Our project matches busy healthcare professionals at the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic, with students studying a healthcare program and who are willing to volunteer their time to help these professionals with their daily tasks (childcare, pet care, pharmacy/grocery runs, general errands, etc).
Our Airtable base has 2 tables:
1) "History of Pairings": Kanban view whereby we can visualize "Potential" pairings that require confirmation from students and healthcare professionals, "Active" pairings that are currently ongoing, and pairings that are "Retired" and no longer active.
2) "Student/HCP": this is where we make our student/healthcare professional pairings based off geography, language, and interests/skills. We want to try and pair volunteers and healthcare professionals based off proximity, their language proficiency, and based off their interests and needs regarding childcare, pet care, pharmacy/grocery rungs, and general errands.