#4. A Sequence of Messages


Here we want to define a SERIES OF TEMPLATES to be sent to each particular group related to a signal.

In this base we introduce the concept of a relationship FLOW , in a table where you define for each cluster or group of people similar for you , a series of sales steps - your sales process. So , this can be in a basic set up 1st an opening connection message , then a probing about problem or sharing content to establish credibility and then an ask like a call or demo.
Then of course you can make it as rich and complex as needed.


Ready for taking it to the NEXT LEVEL ?


You can add one /several template/s - a sequence - to have a fully personalize message ready and send it straight with the email block …


or across channels to send first a response, then a linkedin invitation, a chat, a message , some emails , a sms , a voice mail .. wow .. you get the idea right?



Get in touch here



Detailed guides and templates on how to do these and other ideas are available at





Updated October 6, 2020 at 9:04 PM
Copied 95 times


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