery
Facilitator C View - Gallery
Facilitator D - Card View
Facilitator D - Grid View
Real Time - Add to Trainee_Sales_VAG
Real Time - Remove from Trainee_Sales_VAG
Weekly Progress Report - Premium
Workforce Analysts
Office Co-ordinator
LMS Specialist View
Recruit Leads
Premium View
Induction Grad Pics for NZQA
Data Mining for Technology Specialist
Proactive Chat Learners 31/7/17
Sales Learners 11/9/17
Main View
Main View
Main View
Week 22/05/17
Week 15/05/17
Week 8/05/17
Week 1/05/17
Week 24/04/17
Week 17/04/17
Week 10/04/17
Week 3/04/17
Week 27/03/17
Week 20/03/17
Week 13/03/17
Week 6/03/17
Sorted By Session
Main View
Feedback Not Allocated to a Session
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