Finding a job is the hardest job you'll ever have, don't waste time or make it any more difficult for yourself by being disorganised. I needed to replace all my handwritten notes, various Excel spreadsheets and Outlook records to track my job search and the existing published Bases I found didn't quite meet all my requirements so I put this Base together, using parts from a couple of other published bases and adding to them.
There are tables for:
Different views within each table let you organise by type of contact (e.g. headhunter, HR, friend, colleague etc) and/or how close/hot the contact is and how recently you last contacted them.
Keep notes of all your contact interactions and through the views quickly review what you last spoke/wrote to them about.
Tables incorporate links between jobs, contacts and interactions plus top interview questions and SOAR stories.
Best of all, this is built using only the free elements of Airtable 😊.
Please use and suggest any additional features that will be useful.