13 Week Planner Template


This is a 13-week system I've designed to reach goals and complete projects. By using an oscillating workload instead of a steady and intense one, I've built in breaks throughout the time-period. This should help combat burn-out and overwhelm, as well as prevent you from getting stuck. The "assess and adjust weeks" should be used to slow down, look at where you are, and make adjustments to get to where you want to be.


As you'll see, I've used my personal goal to finish writing the three novels I have in progress as an example. Copy the base and input your own goals in order to try out this 13-week plan. Copy your base every 13 weeks to start over with a new goal!

Updated April 6, 2017 at 3:57 PM
Copied 2,615 times

Kayla Curry

Kayla Curry is a productivity and business management expert. She loves to organize everything and is experienced in marketing, project management and much more. http://www.kaylacurry.com/
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