A step-by-step tool for developing a logic model (or theory of change) for your organisation or project. It also provides a way to plan how you might begin to measure things within your logic model.
This Planner is intended to help you think about a logic model (or basic theory of change) for your project or organisation. You can use it as a template for each project you do. Just click the 'Copy base' link somewhere up near the top of the screen.
From there, it will also help you to think about simple ways you could measure or evaluate your project/organisation against the logic model.
It's not meant to over-simplify what you do, it's just a structure within which to think about what you do, for whom and what happens as a consequence of that.
The data contained in this template is made up to illustrate how it could work. If you copy the base, you will be able to delete and edit things for your own purposes.