Wardrobe Inventory and Outfit Log


Take your sartorial navel-gazing to new heights!

This base is an inventory of items currently (and previously) in your closet and how many times you've used them.


Use this base to:

  • easily view your wardrobe's contents by category
  • see which items you've worn and haven't worn this month, year, or all time
  • see how many times per week you wear items
  • identify items that are good candidates for purging because you don't wear them much
  • budget for your shopping (see your closet's total value and how much you've spent in the past month or year for different types of items)
  • keep track of which items are in storage or should go into storage (sort by season)
  • identify patterns in items you donated before they wore out
  • and more! The sky's the limit. Add your own formulas! You can even use the Airtable API to programmatically load these records and do even fancier calculations or make charts.


How to Use This

  1. Clear the example records in the Items and Outfits tables.
  2. (Optional) Customize the fields marked with an asterisk in the fields listed below.
  3. Add your individual items in the Items table.
  4. Log your outfits in the Outfits table by referencing the items via the Items field. If an item doesn't exist, you can add automatically to the Items table via the UI for adding links to the Items field.
  5. Check out the many different grid and gallery views of your Outfits and Items.


Easy! Wear counts and various statistics will be automatically calculated. Use the preset views to get an overview of your items, or list what you have or haven't been wearing recently. Don't feel the need to add your whole wardrobe at once. Adding items as you wear them is probably easiest, and don't feel like you need to fill out all the fields, either. If you don't care about a field, go ahead and hide or delete it.


Please note: Airtable does not provide any functionality to create outfit collages. The collage images used in the Outfits table were made separately because I didn't want to put photos of myself in this base. If you use the base, you should put photos of yourself wearing the outfits for the image in an Outfit record.


You may want to check out other apps like Stylebook, YourCloset, Cladwell, etc. if you are primarily interested in an app that logs outfits with item collages.



See which items appear in your favorite outfits

Viewing which items you wear the most is one thing, but if you want to see which items appear the most in outfits you particularly like, you can add the 'favorite' tag in the Tags field on an entry in the Outfits table. All the items in outfits tagged as 'favorite' will be collected in the 'Favorites (Calculated)' view of the Items table. You can also manually designate an item as a favorite in the Tags field on the Items table. These items appear in the 'Favorites (Manually tagged)' view. Should be interesting to compare the two!


How to add items in a new category

Instructions with screenshots going through an example can be found on imgur here https://imgur.com/a/07eTPjX


How to use Airtable

If you haven't used airtable before, please check out https://guide.airtable.com/ for a general overview, explanations of linked records, and tutorials on how to do things like use filters.


Can I modify this so that it tracks entire outfits? I don't want to input the same outfit I wear every week each time.

Yes! By adding another table Outfit Log which *links* to the records in the Outfits table, you can simply reference an already-entered outfit. You can also add a Lookup for the Outfit's Photo field to include the thumbnail for the outfit in the log table.


If you have a smaller wardrobe or tend to wear the same combinations on repeat for your work week or weekend, this may be a good option.


However, if you tend to log a new outfit almost every time (e.g. you have a lot of clothes, or always change up jewelry/bags/shoes), it will be better to use the original version of the base. Logging by outfit when you have a new outfit each time will create twice as many records (365 outfits and 365 outfit logs, vs say 30 outfits and 365 outfit logs), bringing you to the max usage for one base in the free tier more quickly.


See this base for the modified track-by-outfit version https://airtable.com/shrdEpXek1Ub3NMpb. I did not update all the bells and whistles (i.e. fields that let you filter by outfits worn in the last 30 days, stats on which outfits are most/least worn) to match the new format, so if you use this one you'll have to DIY those changes.



Views can be customized by modifying the 'Group By' and 'Filter By' options. Note that gallery views are not available on the Airtable mobile app. You can easily see more cards at once in a desktop browser by zooming out.



  1. All outfits (grid)
  2. All outfits in the past 30 days (grid)
  3. Outfits with photo attachment (gallery)
  4. Calendar (note that Airtable does not support adding thumbnails to the calendar view)



  1. Current Items Gallery
  2. Old Items Gallery (status is Donated, Storage, Lost, Died – If you change the select options for Status, you should update this view's filters.)
  3. Wear Counts
  4. Most Worn Past 7 Days
  5. Most Worn Past 30 Days
  6. Not Worn in Past 30 Days
  7. Most Worn Past 90 Days
  8. Not Worn Past 90 Days
  9. Most Worn Past 365 Days
  10. Not Worn Past 365 Days
  11. Never Worn Gallery
  12. All items, all fields, ungrouped
  13. All items, minimal fields, ungrouped




Manually entered

Fields that you can add info to when adding an item to the base.

  • Date
  • Photo – The ones in the sample base were created using the Stylebook app for iOS. I recommend taking a photo of your real outfit with the timer on your phone or in a mirror.
  • *Worn For (work, exercise, loungewear, around town, going out) – Modify these to be specific to your lifestyle.
  • *Tags (e.g. "favorite") – Add more tags specific to your lifestyle and wardrobe.
  • Notes
  • Items (linked field to item table)
  • Number of Items (calculated)


Intermediate Calculations

These fields are used in formulas in fields in the Items table and should not be modified or shown.

  • Outfit # (ID field)
  • In Previous 30 Days
  • In Previous 90 Days
  • In Previous 365 Days
  • In Current Month
  • In Current Year
  • Is Favorite



Manually entered

Fields that you can add info to when adding an item to the base.

  • Name (ID field)
  • Photo
  • Status (Available, Donated, Considering for donation, Storage, Lost, Dead)
  • *Category (Top, Bottom, Dress, Shoes, Outerwear, Layering, Accessory, Swimwear)
  • *Subcategory – e.g. Shoes, you can put sandals, boots, flats, sneakers, etc.
  • Notes
  • Price
  • Brand
  • Vendor
  • Size
  • Color Family
  • *Season (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall) – handy if you want a list of off-season clothes to put into storage
  • *Fabric / Material Tags – e.g. cotton, leather, knit, wool, polyester, acrylic
  • *Misc Tags – e.g. office appropriate, favorite, tailored, secondhand
  • Date Acquired
  • Purge Date
  • Purge Reason



These are formula, lookup, and rollup fields that you shouldn't need to modify.

  • Wears All Time
  • Wears This Year
  • Wears This Month
  • Wears Past 30 Days
  • Wears Past 90 Days
  • Wears Past 365 Days
  • Cost Per Wear
  • Weeks Owned
  • Wears Per Week
  • Months Owned
  • Wears Per Month
  • Wear Dates
  • Outfits
  • Category Is Clothing – Use this to filter the various wear count views if you find that after a while all your most worn items are shoes or accessories.
  • First Worn
  • Last Worn
  • In Favorite Outfits (how many outfits with the 'favorite' tag does this item appear in?)


Intermediate Calculations

These are calculated fields used as an intermediate step in other calculated fields, but do not need to be shown.

  • Lookup for Wears This Month
  • Lookup for Wears This Year
  • Lookup for Wears Past 30 Days
  • Lookup for Wears Past 90 Days
  • Lookup for Wears Past 365 Days



  • The outfit photos were manually created. This base does not provide any functionality for creating outfit collages.
  • Note that Airtable's free tier has a limit of 1,200 records and 2GB of attachments per base, so you won't be able to use the same base indefinitely without upgrading. I suggest creating a new base after filling out two years of records, and copying over the most recent year's worth of outfits.
  • A lot of the functionality here was inspired by the Stylebook app for iOS. I wanted the ability to filter the Most/Least Worn stats by category, use the app in a browser on other devices, data portability (e.g. ability to export info in a CSV), adding a new item to not require having a photo, and to be able to hide donated items from views without having to completely delete the records.
  • If you are a spreadsheet wizard, you could probably replicate much of the functionality of this base in a spreadsheet. Short of automatically generated gallery and calendar views, I don't think there's anything that can't be set up using the full functionality of modern spreadsheet software. Update: I have indeed recreated this in a spreadsheet. If you'd prefer to have this sort of format in spreadsheet version, see https://mgetsdressed.com/2018/09/10/wardrobe-inventory-and-outfit-logging-methods/
  • If you've purchased an item recently, you can use the stock photo from the store so you don't have to photograph your own item. If you can't find the stock photo anymore, you can always use a "close enough" photo or photograph it yourself. Whatever works for you!
  • Send bug reports, suggestions, and feedback to mgetsdressed@gmail.com




Simplifying! Removed

  • Gallery views filtered by category
  • Archived Items table



  • Gallery view of Items table to show Unavailable items



  • Simplified Subcategories, make the Subcategory color match the color of the Category it belongs to
  • Views are filtered to Items with a Status of Available, Storage, or Considering For Donation
  • Updated the items and outfits to a more fresh and casual style.



Provide option to log by linking to an outfit rather than just individual items.



Added an Archived Items table which you can move records of Items which are worn out, donated, sold, or otherwise unavailable for further use. This way the items will no longer show up in the search/suggestions when you are adding Items to new outfits.


Add automatic filtering for favorite items. If you tag an Outfit as 'favorite', the items in the outfit will appear in the "Favorites (Calculated)" view in the Items table. This can be helpful if you are trying to decide what to pack for a trip or keep if you are downsizing. I also added a view for manually tagged favorites. It should be interesting to compare which items you designate as favorites vs which actually get worn in outfits that you love.


Also added a link to directions on how to add an item with a new category (including creating the corresponding view).


Add link to Airtable documentation for those who just found this page through mgetsdressed.com and want to learn more about Airtable generally.


Add table

  • Archived Items (this is simply a copy of the Items table without duplicating the records)

Add fields

  • (Outfits table) Archived Items (linked field to Archived Items table)
  • (Outfits table) Is Favorite (Calculated field which is a 1 if 'favorite' is in the Tags field)
  • (Items table) In Favorite Outfits (Calculated field which counts how many favorite outfits an item was in)


  • (Items table) Favorites (Calculated) (all items which appear in favorite outfits)
  • (Items table) Favorites (Manually tagged) (all items which have 'favorite' in the Tags field on the Items table)




Add fields

  • First Worn
  • Last Worn
  • Purge Date
  • Purge Reason
  • Months Owned
  • Wears Per Month

Field changes

  • Rename "Type" to "Subcategory"
  • Rename "Wears / Weeks Owned" to "Wears Per Week"
  • Change numeric field summaries from Sum to Median
  • Add "rain", "snow", and "formal" options to Outfit "Tags" field
  • Add "textured", "structured", and "print" to Item "Fabric/Material Tags" field

View changes

  • Remove "Photo" field (I think there was an update that created the "cover field" concept so it is not required anymore)
  • Add "Wears Per Month" to gallery views
  • Add "Cost" to "Never Worn" gallery

Universe Description

  • Add link to blog post with reference to spreadsheets
  • Note that collaging is not a feature of airtable


Updated August 11, 2022 at 10:24 PM
Copied 2,703 times


Really into organizing and automating things
Explore the base
Favorites Gallery
All Outfits
Outfits Past 30 Days
Current Items Gallery
Old Items Gallery
All items, all fields
All items, minimal fields
Favorites (Calculated)
Favorites (Manually tagged)
Wear Counts
Most Worn Past 30 Days
Most Worn Past 7 Days
Not Worn in Past 30 Days
Most Worn Past 90 Days
Not Worn in Past 90 Days
Most Worn Past 365 Days
Not Worn Past 365 Days
Never Worn