2018 Game Releases


As of Aug 12, 2018 (create a copy and keep yours up-to-date!)


I know this list isn't exhaustive, but I've been using this base to track upcoming game releases - currently up to 497! Over time I've added other useful fields like "developer" and "publisher".


Some interesting stats I uncovered from making this base:


  • 62% of game releases take place on Tuesdays. Some believe this is because of a promotion for "Sonic the Hedgehog 2" - they tried to make "Sonic 2sdays" a thing, and it kind of worked. Others think it has to do with reporting sales data, which is tracked from Tuesday through to the following Monday.


  • PS4 leads the way with 147 releases. Don't tell r/pcmasterrace, but PC comes in second place with 124 releases.


  • FIFA 19 has six releases. On September 28th, FIFA will spray the market (PC to Xbox 360). However, there is still no Android releaseā€¦


Some other esports stuff I helped make:

Updated August 14, 2018 at 3:45 AM
Copied 35 times

Andrew Busse

Growth @ Airtable. Organizing the world one base at a time.
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