Comprehensive Task Management


Hello there.

This is my personal comprehensive task management system which I've found to endure and represent my daily todos greatly.

I work with "do" dates for precise tasks as well as "deadline" dates when I have a project that needs a longer time to accomplish.

There are some calculations going on to determine the status of every task.

  • Every task with a "do" date is "Active"

  • A task whose "deadline" date lies in the past is "Overdue"

  • A task where today lies in between a "do" and "deadline" date is "Ongoing"

  • An unscheduled task which is to be planned gets the checkbox "Plan"

  • A task where I need further external action gets the checkbox "Wait"

As there's no possibility to manage recurring tasks automatically, I simply don't check off such a task but set its new "do" date considering the defined recurring pattern.

This database works very well for me and perhaps you can pick some of its ideas for your own system.

Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions!

Updated August 29, 2020 at 3:22 PM
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