Webinar/Event/Appt. Tracker


This base was created in response to users of the genealogy events calendar, www.ConferenceKeeper.org, who wanted a way to organize upcoming webinar registrations. This template lets you save and review your upcoming appointments, reservations, webinars, and other events. URLs, phone numbers, and Zoom meeting information can easily be pasted right into the description for easy access. I like to view my schedule in Airtable, since switching between the grid view and calendar view is so easy, and I can sort events by label too.


Sometimes you find an event that you want to attend, but the hosts haven't provided registration information yet! You can go ahead and add the "Save the Date" information and have an automation email you to remind you to check back for missing information. Automations are set up (and hopefully transfer with the base) to email yourself one week before an event marked "Follow Up" to remind you to get the additional information you might need. Another automation is set up to email one day prior to something labeled "Deadline." You can personalize these automations, delete them, or add your own.


You can also set up an automation that automatically populates your base when a new event is added to your Google calendar. You can set up an automation to populate your Google calendar from your Airtable base entry too.

Updated November 13, 2022 at 12:59 AM
Copied 10 times

Tami Mize

Genealogist, technology nerd, information sharer, grammar enthusiast, and ever so much more.
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