Project Management - in Corporate environment


Take everything that PMP is telling you to do…

Meet the needs of a small team who wishes to spend as little time as possible on a collaboration tool

Build on experience where the team fails / makes mistakes and build on rules & airtable solutions to not repeat the error again

You end up with this workspace : a UNIQUE center of collaboration that will allow your team to share updates and track tasks, risks, deliverables.

Ultimately, this is a streamlined way to make sure your clients & sponsor will be satisfied by the Key Results they signed for.

The tool is here… now, it's all about your collaboration skills & motivated work !

Pro Plan needed ! this workspace uses Pro features

You will find detailed explanation of the workspace in the base description

Updated August 4, 2021 at 8:06 AM
Copied 224 times

Guillaume Pelinski

15 years experience on managing projects, portfolios & assuring project management standards on programmes. I love neat and simple tools that support collaboration rather than stiffen work
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#Workshop Planning
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