Movie Watching Decision Matrix


Two people trying to decide on a movie to watch can waste half the evening deliberating.


This matrix takes into account each person's top picks, how the other person ranks those picks, price for rental / purchase and availability on selected platforms. You can even use this list to rank your personal picks for a solo movie night, and you can always clear out the second person's choices and start again with a different partner. It's your matrix!


Best of all, the list is updated by RSS from a Dropmark board, which means you can pin/collect ideas for movies all around the web, and it will be entered into your database automagically. There is also a web clipper to grab movies from Rotten Tomatoes including their rankings.


With a little tweaking, this concept could be applied to other types of decision making between two people with any relevant factors (price, distance, ease/difficulty, length of time). For example: what should we order for dinner? where should we go this weekend? which artist should we listen to next?

Updated October 15, 2020 at 11:53 AM
Copied 50 times

Pearl Pospiech

Experience designer, event producer, digital marketing manager, virtual reality world builder
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