Issue and Inventory Tracking


Faraday Bicycles' issue and inventory tracking base helps the small San Francisco-based electric bike company keep track of issues and their replacement bike part inventory. The base is used to record information any time they have a failed component in the field. For quick entry of the necessary information, they use a form that is automatically generated from the existing table. Although this issue tracker started out simply, with just the date, the name of the part, and what went wrong, Faraday has gradually expanded the base as they've come up with more to track, giving them a clear picture of our inventory at all times.


For more on Faraday Bicycles and this base, check out our full case study on For the Record, the Airtable blog.

Updated September 28, 2017 at 12:24 AM
Copied 905 times

Faraday Bicycles

Faraday Bicycles builds the world's finest electric bikes. Designed and built for and by people who love to ride.
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Mode Selector Report - October 2015