I am not a professional habit tracker, but I am using this Airtable template which I created to track my habits in order to help me form new ones. In case this works for you too, feel free to explore using this (very pink) template as a starting spreadsheet for tracking your habits.
In the Daily Tab there is a column that calculates a "Daily Score":
I want to emphasize how I am not trying to reinforce a "glass starts empty" approach. In fact, simply by making an entry, waking up and getting out of bed can count as a score if you want to alter the formula. Give yourself 100 points to start the day, every day! The goal of this score is only meant to motivate yourself and positively reinforce committing to your new (or old) habits as often as possible! Feel free to remove this column.
*In the Meals tab I'm only recording a few hundred calories a day. Please do not be alarmed. This is sample data only! Please eat well!
Official Blurb:
Daily Stats is a template for tracking daily habits, which can be customized and personalized to your own daily goals. The various tabs allow for goal lists to be connected to daily activities in order to track which days were spent focusing on important aspects of your life, such as content consumed (books, movies, skills learned), content created (blog articles, writing, art, music), relationships with important people in your life or people you'd aspire to meet in this lifetime, and to do lists/big projects.