This is an example log we created to record and graph the history of our pool's water quality. If the pH, Alkalinity, Calcium Hardness, and Water Temp are recorded, it will automatically calculate the Langelier Saturation Index. This Index value is more indicative of whether the water will scale and form deposits or not.
You should also test your Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) to ensure you subtract the proper TDS factor. There are TDS test strips available on the market but they have very low accuracy.
We would recommend getting one of the fairly cheap handheld digital TDS meters. We use one from HM Digital that has a +/-2% accuracy. For temperature measurement, we use a digital thermometer that tracks the pool temperature over time. Then, we average the temperature out over 24 hours instead of measuring a high or low for the day which provides a more accurate temperature factor for calculation.
Your Balanced Reference ranges may be different from ours, since we use the Nature2 system and a UV filter which requires very low chlorination on average.
Learn more about pool water quality tracking here: ‎