I've updated the base to include a Junction Table that provides better cross-referencing between performances, works, performers, and roles. The Array fields allow for better formatting of primary record fields.
If you're a live-theater junkie like me, you probably have boxes of old programs rotting away in some closet. Time to get rid of them!
​I put this base together to help me keep track of everything I've seen. It gives me a detailed record of every performance of every work by every performer I've seen, thanks to Airtable's ability to create many-to-many relationships.
Use this to enter overall information about a live performance event, including an image, type of event, the venue, your rating, who you saw it with, and any notes you want to make. Some performances will involve multiple works. It links with the Junction Table, allowing rollup fields to display information about works performed and cast lists.
Use this to enter information on each work performed. Links with the Junction Table to associate works with individual performances and performers.
Allows you to see performers and their roles. Links with the Junction Table to associate performers with works, roles and individual performances.
Allows you to see which roles have been performed by a variety of performers. Links with the Junction Table to associate roles with works, individual performances, and performers.
Links directors with individual performances.
Links conductors with individual performances.
Use this table to enter each individual performance of a role by a performer during a particular performance. Allows other tables to link performances, works, roles, and performers.
​Photo credit: "Palais Garnier" by Chris Chabot/Flickr CC BY-NC 2.0